كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية
  Diplomat Cricket Cup 2017
 Diplomat Cricket Cup 2017

 Diplomat Cricket Cup 2017


The 2-day Diplomat Cricket Championship Cup last January 20-21, 2017 successfully ended with its first ever champion, the Consulate General of Bangladesh! Congratulations, Bangladesh!

SUC COEC, Mr. Nitin Anand graced the awarding ceremony to present awards to the winner and runner-up. Also present in the tournament are SUC Dean Dr. Amitabh Upadhya, SUC Professor and Head of Quality Assurance Dr. Sudhakar Kota, SUC Deputy Director for Marketing and Admissions Mr. Rakesh Gaur, and SUC Sports Department Head Mr. Sanjay Benjamin.

The Consulate General of India, the official and permanent patron of the tournament, and Skyline University College extends its heartfelt gratitude to the CGs of USA, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Pakistan, and Afghanistan for their willing participation in this annual event.

See you all again next year for the 2nd Diplomat Cricket Championship Cup!