Volume 1 (2005)

Rakesh Bilwal, Faculty of Business & Economics (FBE), Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Gurmeet Singh, Faculty of Business & Economics (FBE), Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Manoj Dixit, Faculty of Business & Economics (FBE), Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Outsourcing has become part and parcel of modern business organizations because of certain benefits - ranging from reduction in costs to better control over operations and performance. Both outsourcing seekers and providers across the globe are in the beneficiaries list - albeit with the supreme dominance of US and India in that order. The aura of outsourcing is growing day by day and so are the countries coming under its influence. The paper attempts to analyze the challenges and opportunities in outsourcing amidst the strengths and weaknesses of these countries. Outsourcing has something for all – irrespective of their being from the first, second, or third world. Scale, however, is tilted more towards the developing ones. More and more countries are now in the fray to test their fortune in outsourcing. With their interest and initiatives abound, it still remains to be seen as to which patterns and models are applicable in this regard. However, the ‘survival of the fittest’ will always be there.

Keywords: Outsourcing, BPO, Globalization, Information Technology, Offshore Services, Gross Domestic Product, Intellectual Property Rights & Call Centers

Suggested citation: Bilwal, R., Singh, G. & Dixit, M. (2005). Outsourcing - A Seesaw Ride of Challenges and Opportunities. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1. pp 7-12

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Suggested citation
Bilwal, R., Singh, G. & Dixit, M. (2005). Outsourcing - A Seesaw Ride of Challenges and Opportunities. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1. pp 7-12