Author Guidelines

Length: Length of the manuscript should be between 4000 -6000 words
Language: Only English language is accepted
Format: Only MS WORD files are accepted. Times New Roman -Font size 12- to be used in both the files, Cover Page and Anonymous Manuscript.
Submission Files: The author/s are supposed to prepare and submit two separate MS WORD files as shown below.

manuscript preparation
Cover Page: The cover page shall contain the title of the manuscript, the author's name, and affiliation including acknowledgement, if any. This page will be removed before the manuscript that is sent to a referee. The first page of text should show the title but NOT the author's name.
Anonymous Manuscript: The manuscript should be one single document containing text, tables, figures and references. Although the sections listed below should be the major components of your manuscript, you may add other components if required due to the technicality of the topic/theme of your manuscript.
Abstract and Keywords: Each manuscript should include an abstract of 150 -200 words. It should summarize objectives, methodology, major findings and implications.
Keywords used in the paper should also be mentioned beneath the abstract.
Introduction: The background of the study should be provided in necessary details enabling readers to understand the context and backdrop of the research. The need and purpose of the study should be clearly mentioned within a brief description of the paper.
Literature Review: In this section the author/s should show how the proposed work will build on existing areas of knowledge. It should be evident that a research context has been established through an examination of relevant literature. Depending on the focus of the work, the context may be subject-based (what has been done before), problem-based how the problem has been approached previously), or methodology-based (what methods have been applied in this kind of study before). The critical review of existing literature must show some awareness of the current state of knowledge on the subject, its limitations, and how the proposed research aims add to add to what is known.
Methodology: There must be an indication of what approach(es) are used to address the questions posed by research. A brief description of research methodology components (research design, research approach, research instruments, sample design decisions, data analysis techniques etc.) is required and the author/s should demonstrate why the proposed method was chosen.
Findings and Discussion: This section should provide systematic evaluation and analysis of the information obtained and critical appraisal of results obtained from the data. The authors should present an analysis of qualitative / quantitative research data with the help of tables, graphs & figures and support by statistical tests (if necessary) to prove the stated hypothesis(es). A discussion should be made revolving around the results leading to finding answers to the research questions framed in the beginning of the paper.
Conclusion: The article should end with a non-technical summary statement of the main conclusions. Lengthy mathematical proofs and very extensive detailed tables should be placed in appendix or omitted entirely. The author should make every effort to explain the meaning of mathematical proofs.
References: References must be typed on a separate page, double-spaced, at the end of the paper. American Psychological Association's (APA) referencing method should be followed.
Citation in the text: Ensure that each reference is cited in the text. Avoid citing in the abstract unless it is quite significant.
Tables & Figures: Please check that your text contains a reference to each table and figure. Please ensure that the figures are clear and preferably Black & White. In case colors are used, please make a request separately in the cover letter.
Equations: All but very short mathematical expressions should be displayed on a separate line and centered, in the manuscript.
Clarity and Consistency: Please check your manuscript for clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation, and consistency of references to minimize editorial changes.
Funding or Financial Support: The authors should state at the end of the manuscript, any funding or financial support received for conducting the research.
Conflict of Interests: The authors should disclose if there is any conflict of interest amongst the authors.
Editing: SBJ reserves the right of making editorial amendments in the final draft of the manuscript to suit the requirement of the journal.
Book Reviews: Book Reviews cover review of current books on business. Normally, the Editor-In-Chief makes a request to a distinguished reviewer, however, in case you wish to review a book, you may make a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by giving full details of the book (title, authors, edition, and publisher). The final decision regarding this will be made by the Editor-In-Chief. The book review should be comprehensive including a critique.