كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية
Ramadan Trainers
Ramadan Trainers

Ramadan Trainers

Skyline University College Services Committee has initiated a Ramadan Community Service entitled “Ramadan Trainers’ Training” to Kabayan Non-Profit Organization (KNPO)—a group professional volunteers who teach their expertise to the Filipino Community—by providing them with free trainings on Organizational Values, Excel Class, and Mental Health Workshop among others. SUC Research Committee Chair and Associate Professor Dr. Nadir Ali Kolachi conducted the first training session on Organization Values last May 26, 2017 at SUC campus. The participants found the contents of the workshop helpful that mainly targeted on practical activities based on time management, stress management, being successful professionals and practices of social acceptance. The Ramadan Trainers’ Training coordinator is SUC Assistant Professor Dr. Sharon Mendoza-Dreisbach with SUC Services Committee coordinator Associate Professor Dr. Mahesh Agnihotri. The workshops are conducted as part of the CSR activities of SUC.