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كلية الأفق الجامعية

Knowledge Update

Digital marketing: A powerful approach to grow and compete

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Management of every organization serving any sector and operating in any industry must prioritize marketing and related activities. Understanding and improving customer experiences are important. Digitization and technology enhancement has become a need of hour. Survival is in digitization.  But to what extent? That’s the question to answer and answer lies on the quantum and scalability of operations of the company.

Marketers have to realize the increasing changing patterns and lifestyle of post millennials. Their likes are different and so are their life styles. Marketing is not only a company centric activity but a customer centric activity as well. Turning to the digital content and creating a mutual value for all stake holders through digital marketing has harvested great results. We have witnessed the marvelous growth and brand emergence of companies like Amazon, Linked-In and e-Bay through digital marketing concepts and ideas. The fact being that digital marketing approach ensures that information is available to all the stakeholders. Digital Marketing gives power to marketers to engage with customers completely 24/7 which is of course an excellent opportunity. This is what big brands are following and that is the power they have gained by digital marketing. For customers availability of 24/7 is what they want and companies are counting on each bit of content that is produced by consumers on social media, blogs and various other feed forward and feedback mechanisms.

Content has been most crucial element of digital marketing. The power of digitization is immense and is unchallenged in its position. Content may be in form of blogs, videos and written format as well. Facebook live and Bumps video content has been a latest addition in content market strategies. Companies are offering high level of interactivity to their clients through digital marketing. Social media and blogging has offered highest levels of interactivity to the customers. Clients are more empowered and confident when it comes to expressions. Digital channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and blogs have proved to be brand revamping. Hashtags, likes, shares are representing the companies in digital world. Digital marketing provides a growth and development opportunities for companies to enhance the scalability and effectiveness of operations. Digital marketing has enabled companies to improve their business profiles thus enhancing the brand power and reputation, because the content is well read by customers and on the basis of power of content purchase decisions are taken. Facebook has a major role to play in SEO and page rankings. Customers take the content on Facebook very seriously and keep following the brands they like, keep up with the information and latest happening and offerings with their favourite brands. So companies must focus on the online content more often, keep it updated and transparent to catch on customer’s positivity and brand love.

Bottom-line: Digital marketing has immense scope to reach and every segment of target consumer but how successfully companies tap the potential, that need to be looked upon. So it’s not only how we did but also how strongly and seriously we succeeded to create a useful content.