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كلية الأفق الجامعية

Knowledge Update

Introduction & Purpose
Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

How Internet Has Facilitated Education

Since the revolution of the internet, everything in the world has changed and moved forward. The internet is now used widely in all fields such as buying products, applying for colleges and reading books. Like any other facility, the use of the internet in education has positive effects, but the facility itself is not always available. One of the major uses of the internet that has positively helped is in the education field.

Developing education has always been the focus of governments, researchers and even booksellers. With the internet spreading worldwide, the need for using it in education was inevitable. Funded by governments, universities and researchers were able to upload a huge amount of material online, starting from small articles, to journals, books, and even videos. This has made it possible to make education more fun and made it much easier for teachers to upload material and for students to have access to what they need in their studies. For example, in some schools, there is no need for students to physically attend classes; they can simply watch relevant videos done by teachers online and then act accordingly. They can also send their work via email to their teachers, have their papers checked and receive their marks. To do research assignments, there is no need to go to traditional libraries or bookstores to search for books or certain articles; a few clicks on Google or Yahoo from a smartphone or a laptop is enough to show thousands of books and articles. On top of that, students can do self-study online. Students can contact their teachers 24 hours a day by simply sending an email. Inside the classrooms, teachers can use many good educational websites and programs for teaching and practice purposes, such as Youtube, Khahoot Program, K5P Program, Quizizz Program, Articulate 360 and Learning Management Systems (LMS), among others. None of these programs would exist without having the internet. Most rich countries, such as the United States, Britain, Finland, Japan, Malaysia or Holland, are up-to-date in terms of developing and using online programs to help their students for better and effective education that will positively reflect on future generations and may create leaders and scientists for their countries' benefits.

However, it is not always possible to use the internet in education. That is to say, some countries do not have enough financial resources to provide internet services to all educational facilities such as schools and universities. Some of these countries include Mexico, Iraq or Syria. Other countries have limited access to the internet for security reasons such as Vietnam or North Korea. A lot of students may not be able to have phones to use mobile apps or computers to use other programs in learning especially in poor countries. Any advancement needs time; the availability of trainers, a place and time to train educators in how to use online resources is not always possible. Regardless of the reason why there is no internet in a certain place or with limited access, it is still a fact that in some countries, teachers and students cannot have online classes and they might not even know such programs exist.

To sum up, although some countries are without the internet, and they still use traditional learning and research, no one denies that the internet has completely changed the concept of education. It has made it much easier and more fun than before. We do not know what new tools will be invented in the future to facilitate education and make it more effective, but the internet is definitely going to be on top of these tools for a long time.


Given the accessibility of the internet to the masses, almost all business sectors are exploring ways to attract new customer segments. While many businesses are being largely affected by the emerging technologies, perhaps,

The Outlook for Online-Shopping Trend



The Future of online shopping behavior is quite complex to comprehend because the trend has a stage of maturity. There are excellent and sensational experiences like Omni-Channel marketing services, evident statistics of increasing E-commerce, swift delivery of goods through drone, product description video over traditional labeling, engaging content, augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D configuration, among others. Research reveals that through the smartphone’s personalized approach, consumer spending increased dramatically. Behind online shopping, the scope for behavioral aspects among the customers may change over time. Shopping doesn’t fulfill the purchase of goods and services, it’s an experience, an entertainment, a stress buster, refresher, a trigger for change, a meeting point, togetherness, new places, memories, a form of socialization, etc.


The possible continuity of online purchase behavior that is appropriate and fruitful for carrying out certain services which account for less time-consuming, comfortable, agile functions and very significant factor like i.e. physical presence, doesn’t make much difference. On the other hand, if you happen to revisit history, even in the developed world, after the initial surge in online shopping, it was noticed that there was a negative trend in the market followed again by the uptrend. This volatility is common due to economical and consumer behavioral changes on a regular interval. Overall, robust technological experience and comfort, the millennials are relishing their experiences to the fullest and the overall trend is very positive, but the query remains, is it sustainable? Cybersecurity, privacy, technological addiction, lack of touch and feel, frauds, legitimacy of a website, delay delivery, lack of scope for negotiation on price, blind purchase, and mistakes, etc. are certain grey areas that need to be addressed by the domain-specific expertise based on the changing dynamics of business trend.


