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BBA Concentration in Marketing and Retail Management


The UAE is significantly moving away from oil dependent economic activities in the recent past and it is making its presence felt extensively in the fields of retail trading, investment and retail banking, logistics and supply chain management and marketing of various other services and products. It is among the countries witnessing fastest growth of retailing in terms of new stores opening and job creation. All these sectors require qualified and trained manpower in the relevant fields of Marketing and Retail Management 
BBA with concentration in Marketing and Retail management is intended to prepare students to comprehend basic marketing and retail management concepts and operations. As this program progress, it aims at making students understand various facets of marketing and retail management in the ever-changing business environment. BBA with concentration in marketing and retail management infuses pragmatism into the theory and empowers students to apply the concepts in work context. It also prepares students to pursue higher academic pursuits in the field of marketing and retail management



Digital/Social Media

Marketing & Sales

Typical Job Titles

Marketing & Sales Executive

Distribution/ Logistics / Supply chain Executiv

Product Executive

Brand Executive

Media Planning /Buying / Selling Executive

Account Executive @ Marketing Communications Firm

Market Research Executive

Customer Relationship Executive

Digital/Social Media/Marketing Executive

Customer Relationship Executive


Code Course Credits Prerequisite
General Education Courses
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Financial Support

In AY 2023-2024, more than 60% of the students received financial support towards their tuition fees.

Financial Support Options:

Meritorious Scholarship

MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) Scholarship

Sports Scholarship

Youth Empowerment Scholarship




Prof. Naseem Abidi

Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Operations, Dean SOB

Prof. Nizar M.F. Sahawneh

Professor, Program Chair - MBA - SOB

Dr. Ramakrishna Yanamandra

Associate Professor, Program Chair - BBA - SOB

Prof. Mohammad Inairat

Professor, Vice Chancellor

Dr. Deepak Kalra

Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Strategy and Quality Assurance

Prof. Naseem Abidi

Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Operations, Dean SOB

Prof. Nizar M.F. Sahawneh

Professor, Program Chair - MBA - SOB

Dr. Ramakrishna Yanamandra

Associate Professor, Program Chair - BBA - SOB

Prof. Mohammad Inairat

Professor, Vice Chancellor

Dr. Deepak Kalra

Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Strategy and Quality Assurance

Prof. Naseem Abidi

Professor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Operations, Dean SOB

Prof. Nizar M.F. Sahawneh

Professor, Program Chair - MBA - SOB

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