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Research Grants


Research grants are awarded as support to research or development work of those individuals involved in creating publications which are highly valued to the academia, society and/or industry. These grants can be in the form of sponsorships, rents, expenditure reimbursements, and fellowships, and are awarded internally by SUC or external corporate and government bodies.


Grant Categories

SUC offers yearly grants for research projects on a competitive basis, under the following categories:

  1. Internal Research Grant (IRG) to support internal funded projects
  2. Interdisciplinary Research Grant (IDG) to support Interdisciplinary projects
  3. External Research Grant (ERG) to support internal or Interdisciplinary project/Consulting project
  4. SUC researchers are encouraged to apply for these available grants as the grants could increase the effectiveness of their research, leading to high-quality peer-reviewed publications. The grants also can facilitate researchers in forming collaborations with international universities/institutions. Consequently, researcher could submit the external research grant proposals, both within and outside UAE.

Those awarded with IRG/IDG funding can also switch to External Research Grant (ERG) from the industry, state, local governments, and international organizations such as the European Union (EU) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).


Grants, Funding and Resources For Projects
A research project is a scientific investigation, usually using scientific methods, to achieve defined objectives for the betterment of society. There are two broad categories of projects:

  1. Non-Funded Projects: Faculty members of SUC involved in any non-funded project(s) are required formally to inform the institution through the Head-Research and Innovation, who will maintain school-wise records, project progress details.
  2. Funded Projects: These projects are divided into two categories:
    1. Internally Funded Projects (IFP): Projects funded by the school or SUC in IDG/IRG category.
    2. Externally Funded Project (EFP): Projects funded by external agencies/ Consulting project.
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