The economic development of a nation varies in countries based on many internal and external resources. Except for the few features, most of the online offering by the marketer become globally standardized, hence, the challenges are inevitable. The total infrastructure (IoT, ICT, digital platform, etc.) in many countries is still in the differential stage of development. Hence, the execution strategies need to be well balanced with brick and mortar strategy. Still, there is a wide gap between these two modes of business i.e. offline and on-line. The firm should follow the footstep by the incremental deployment of online strategies, after the comprehensive understanding of the marketplace and ensuring the technological capability of the firm for regular updating on demanding application software and hardware to meet the customer demand and also to seamless engaging content with the consumer.


The focus of the firm does not only remain in the online channels, but the quality of the goods and services are also important for any business. The payment gateways need to be embedded with smartphones with high-level encrypted software to have a smooth and safe purchase. Though the online platform has a lot of potentials to grow further, it can destroy the company if products and services are inferior. The way the company will address customer complaints in online sales will make a difference. 

Technology Based Marketing in Transforming the Era of Sustainability

Companies spend billions in marketing initiatives today to attract foot traffic, acquire new consumers, retain existing ones, and regain lost customers. However, few companies take the route of technology to achieve them. The rest of the companies resort to the conventional mode of marketing strategies that involve the consumption of resources (materials and manpower) to achieve the set target. At present, the world is moving towards achieving sustainability in all aspects of our life involving several initiatives for the conservation of natural resources. It is high time for the companies to resort to holistic technology-based marketing initiatives that include focusing on human connection in achieving the set goals. It is important to draw a fine balance between using technology and human connection in marketing to achieve maximum performance output i.e. achieving company goals with the least resource consumption and cost. Therefore, companies need to work on identifying an appropriate set of marketing initiatives which includes technology and human connection to achieve the mentioned goal. Looking at the existing practices of several companies, they largely use marketing strategies targeting a big group of consumers with generic and mundane promotional offers and price benefits.


To promote such initiatives, they often spend millions to reach target consumers. While assessing the performance output of using such initiatives, the outcome is not encouraging because most of the time, it fails to generate expected results due to its generic nature and focus on all sorts of target consumers. So, how such a predicament could be resolved and generate the much needed revenues for the companies? It is high time for companies to embrace technology and human connection to design their strategies personally targeting individual consumers. It would feel like sci-fi had it been discussed 30 years earlier, but with the advent of cutting edge technologies, targeting individual consumers is highly possible and achievable. The companies need to approach this aspect by integrating technology into human elements. Most of the companies take the technology route to reach target consumers forgetting the fact that their offers should be able to satisfy the expectations of consumers for the price they pay for.


It is imperative to focus on the basics of designing appropriate products/services that would satisfy and provide value to target consumers. Such aspects would encourage target consumers to share such experiences with their community, generating positive word of mouth and establishing a human connection. So producing and delivery value to consumers is a vital aspect to satisfy them, turning them into brand ambassadors, encouraging them to connect with their community and share experience, and establishing trusted human communication within the community. Once the connection is established, the companies need to bring in technology to augment and reach individual customers as a part of their retention strategy. Such technology includes big data, analytics, artificial intelligence, real-time connectivity, robust network, etc. Making customers declare their profile and important dates in their life is a major task for the companies. Such data would be extremely valuable to profile individual customers based on their requirements to establish and activate purchase triggers.


The purchase triggers would act as a stimulus to design and offer personalized offerings to individual customers based on their profile and self-declared important dates and the same to be communicated through different sources using cloud and telecommunication. Such triggers would induce customers to react positively to the offers and generate value for both customers and companies. Such an exercise would create a win-win situation for both consumers and companies. The outcome of the exercise would motivate customers to share their experience with their network, creating a continuous chain of human connection, and a cycle of events leading to revenues, profits and growth. Such aspects would reduce the usage of offline sources, thus, preserving the resources ensuring sustainability. Smart companies need to strike a balance between using technology and human connection to achieve their goals, growth, and prosperity in the transforming era of sustainability. Leading universities in Dubai offering BBA, MBA, and BSIT programs offer courses dealing with technology-based marketing, cutting edge technologies, and sustainability. 


Dubai Expo 2020: An Ocean of Business Opportunities Shouting from Rooftop… Come Take a Dip!

