Volume 7 (2011)

Nihar Kumthekar, S P Jain School of Global Management, Dubai, UAE
Rajiv Aserkar, S P Jain School of Global Management, Dubai, UAE

Information Technology has been an enabling driver for supply chain management. The availability of software to manage logistics gives a competitive advantage to its users-especially to Logistics Service Providers(LSP). Logistics management software is now available in the guise of Software as a Service (SaaS)-for “Cloud” based operations. These are one of the first Cloud Computing based applications in the field of logistics and supply chain management. The following are the main objectives of the study:-

1.    To understand the impact of logistics software on its users
2.    To map the views and opinions of LSPs and other users on available logistics software solutions
3.    To gauge the views and opinions of LSPs and other users of logistics software solutions towards migrating to Cloud Computing
4.    Understand key drivers that govern decisions behind IT investments
5.    Preferred Logistics software of Logistics Service Providers

Secondary research was carried out to map the available functionalities in the different software solutions in the market and to gather information pertaining to Logistics Solutions software trends around the globe. Primary research was carried out in the form of a survey sent to major Logistics Service Providers and users of such software to understand their views on available software solutions, their preferences in choosing software and their openness to adopting cloud computing. In-depth interviews were carried out with the vendors of this software to understand the market from their perspective. Analysis of the data showed that though the market was dominated by a few large software vendors, each customer sought a customized set of IT applications that best fit their own processes. An interesting outcome was that Cloud-based logistics solutions haven’t still caught up in “Advanced Logistics Hubs”-like Singapore and Dubai- in-spite of being in vogue in North America- and having clear advantages of lower costs and reduced deployment times.

Keywords: Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Cloud Computing, Logistics Service Provider, IT, Logistics Solution Software, Software as a Service

Suggested citation: Kumtheka, N. & ajiv, A. (2011)Foreign Direct Investment and Retail Trade in India (The Consequences under Globalization). Skyline Business Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 41-50.

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Suggested citation
Kumtheka, N. & ajiv, A. (2011)Foreign Direct Investment and Retail Trade in India (The Consequences under Globalization). Skyline Business Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 41-50.