Volume 5 (2009)

Sachin Kumar Srivastavam, Sahara Arts & Management Academy, Lucknow, India
Manoj Dixit University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India

Crisis / Impulsive crisis is the combination of different losses & adverse situations. Adverse situation may hamper the output of the organization or can stop the production system. Every organization has planned to avoid crisis situation for very initial stage. If we are manage to calculate the crisis / impulsive crisis or crisis in department and also be able to calculate the recovery after the crisis then we will be able to analyze the impact of crisis under different situation. The article attempts to provide a model for calculating the impulsive crisis & its recovery as well as the departmental crisis & its loss estimation with the help of Boolean algebra.

Keywords: Crisis, impulsive Crisis, Departmental Crisis, Crisis Evaluation, Loss Estimation Due to Crisis

Suggested citation: Srivastava, S.K. and Dixit, M. (2009) EVALUATION OF CRISES AND ITS MANAGEMENT Vis-à-vis A MATHEMATICAL APPROACH. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 5, No 2, pp 7-12

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Suggested citation

Srivastava, S.K. and Dixit, M. (2009) EVALUATION OF CRISES AND ITS MANAGEMENT Vis-à-vis A MATHEMATICAL APPROACH. Skyline Business Journal, Volume 5, No 2, pp 7-12