Volume (2019 Special Issue)

Sivakumar Venkataramany,Burton D. Morgan Chair in Business Enterprise Richard E. and Sandra J. Dauch College of Business and Economics, Ashland University, USA

While global financial crisis has led to a contraction of performance of the banking industry worldwide and a series of bank failures in the United States, Indian banks have remained robust. As the government of India is encouraging private banks through its liberal chartering policy, its nationalized banks are able to generate equity funds through the country’s dynamic stock market.  Despite cost prohibitive efforts in the introduction of a range of new products and services, banks in India are striving to emerge from an era of development banking into consumer oriented supermarkets.  This paper studies the strong performance measures of the Indian banking industry and its readiness to adopt the CAMELS rating.

Keywords: India, banking industry, emerging market, camel rating

Suggested citation: Venkataramany, Sivakumar. (2019). Performance measures and the camel rating of the banking industry: the case of India. [Special issue].Skyline Business Journal, Volume 14, pp 1-8.

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Suggested citation
Venkataramany, Sivakumar. (2019). Performance measures and the camel rating of the banking industry: the case of India. [Special issue].Skyline Business Journal, Volume 14, pp 1-8.