كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية


English learning center


English Language Centre (ELC) trains the students to develop four language skills – Listening, Reading, Writing and speaking to enable them to appear for the IELTS exam. ELC aims to equip the students to comprehend the concepts with clear perception. ELC also offers mathematics crash course under the guidance of the academic faculty members from general education section of the BBA/BSIT/MBA Program.


  1. To coordinate placement test activities at regular intervals.
  2. To guide students and conduct various preparatory courses.
  3. To liaison with international testing agencies for the MOHESR approved tests.
  4. To plan and conduct IELTS workshop.
  5. To Plan and conduct Toastmaster club activities.


ELC conducts IELTS tests for admission to the BSIT, BBA and MBA Program. It also conducts training programs for IELTS both Academic and General Training.
  1. ACADEMIC & GENERAL TRAINING IELTS PREPARATORY COURSE: The Academic IELTS preparatory course (as per the need of the students or the general public) is designed for students whose proficiency levels are inadequate to be accepted for admission into the Undergraduate or Graduate Programs of SUC. The qualifying score for admission is 6.0 out of 9.0 bands for Graduate Program and 5.0 out of 9 for Undergraduate.  General Training IELTS preparatory course is designed for those who are going to English speaking countries for secondary education, work experience or training programs. It is also a requirement for migration to Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. The test focuses on basic survival skills in broad social and workplace contexts.
  2. 45 & 90 HOURS ENGLISH TRAINING PROGRAM: ELC conducts short term courses like General English / Business English to students of ESP (English for specific purposes) and ESL (English for second language learners). The duration of these courses will range from one week to one month, based on the needs of the students.  All these courses will have periodical tests and final test after which the students are given proficiency certificates. 



Prospective students of SUC or general candidates appearing for IELTS Exam can register at SUC either in person or through online. The registration office operates in liaison with IELTS –IDP. It organizes IELTS tests (both Academic and General Training) at regular intervals at SUC.