Volume 14 (2018)

P.K. Agarwal, P.K. Agarwal, Professor, Deptt of Management, Wolaita sodo university, P.O.Box 138, Wolaita sodo, Ethiopia

An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of cooperation and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of its influence. In order to make employees satisfied and committed to their jobs in academics, there is need for strong and effective motivation at the various levels viz., top management, college level and department level. Taking into consideration the importance of motivated and satisfied employees on employee commitment, the present study was proposed to identify the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction on organizational commitment of teachers and also studying the mediating role of job satisfaction on the relationship of teachers' motivation and organizational commitment at Wolaita  Sodo University (Public University), Ethiopia. As per the objectives of the research Cross sectional Causal research design was employed. The study was conducted from Jan - April 2018. The study targets the academic staff of University. Proportionate Stratified random sampling was used with a sample size of 269 teachers. 95% confidence level was assumed with margin of error, e=O.05. Self-administered questionnaire was used as data collection instrument for collecting Primary data. Questionnaire used Likert scale as tool of measurement with responses measured at interval level. The analysis was conducted using Andrew F. Hayes Process model. The research concluded that there was significant effect of teachers' motivation on organizational commitment. There was also significant effect of teachers' motivation on teachers' job satisfaction. Teachers' motivation had significant effect on teachers' commitment mediated by teachers' job satisfaction. The mediation of job satisfaction was partial and effect size of job satisfaction mediation on the relationship of teachers' motivation and teachers' commitment was strong. Job satisfaction as mediator leads to 54.80% variation in organizational commitment. Based on the research findings it was recommended that besides finding the specialized and competent teachers the university should also take the measures to motivate the employees. Organizations should develop and implement such policies after thorough research which results in motivating employees which results into satisfied employees and they will be committed to the organization, viz., they feel the organization as theirs' and feel a great loss to them if they leave that organization.

Keywords: employee motivation, organisational commitment, job satisfaction

Suggested citation: Agarwal, P.K.(2018).The Influence of work motivation & job satisfaction on organizational commitment of Teachers: analyzing mediating role of job satisfaction. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 14, No 1,pp 1-11.

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Suggested citation
Agarwal, P.K.(2018).The Influence of work motivation & job satisfaction on organizational commitment of Teachers: analyzing mediating role of job satisfaction. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 14, No 1,pp 1-11.