كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

Skyline University College welcomed the new batch of CTH and ACCA

Skyline University College welcomed the new batch of CTH and ACCA students yesterday. Dr. Ajith Kumar and Dr. Mohit Vij conducted the orientations for the ACCA and CTH – Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management students. They were also shown around the campus so they’ll know the various facilities and amenities that they can enjoy at Skyline.


To our new students, go confidently in the direction of your dreams!


Photos: https://www.skylineuniversity.ac.ae/gallery/ccl-activities?5035


ACCA students of Skyline University College

Please contact our office in UAE, or visit our university college which is only 30 minutes away from Dubai for more information about ACCA courses and certification:
University City of Sharjah, UAE.