Peer Review Process

Purpose: The Skyline Business Journal (SBJ) employs a rigorous peer review process to ensure the publication of high-quality research ensuring transparency and adherence to ethical guidelines.


Scope: This policy applies to all manuscripts submitted to SBJ for consideration in its issues.


Peer Review Model: SBJ utilizes a double-blind peer review model, where both the reviewers and the authors are anonymous to each other throughout the review process.


Process Details:

Preliminary Check: Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes a preliminary check by the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor to ensure it fits the journal's scope and standards for academic and ethical integrity.

Editor Assignment: Manuscripts passing the preliminary check are assigned to an appropriate Associate Editor based on the subject area. The Associate Editor oversees the review process.

Reviewer Selection: The Associate Editor selects 2-3 potential peer reviewers who are experts in the manuscript’s topic. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise, reputation, and previous experience in providing thorough, objective reviews.

Invitation to Review: Selected reviewers are invited via email, which includes the manuscript’s abstract and the timeframe for the review. Reviewers are asked to disclose any conflicts of interest and to confirm their availability.

Review Process: Reviewers are given access to the full manuscript and are asked to evaluate it based on originality, methodology, importance to the field, clarity of presentation, and adherence to academic standards.

Reviewers submit their recommendations along with detailed comments justifying their decisions. The typical recommendations are Accept, Minor Revisions, Major Revisions, or Reject.

Editorial Decision: The Associate Editor collects the reviews and makes a decision based on their recommendations. If the recommendations are conflicting, additional expert opinions may be sought.

Decisions along with reviewer comments are sent to the authors for revisions or to inform them of the rejection of their manuscript.

Revisions: If revisions are required, authors are asked to submit a revised version of their manuscript along with a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments within a specified timeframe.

Revised manuscripts may undergo further rounds of review if necessary.

Final Decision: Once the Associate Editor is satisfied with the revisions, they recommend the manuscript for acceptance. The final approval is given by the Editor-in-Chief.

Publication: Accepted papers are forwarded to production. Authors are asked to proofread the final galleys and approve them before publication.