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About Skyline University College Sharjah

Skyline University College (SUC) was established in 1990 in Sharjah, under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, a member of the UAE Supreme Council and the Ruler of Sharjah. He has always supported SUC in its pursuit to offer quality education. SUC responds innovatively and effectively to train human resources in the fields like Human Resources, Public Administration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Aviation, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, Information Technology & Systems, Marketing, International Business and Accounting. In order to internationalize the programs, SUC has obtained the international ABET accreditation for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) program offered by its School of Computing and is in the process of acquiring AACSB accreditation for the programs offered by the School of Business. This will enhance SUC’s reputation through better quality of education, ensures international recognition for graduates, and creates opportunities for international cooperation and partnership with recognized universities worldwide. SUC has achieved an overall 4 star QS star rating with a 5 star QS rating in Academic Development, Teaching, Employability and Facilities. SUC is actively pursuing benchmarking activities with Universities under EUMMAS (European Marketing and Management Association).


SUC has a School of Business offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in Business Administration and a School of Computing offering undergraduate degrees in Information Technology and Computer Science and graduate degree in Data Analytics, which are fully-approved and accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR), UAE.

The School of Business, offers Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting, BBA with concentrations in International Business, Marketing and Retail Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Public Administration, Human Resource Management, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship as well as Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program.

About Skyline University College Sharjah
About Skyline University College Sharjah

The School of Computing, offers a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) program with concentration in Enterprise Computing and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program with concentrations in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. Recently, SUC has introduced the Master of Science in Data analytics program for meeting the future needs of the industry.

The campus of SUC is spread over 40 acres of land, which is located in University City of Sharjah. SUC has a well-equipped campus, which caters for its diverse student body needs. SUC also prepares its students to meet the challenges of the new century by acquiring relevant knowledge, skills and values appropriate for the market demands of UAE and the region.


SUC also provides additional learning opportunities and resources by way of a well-equipped library having a wide range of databases such as ProQuest, E-book Central, EBSCO and IGI Global, IEEE Computer Science Digital Library, SCOPUS and Online Learning Resources such as IGI and Springer Nature. In addition, SUC enables students to learn from various activities, which give them opportunities to apply their knowledge, skills and competencies by organizing and conducting co-curricular and extra-curricular events.


SUC has a well-developed Student care package, mentoring and feedback mechanism that helps students to improve their performance levels continuously. To begin with, SUC ensures all its international students inducted to the Freshman to be aware of the learning environment of SUC and the cultural environment of UAE through Student Care Package which caters to New International students (Bridging program) and academically weak SUC students (Student Tutorials). The mentoring system is aimed at guiding individual students in their academic and professional fronts. The continuous Student feedback mechanism adopted by SUC helps in understanding the needs and serve them better during their campus life.


SUC also has an active Corporate Affairs Office (CAO) that engages industry to share their experiences with students in the form of guest lectures, industry visits and CEO lectures. The CAO assists students in their internship and job placements.

SUC has a Teaching effectiveness committee which focuses on improving learning and teaching to facilitate students in preparing them for the required skills, values and competencies suitable to the industry demands through its diverse academic faculty with PhD.  Apart from delivering a holistic education in the areas of specialization, SUC prepares its students with additional skills and competencies through its Professional Skills Development Program at all levels starting from Freshman to the Senior levels so as to hone student skills in communication, analysis and leadership.  The communication skills are further reinforced by the Toastmasters club activities to strengthen the communication skills, leadership skills and soft skills for the progressive career development of the students.

SUC also has a Research and Innovation department, which facilitates research activities among faculty, enables them to use their research knowledge to teach in classes and promotes research culture in the institution. In this pursuit, SUC faculty members have publications in Q1 to Q4 Scopus indexed journals. To, further enhance Research culture, SUC encourages collaborative Research with International Universities and Researchers.

About Skyline University College Sharjah

SUC understands the importance of community engagement through its Community Service activities, which provides opportunities for students and employees to participate and contribute towards the welfare of the needy segments of the community.


The Institution has Memorandum of Understanding with various colleges/universities in Canada, UK, USA, Russia, Africa, Malaysia, Philippines, China, India and Pakistan, which facilitate the exchange of students for further study opportunities. SUC also maintains professional relationships with European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS), International Air Transport Association (IATA), Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality (CTH), International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC Council), ROBOROBO, IEEE, VIRDI, ORACLE Academy, CISCO and IDP IELTS. 

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