Complaints Process

The Skyline Business Journal (SBJ) is committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in the publication of research. We recognize the importance of addressing concerns or disputes that may arise during the publication process.

This procedure applies to all complaints regarding the journal’s editorial process, including, but not limited to, disputes over editorial decisions, allegations of misconduct, and conflicts of interest.



Initial Contact: Authors should first attempt to resolve any issues directly with the responsible Editor. This initial communication may be informal, via email, and should clearly outline the grounds of the complaint. Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Formal Complaint: If the issue is not resolved through initial contact, a formal complaint may be submitted. The complaint should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief and must include:

A detailed description of the complaint.

Any relevant documentation to support the complaint.

A clear statement of the desired outcome.

Acknowledgment of Complaint:

The Editor-in-Chief will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 7 business days. This acknowledgment will include a summary of the next steps and an estimated timeline for the resolution process.



The Editor-in-Chief will investigate the complaint, consulting with the editorial board and relevant stakeholders as necessary. The investigation will be fair, unbiased, and confidential.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, the investigation may involve reviewing correspondence, editorial records, and other relevant documents.



Upon completion of the investigation, the Editor-in-Chief will communicate the findings and decision to the complainant. This communication will include:

A summary of the findings.

The decision regarding the complaint.

An explanation of the reasons behind the decision.

Information about further recourse if the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution.


Documentation and Review:

All complaints and their outcomes will be documented and stored securely.

The complaint process will be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to ensure clarity, fairness, and efficiency.

Contact Information: For any questions or further information regarding the complaint process, please contact the SBJ editorial office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..