كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية
orbes Middle East Top Indian Leaders
orbes Middle East Top Indian Leaders

orbes Middle East Top Indian Leaders


Skyline University College Executive Director and Chairman of the Executive Council, Mr. Nitin Anand has been revealed as the cover of Forbes Middle East May issue and was awarded The Next Generation Award last night May 10, 2017, at the 5th Forbes Middle East Top Indian Leaders in the Arab World 2017 event.

Forbes Middle East recognized Mr. Nitin Anand for his undoubted efforts of bringing forward his visions of growing the business to where it is positioned today. Executive director Mr. Nitin continues to uphold the legacy of the Founder and President Mr. Kamal Puri and dedicates his time overseeing and expanding the university’s reach not just locally but internationally.

Congratulations, Mr. Nitin!