كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية

Knowledge Update

Why Technology in Education

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Education has always been one of the main focus of governments and people in all countries in the past and in the present. Through education, all closed doors open and all obstacles in life can be overcome. Education lets people develop emotionally, intellectually and socially. Education is the scale that measures nations in all fields such as lifestyle, development, richness, poorness, and even happiness. That is why countries have been doing research to find better ways to enhance students in schools and to support teachers. When technology has become an integral part of various fields and industries, governments made an effort to integrate technology in education.

The idea of integrating technology in education has been a growing demand for both teachers and authorities in higher education. In the past, the major focus in classrooms was a teacher-centered approach in which teachers taught in a traditional way: using chalks, hardcopy books and notes, and lectures. Classes were dull for many students as the actual involvement and interactions of students out of classroom was lacking. The communication between teachers and students was limited.

Presently, integrating technology in education has become a need for every academic institution. It has become a vital part of the teaching-learning process. Having a computer and internet in the classrooms make it easier for teachers to give exercises and show students extra material such as pictures or videos in an easy, effective way. Moreover, teachers have access to unlimited teaching resources from the internet they can use in their work. Also, now it is much easier and faster for both teachers and students to communicate, discuss, release or submit assignments or even enter marks online. Teachers and students can also keep themselves updated about the latest trends. Assigning assignments, doing homework, performing exams are easier now than before.

Another important factor in using technology in education is virtual reality technology. This technology allows students to immerse in other cultures or environments without leaving the safety of the classroom. They can see experiments, new cultures and learn new languages in just a few clicks.

Countries that make use of the power of technology have gained better results in all fields and raised more intelligent generations with better practical skills than those with traditional learning approach. In ten years’ time, the traditional method of teaching might become obsolete. The countries must, therefore, set mandatory rules, ease the regulations, and allocate budget for institutions to encourage the use technology in education.