The general assembly of Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) at Paris awarded Dubai the hosting of world expo which is now popularly known to UAE residents as Dubai Expo 2020.

Diversity and Inclusion in the New Millennium

In the new millennium, organizations across the globe are aiming for more diversity in the workplace to ensure that varying perspectives contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. Managing a diverse workforce is not an easy task and requires a plethora of skills to ensure the smooth functioning of the organization. Organizations should engage in deep-level diversity where people from different backgrounds share opinions, discuss issues and create ‘out of the box’ solutions, rather than surface-level diversity that focusses on gender, color, race and so on. Diversity initiatives of any organization will be successful only when top management fully supports the implementation of these initiatives. Leadership plays a highly important role in this regard as modern-style leadership is not only the ability to influence people but also the ability to visualize how various emerging technologies can be used to solve organizational problems and enhance customer experience, all while keeping the cost implications in mind.

To be a successful employee currently means being adaptable and possessing good emotional intelligence skills. These traits enable employees to understand various perspectives put across by people from diverse backgrounds. For sure, organizations with a diverse team will have higher productivity, flexibility and the ability to face challenges and implement changes as per industry requirements. At the same time, if diversity is not managed well it leads to misunderstandings and conflicts which may not only hamper the day to day operations but could also result in a decrease in productivity and possibly the collapse of the entire organization.

Having a proper culture in place and focusing on inclusion is the key to success. Diversity and inclusion are crucial concepts for all organizations and the achievement of such is a continuous process in which the focus should be on attracting talent from diverse backgrounds. The Human Resource Department should ensure that employees are actively engaged and that suitable flexible work arrangements are in place to meet the requirements of millennials. The Human Resource departments of all organizations that focus on diversity and inclusion, should develop a plan that ensures that all functions, from attracting and developing to maintaining the talent, focus on developing belongingness among all the internal stakeholders to reap the benefits of diversity.

Organizations and their teams should have a positive attitude towards diversity and encourage their employees to immerse themselves in the organization’s culture of diversity and inclusion. Students studying in colleges should be trained on the importance of not only creating but also managing a diverse team. Furthermore, colleges should investigate how to provide opportunities for students to work on projects with diverse group members. This will enable the students to understand the importance of respecting and accepting differences for the betterment of the organization. Diversity and inclusion are not abstract notions but must be experienced. More opportunities for this experience should be provided by giving students showcase situations such as role-plays, group discussions, panel discussions and more. People who excel in effectively managing diverse teams that focus on inclusion will be successful managers in this era of disruptions.

Strategy Analytics: A Contemporary Issue on Strategy

In the past, Strategic Business environmental changes triggered organizations to delve into the sphere of what was known as knowledge management. Today digitization of business has changed the strategic analysis content, context, and process. Previously, data science and analysis were not areas many organizations would think twice about.  A decade ago, many organizations would just be content with traditional strategic decision making only. Today, that has changed. As strategy making becomes progressively contingent on analytics, connecting data science, analytics and decision making become indispensable. Due to the colossal amount of data being spewed daily by this change, organizations operating in this era of information explosion have no other alternative, other than to adapt to strategy analytics. So what is Strategy analytics? How do analytics fit into strategic management? Who are the practitioners in an organization? At what level of operations do organizations need to adapt to the use of strategy analytics? Is it a necessary evil for organizations, whether struggling or raring to advance to the next frontier? What is the eventual outcome of the use of strategy analytics? Which organizations have already embraced this? Have they been successful?

Metaphorically speaking, Strategy Analytics is the contemporary Trojan horse for organizations. Handling and dealing with big data for strategic reasons is the “in” thing today for many businesses. Strategy Analytics for business is the study of statistical and operational data culminating into the crafting of sustainable strategic alternatives and predictive models, implementation of optimization techniques and organizational capability, dissemination of information for decision making for the right and appropriate stakeholder of the organization, be it customers, business partners, or the greater organizational value system. In a dynamic business environment, strategy analytics aids an organization formulate defensible and distinctive strategies to excel in a complex technologically driven market.

In order to overcome the curse of paralysis by analysis, several organizations have realized the need for big data, even though in varying levels. It is no longer a hidden truth, organizations today need to develop data analytical capabilities. Though the outcomes of strategy analytics maybe bought, internal analytics capability is essential. This comprehension by internal users of strategy data analytics is necessary as the organization seeks to optimize its operative decision making.

