كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

45 Days Road to Fitness - Zumba

It’s the 3rd day of SUC’s 45 Days Road to Fitness: The Biggest Loser edition. The faculty and staff worked up a sweat to the rhythms and beats of Zumba music. With the energetic Zumba instructors from ValO’8, Skyline employees had fun and burned a ton of calories! To encourage the employees to do their best, the Human Resource Department awarded the most energetic dancer, Mr. Nikhilesh Kumar of the Admin Department, and gave free gym, aerobics, and yoga vouchers to those who participated courtesy of ValO’8.

Photos: https://www.skylineuniversity.ac.ae/gallery/sports-updates?45-days-road-to-fitness-zumba