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School of Computing Skyling University

MSDA Admission Requirements


All admissions in SUC are guided by Ministerial Decrees # 200/yr. 2004 and 133/yr. 2005; The Standards for Licensure & Accreditation 2019.

An applicant seeking admission for Graduate program is required to fulfill following conditions:

  1. Bachelor Degree
  2. English Language Proficiency
  3. Personal Interview

Details of the above requirements are as follows:

Bachelor Degree Grade

Bachelor’s degree earned in a discipline appropriate for the prospective graduate degree, with a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its established equivalent.

Conditional Admission Requirement - Graduate

The Vice Chancellor reserves the right to admit a prospective graduate student on condition under following circumstances where the student does not satisfactorily meet the admission criteria as per MOE.

The requirements for conditional admission have been detailed below:

Conditional Admission to Computing Sciences and Information Technology Graduates

Candidates seeking admission in the MSDA Program of SUC and are short of meeting CGPA or English language proficiency criteria are categorized in the following table and such cases will be considered under conditional admission.




Case-BA: Candidates having CGPA ≥ 3.0 on 4.0 scale not meeting English Proficiency requirement.




Case-BB: Candidates having CGPA between 2.5 to 2.99.




Case-BC: Candidates having CGPA between 2.0 TO 2.49.



MSDA Qualifying (Bridging) Program (MQP)

MSDA Qualifying (Bridging) Program (MQP) Courses

A candidate seeking admission to the MSDA program with a Bachelor’s Degree (3 years and above) obtained from a non-computing discipline is required to undergo a bridging program composed of seven MQP courses. In case a candidate has already completed any of the MQP courses in the Bachelor degree, he/she may be exempted from such courses provided they submit an official transcript for evaluation at the time of. However, the decision for the exemption will be made jointly by the Dean and VC upon carefully reviewing the course contents as per SUC TOC policy.

The following are the courses required to complete the MSDA Qualifying (Bridging) Program (MQP) to establish the required knowledge for a student before enrolling into the MSDA program.




All these courses are equivalent to three credit hours at the Undergraduate level. These credits cannot be used for replacing any of the MSDA level courses as these will be treated as non-credit bearing courses and are only for the purpose of completing MQP and no transcript shall be issued. Most of these courses are offered at the Undergraduate level enabling the aspirants to pick up any of these courses during the regular semesters of the BSIT/BSCS program or opt for MQP schedule.



Transfer Admission Requirements for Graduate Programs

Transfer of Credit (TOC) Committee Structure



The TOC committee consists of the above mentioned members to facilitate the TOC students receiving appropriate mapping with the existing courses of SUC as per the requirements given below.