Each day makes the world smarter, every day gives fresh challenges to the C-suite and operational executives, this smartness, strategic and operational challenges seem to converge at the need for data, big data. Data has become the core to an organization’s sustainable competitive advantage. Data translation gives an organization the capability to interact with a dynamically competitive environment in the right manner. For an organization to optimize its operations, to satisfy stakeholders, and to out maneuver rivals, it will highly be depended on how well it leverages the use of data, employ data analytics and implement new technologies.

Developing and Calibrating Digital Business Model

 Digital business is thriving nowadays with companies like Amazon and Alibaba leading the digital business wave. Amazon made USD 232 billion in sales in 2018, a big jump from USD 107 billion in sales in 2015 which accounted for more than 100% CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) from 2015.

Community Services Beyond Borders

Skyline University College’s Mapathon

Due to the significance of maps in responding to disasters and the delivery of healthcare, Skyline University College`s Services Committee organized a Mapathon in collaboration with MSF (Doctors without Borders) in Dubai and Missing Maps Team in Spring 2019. Mapathon is a humanitarian project aimed at putting the world`s most vulnerable people/places on the map.      

The Mapathon was intended to contribute to the fulfillment of Skyline University College`s vision to be a globally renowned university that nurtures the spirit of innovation and creativity. With the assistance of MSF, the Mapathon was an opportunity for students and other volunteers to digitally navigate and map of more than 550 building in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The data that students and other volunteers generated will be used by local and international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to better respond to the crises affecting the world`s most vulnerable places.

Specifically, Skyline University College`s Mapathon was an outlet for BSIT and Business School`s students and other volunteers to use IT tools available at the campus to expand SUC`s community services internationally, and more importantly, take part in one of the most recurrent and timely humanitarian projects.

Students and other volunteers were given a training session on the concept of Mapathon by Jan Böhm, Missing Maps Communications and Community Engagement Manager, MSF Geneva. Mr. Jan was supported by Rasha Ahmed, Digital Communications Manager and Estelle Januel, Communication Assistant, MSF, Dubai.

Why is Mathematical Modelling so Important?

Mathematical modelling is the conversion of problems from an application zone into manageable mathematical formulations with a hypothetical and arithmetical analysis that provides perception, answers, and guidance useful for the creating application. Mathematical modelling is valuable in various applications; it gives precision and strategy for problem solution and enables a systematic understanding of the system modelled. It also allows better design, control of a system, and the efficient use of modern computing capabilities.

Knowing the ins and outs of mathematical modelling is a crucial step from theoretical mathematical training to application-oriented mathematical expertise; it also helps the students master the challenges of our modern technological culture.

Looking at the core application of Mathematical Modelling:

I can list some of the modelling applications I understand, at least in some details, with areas involving numerous mathematical experiments. Various areas have interesting mathematical problems and these include Artificial intelligence, Computer science, Economics, Finance, and the Internet. Mathematical modelling is applicable in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, speech recognition, optical character recognition, reasoning under computer vision, and image interpretation, among others. Aside from computer sciences and economics, it’s important in image processing, realistic computer graphics (ray tracing), and labour data analysis.

Key areas of mathematics useful in Mathematical Modelling:

To formulate the basic algorithms for your mathematical formulation, the following are the key mathematical categories: Numerical linear algebra (linear systems of equations, Eigenvalue problems, linear programming, linear optimization, techniques for large, sparse problems), numerical analysis (function evaluation, automatic and numerical differentiation, Interpolation, Approximation Padé, least squares, radial basis functions, special functions, Integration univariate, multivariate, Fourier transform nonlinear systems of equations, optimization and nonlinear programming), numerical data analysis (Visualization 2D and 3D computational geometry), parameter estimation least squares, maximum likelihood, filtering, time correlations, spectral analysis prediction, Classification Time series analysis, signal processing) Categorical Time series, hidden Markov models, random numbers and Monte Carlo methods), and numerical functional analysis (ordinary differential equations, initial value problems, boundary value problems, eigenvalue problems, stability techniques for large problems, partial differential equations finite differences, finite elements, boundary elements, mesh generation, adaptive meshes Stochastic differential equations Integral equations and regularization) and non-numerical algorithms (symbolic methods, computer algebra, sorting, and Compression Cryptography).