كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

SUC Conducts Outreach Program in POLO-Dubai

The Filipino employees of Skyline University College organized a community outreach program in POLO (Philippine Overseas Labor Office) in Dubai last February 14, 2020. The objective of the program was to help the victims of the distressed women and victims of human trafficking sheltered in POLO.

The SUC staff prepared food and organized games to bring happiness to the victims and take their mind off their problems. This 4th Outreach Program in POLO, Dubai, was made possible through the support of SUC executives, faculty members, and the Community Services Committee headed by Dr. Osama Ali Thawabeh. Labor Attaché Atty. Felicitas Bay extended its appreciation to the support provided by Skyline University College to the community.

 The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Photos: https://www.skylineuniversity.ac.ae/gallery/community-services?suc-conducts-outreach-program-in-polo-dubai