كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

SUC Conducts "To Change the Gear Workshop"

In line with its goal of preparing students to be ready for the technology-driven future, Skyline University College has organized “To Change the Gear” workshop. This workshop is part of SUC’s CSR initiatives to equip the young generation with knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the world which is becoming more interconnected. 

On July 29, Dr.Ramakrishna and Dr. Sakthivel gave sessions on Emerging Trends in Operations & Marketing and  Dr. Deepak Kalra gave the second session on Block Chain Technologies and Internet of Things. The Event concluded with the certificate distribution to the participants. 

Photos: https://www.skylineuniversity.ac.ae/gallery/events-chronicle?suc-conducts-to-change-the-gear-workshop