كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

Knowledge Update

Let us maintain a balance between the lecture method and the active learning method

Let us maintain a balance between the lecture method and the active learning method

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Teaching and learning methods have always been under scrutiny and change due to various reasons. Educationists, scientists, and psychologists are continuously busy finding methods that suit all stakeholders.

In the era when technological advancement is in its fastest mode, it is constantly affecting the attitude, behavior, and requirements of students, both continuously and seriously. Now very few people are ready to listen to long lectures or watch documentaries; the trend is to read knowledge in quotation form and watch videos, reels, and shorts only, whereas cricket matches are watched and played for the whole day, and people happily and joyfully get involved and enjoy it. To create this kind of involvement and enjoyment, teaching methods must shift from lecture methods to something where the student's involvement and engagement are ensured. One such method that ensures these things is known as the Active learning method. Let us explore in this article to what extent we should follow active learning and to what extent the lecture method of teaching is.


In the twenty-first century, active learning is usually regarded as the best approach to teaching and learning. It encourages kids to learn by doing, exploring, and interacting with others. When students actively participate in the learning process, they are engaging in active learning.


Active learning is student-centered, encourages students to share what they know and what they are interested in learning more, and focuses more on listening to students than on having them merely listen. Professors ought to take the initiative to allow students full access to communication and participation in the classroom.


Since learning is not just about the content but also about the process when using an active learning approach. Students' independence and capacity for learning are developed through active learning. Students who participate in active learning have more ownership and influence over their education.


In a traditional lecture, the Teacher/professor stands in front of the class and instructs the pupils according to his or her methods. Lessons are mostly focused on the teacher. Some pupils have distinct ways of processing knowledge, whether they comprehend quickly or require a more thorough explanation. A similar practice is followed in the classroom when the teacher assumes all authority and the students remain seated during the lesson, whether they comprehend it or not. Students frequently lose attention during lectures and drift off or daydream because there isn't anything to do but sit there and listen.


On the other hand, active learning is more student-centered than standard lectures. Professors can provide opportunities for equal discussion among their students. Instead of being forced to only hear what the lecturer has to say, students are encouraged to collaborate and interact with one another.


In general, both traditional lectures and active learning are valuable techniques that support students' learning in various ways. Students will be able to speak up and share ideas and thoughts if professors start using more active learning techniques. On the topic at hand, professors and students converse equally. But a line must be drawn when and where to use either of the two methods.

