كلية الأفق الجامعية
كلية الأفق الجامعية
SUC Economics Day Focus on, Global Economy: Dubai 2020 on the Horizon”
SUC Economics Day Focus on, Global Economy: Dubai 2020 on the Horizon”

SUC Economics Day Focus on, Global Economy: Dubai 2020 on the Horizon”


Second year Macroeconomics students of Skyline University College organized Economics Day event with the theme: "The Global Economy: Dubai 2020 on the Horizon" on April 12, 2016.

The Middle East, more importantly in the UAE, Dubai will host the next World Expo in 2020. This year's Economics Day focuses mainly on this highly anticipated event as well as what other nations around the world have to offer to build and maintain a good trading connection with different countries and the UAE.

Using posters and visual aids, students were divided into groups and showcased their knowledge on macroeconomic topics such as: national income, gross domestic product, financial and monetary policies, balance of trade, economic growth and development, and changes in unemployment. Each group discussed the potential relationship expansion and build-up between the country that they represent and the UAE based on their understanding of the current economy state. They also presented feasible solutions to help fight unemployment and to promote economic stability of the 28 countries being represented; USA, Australia, Germany, UK, India, Nigeria, Egypt, South Korea and UAE to name a few. The event was under the supervision and coordination of Dr. Wilson Gachiri and was inaugurated by Dr. Sudhakar Kota.