Volume 1 (2005)

Beena S Saji, Skyline College, UAE

The corporate scandals in United States ( Enron, Arthur Anderson, World com and Tyco) and elsewhere in the world (Paramalet in Italy, Yukos in Russia, China Construction Bank scam in China) have stimulated a frenzy of activities in business schools around the world. These activities stimulated a lively discussion on the primacy of ethical dimensions and therefore several business schools are making efforts to focus more on the ethical dimension oriented research studies. The business schools are once again looking on to how their business ethics courses can be restructured. There is an attempt to revise the curriculum giving more emphasis on courses like business ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainable business. The present study is an attempt to gain an understand-ing about the degree of social responsibility awareness among students who have taken Business ethics social responsibility course. There are three comparative groups- students who have completed the course(ATBE- already taken business ethics course), students who are currently taking the course (CTBE- currently taking business ethics course) and the students who have yet to take the course(NTBE- not taken business ethics course). The results do not show significant difference between the groups.

Keywords: Social responsibility, Employee satisfaction, Minority development, Women development, Employee development

Suggested citation: Saji, B.S. (2005). Corporate social responsibility awareness among students- a comparative study in UAE. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1. pp 18-25

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Suggested citation
Saji, B.S. (2005). Corporate social responsibility awareness among students- a comparative study in UAE. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1. pp 18-25