Service to the Community is the manifestation of the SUC's commitment towards society and its social responsibility. The commitment of the faculty members, staff, and students of SUC towards the society; defines services to the Community as contribution in a meaningful manner satisfying the core philosophy in line with the vision and mission of SUC. The Community Services Committee provides an opportunity to faculty, staff, and students to engage in achieving their responsibility towards society through their skills, knowledge and values.

Committee Goals
- To plan community service programs involving internal stakeholders (referring to faculty, staff & students) in enhancing the brand value of SUC.
- To motivate and collaborate to both internal and external stakeholders in organizing meaningful community service activities.
- To assist both internal and external stakeholders in materializing impactful community service activities to the society.
- To ensure compliance with the standards of different accreditation/ranking agencies.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the role of Skyline Services Committee?
When the students Services Committee members are selected?
Is there any award for outstanding contribution to Services Committee?
How the students are chosen for Community services award?
Can I give suggestions for new activities?
How will I be informed of meetings and activities?
Can students join the Skyline Services Committee mid-semester?
Can faculty members join the Skyline Services Committee mid-semester?
How do I get access to the community Services Committee Calendar/Program for academic year?
How do I get approval for conducting events outside the theme proposed by the Community Services Committee?
What is the criteria for awards to faculty members for their excellent contribution in Community Services?
Where can I get additional information on the community service activities?
How will I be informed of meetings and activities?