PRINT ISSN 1998-3425
PRINT ISSN 1998-3425
The growth and prosperity of the state is defined by its competitive use of its resources. Competitiveness is an important parameter for enhancing economic growth and prosperity. The productive utilization of the resources in an industry defines the competitive capability of the firms and henceforth that of an industry. Productivity is considered as an important determinant of the competitiveness of an industry. The present study provides an insight towards productivity and technical efficiency as a measure for competitiveness of agro-food processing firms of Jammu & Kashmir state in India. The Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) being anagro-hortkulture based state offers immense economk opportu nities in the food processing industry. The study measures total fo.ctor productivity change of the agro-food based processing firms for the period 2008-09 to 2012-13. The analysis reveals that there is a productivity regress. The technical inefficiency is the prime reason for the productivity regress of the agro-processing firms in the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) state. Thepaper is useful for the researchers, scholars and policy makers for itprovides for productivity asproxy for competitiveness based upon the data envelop ment technique.
Keywords: competitiveness, productivity, technical efficiency, agro food processing industry, Jammu and Kashmir, India{jd_file file==80}