كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

SUC organized a recruitment drive with Hilton Group

Skyline University College Corporate Affairs headed by Mr. Pawan Bhatia organized a recruitment drive with Hilton Group on January 21, 2018 at SUC campus. Hilton RAK Resort & Spa Executive for Internship Recruitment, Ms. Esther Cepeda has presented the current internship vacancies at Hilton Group that fall under two categories: Leadership Internship (12 months) and Operational Internship (6 months).

Subsequently, Ms. Esther has also introduced Hilton Group’s Graduate Programs to the students, Finesse or Graduate Finance Program and Elevator or Graduate Fast Track. These programs are offered to graduates who will undergo trainings in order to become future Finance Directors and General Managers (GM) respectively.

For more information on internship and placement programs, email: corporate.affairs@skylineuniversity.ac.ae or call: 06-5441155