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Knowledge Update

Education System in the Future: The Use of Hologram Technology

Education System in the Future: The Use of Hologram Technology

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As we all know, the education system has gone through many changes during the centuries. At first, education depended all the time on the teacher, and students had to listen carefully, write notes and then take exams on what they understood and memorized.

That was the traditional teaching method for a very long time. In the past few decades, education has changed in a way that students should participate using their knowledge, start searching and applying what they learn practically. With the existence of technology such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, and programs like Microsoft Office, the internet, Zoom and Teams, education has become easier and more effective in all fields. Teachers and students can now use technology for educating and learning much faster, and searching for information has never been easier than now. With the use of technology, a new learning method has risen—that is online learning. Teachers and students do not have to be physically present inside classrooms anymore to conduct classes or conversations. Instead, using programs such as Zoom and Teams will help to do remote or distant classrooms. With all this technology and the easiness of conducting classes, researchers are still trying to explore new methods that help improve the education system and, at the same time, using new technology inside classrooms.


One of the most promising aids that, I believe, will be part of education in the coming few years is 3D Hologram technology. It has been developed from virtual reality devices used in games, which were created by Apple and Samsung Companies. The idea behind this is that with holograms, 3D objects are recorded with a laser and then restored using a laser to match the original recording almost exactly. When it is lit with a laser, holograms can duplicate 3D features and clone the same object as the original. The motion of two light waves is coordinated in space to produce an accurate view of the hologram at a certain point, the reference wave and the object wave, which are both formed by separating the laser beams. This technology is already in use in some countries. In 2017, Verizon (USA) and Korea Telecom have had it in telecommunication. In 2013, St George's University of London introduced education, they explained the organs of the human body. In music, Michael Jackson Performed at The Billboard Music Awards in 2014 using Hologram technology (Respeecher Magazine, 2021). Using this technology allows teachers and students to be part of the future alike. Classrooms will not have human teachers, as holographic virtual entities will deliver lessons. This is a mixed reality, where the physical and virtual identities merge to create a digital experience.


This technology has many advantages. Compared with other methods, it provides much higher storage capacity and comes with enhanced feasibility of objects, including depth. It can produce multiple images at the same time. It is easy to combine the technology with other technologies and does not require special glasses. It can operate from any angle and does not require a projection screen. The technology is difficult to replicate or modify.


However, like any technology, it still has some drawbacks. In comparison to 2D projection, it has higher production costs. Holographic projection in the design of products is more expensive. Creating images using 3D holograms is time-consuming. Holographic data storage has noise and sensitivity issues (RF Wireless World Magazine, 2012). Moreover, classrooms need to be equipped with the right equipment. Developed countries are already using this technology in classrooms, but it seems it needs much more time to be applied in poor countries. Training teachers and students to use it is another story. Finally, installing the right material into the devices needs more research.


We know that we still need time and effort to have such technology spread in education. However, why not dream! I am sure one day this technology will be part of the world’s education system in the same way we have laptops and the internet. Patience is what the world of education needs now.


Respeecher Magazine. (2021). Holograms in Real Life: How the Technology Works and Industry Use Cases. https://www.respeecher.com/blog/holograms-real-life-technology-works-industry-use-cases Feb 3, 2021 5:51:15 AM

RF Wireless World Magazine. (2012). Advantages of 3D Hologram | disadvantages of 3D Hologram. RF Wireless World, RF & Wireless Vendors and Resources. https://www.rfwireless-world.com/Terminology/Advantages-and-Disadvantages-of-3D-Hologram.html 18th Dec. 2021