كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

Skyline Students Industry Visit to Dusit Thani Hotel

Exposing students to various sectors early on is one of the ways Skyline University College prepares students for the professional world. In line with this, the Organizational Behavior Class of Dr. Sharon Dreisbach went for an educational visit to Dusit Thani Hotel in Dubai recently. The students learned about the business concept of the hospitality industry, specifically about the hotels in a lecture conducted by Ms. Swati Anand, Learning and Development Manager of the hotel. HR Director, Ms. Vagelyn Tumbaga Federico also gave a talk on the importance of self-motivation in becoming a great leader and she shared practical tips for thriving in a culturally diverse environment.

Photos: https://www.skylineuniversity.ac.ae/gallery/mou-s-and-articulations?organizational-behavior-educational-visit-to-dusit-thani