كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية
Labor Day 2017
Labor Day 2017

Labor Day 2017

Skyline University College (SUC) and University City of Sharjah management organized a cricket match for more than 150 laborers to celebrate Labor Day at SUC cricket ground on May 1, 2017. This year, more than 150 laborers took the day off and enjoyed a day playing cricket while some happily cheered on their coworkers. SUC and University City prepared special prizes for the cricket match winners, packed lunch for everyone, and gave away special gifts sponsored by Cool & Cool. SUC Services Committee has been organizing various CSR activities to give back to the society as part of the university's mission and vision. In this celebration, the University City of Sharjah and SUC joined forces to make this day fruitful and fun for all laborers.