كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية
​‎Skyline University‬ College HR Department organized a Faculty Development
​‎Skyline University‬ College HR Department organized a Faculty Development

​‎Skyline University‬ College HR Department organized a Faculty Development


Skyline University College HR Department organized a Faculty Development Workshop Program for all SUC faculties on April 5, 2016. The workshop was spearheaded by speakers, Dr. Amitabh Upadhaya and Dr. Nadir Ali Kolachi as they tackled Case and Research Writing Techniques. The main focus of this said event is to train faculties and facilitate with the requirements of a reputable journals around the world.​

The first part of the workshop was mainly a discussion on the writing techniques needed to produce upright and conscientious small and long cases, the processes that follow, and the standards of Quality Research.  Whereas the second part proceeded with activities were faculties were clustered in different groups to work on research papers and case studies. The faculties have also started their initial draft as guided by the principles and methods and applied what they learned from the workshop.