Student Services Department (SSD) develops, administers, and provides comprehensive support services for the continuous growth and development of the students. SSD coordinates with Academics and Academic Support Services departments of SUC for information dissemination and student document requirements. It also facilitates counseling, internships, and placements of students to help them become responsible professionals. SSD ensures the dynamic academic progress of each student in their chosen programs.
SSD also promotes a student-centered environment by advocating student-faculty interaction to solve various academic and career development issues. Students are encouraged to participate in various extra-curricular, co-curricular, student club/committee activities for them to be socially-involved inside and outside of the University through the SSD orientations.

SSD Services
Orientation & induction
Orientation is given to all new-intakes to introduce them to all services provided for the successful completion of their program as well as a lively student life. Students are also introduced to pivotal authority heads that will be in charge of their academic progress and welfare. Orientation to the new students is given jointly by the VC, DSOB/DSOIT, Registrar & DASS. Administration is responsible for coordinating this activity as per the schedule. This orientation is also given to continuing students and covers various aspects of their academic tenure and familiarizes them with the different institutional activities.
Induction is organized for new International students- Bridge Program; this caters to the overall knowledge and understanding of the culture of the University and the host community-UAE.
Promotion of social programs & activities
The SSD encourages students to be part of University program & activities by involving them in the organization of the activities; and giving adequate information on the benefits of such activities.
Academic & personal counseling
Our student counselors give counseling to students to guide them on the right choices to be made to ensure academic success and progress. A very important part of counseling also caters to personal development and address whatever challenges students may encounter on a personal level.
Accommodation & welfare
Accommodation is offered to International students (on & off campus). However, SSD gives guidance on the process of registering for University accommodation or the option of staying with a guardian and the relevant documentation needed for the process.
Financial advice & Scholarship
The SSD gives guidance to students on financial issues and also represents the interests of students on payment methods/plan.
Scholarship offers are given to students on need-base, sports & Merit-base/reward ship. SSD coordinates the application process to the final pick of students.
Career & Internship advice
SSD’s career counselor offers career counseling and guidance to students and alumni. Students are also coached on the attitude & mindset needed during their period of work placements and internship; as well as work/school balance.
Mental Health & well being
SSD counsels and sensitize students on the need to keep healthy habits to ensure a balanced mental disposition. In the case of severe challenges faced by any student, referrals are made to professional all in a confidential atmosphere.
Administrative & porter services
SSD caters to the requests of students on the preparation of official letters and forms needed for registration, appeal, requests and complaints.
Porter services that involve ID card preparation, locker key handling and RFID (car sticker) for students.
Alumni Registrations
Student Services Department registers the Alumni students at the time of filling the graduation form and also provides this facility through online registration. Further it coordinates with the Corporate Affairs Office and Events Committee to keep them updated about the events organized for the benefit of Alumni
SSD Programs
Class Representatives
SSD organizes meetings and activities for selected class leaders who represent their various class/levels. Decisions that affect and influence the academic and social/welfare of students are discussed and tabled for implementation. These leaders meet twice in a semester and are a pivotal part of the student body.
International Students’ Representatives Council
SSD organizes meetings and activities of selected students from the International student body who represent the interests and contributions of International students in SUC. Their meetings and activities are vital to the growth and proper adjustment of the diverse cultures represented in the University.
SSD heads the advisory & mentoring scheme in SUC. Its function is to help the academic performance of students and the objective of academic advising is to help students achieve a higher degree of academic performance through the processes of planning and development of their study, growth, and a career that would lead to a prosperous future, while they are studying in SUC.
SUC Care Package: Bridge Programme & Student Tutorials
SUC Care Package is a creation of the SSD to cater for New students (Bridging programme) and Academically struggling SUC students (Student Tutorials). It is a package to support and give assistance to students in the different capacities. SSD team serve to guide students in each category to an efficient orientation/induction into the culture at play in the University and the host community as well as improving their Academic standing/quality of students respectively.
These packages run concurrently and are closely monitored for outcomes that have been predicted; which is to build well-adjusted and academically sound students.
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Career Counseling
SSD’s Career counselor counsel students who are seeking internship and placements. The orientations are carried out to facilitate students and give them tips on the internship and placements. As per policy, students are facilitated with internship opportunities only once. Similarly, placement facilities are provided to students wherever opportunities are available.
The goals of the Student Services Department are as follows:
- To provide effective continuous orientations to new and continuing students.
- To counsel students for progression in academics & academic support services.
- To provide effective academic advisory and mentorship.
- To provide proper Career Counseling
- To provide students with proper health program
- To plan and manage Scholarship activities.
- To coordinate and address issues of Class Representatives, hostel and international students.
- To coordinate with international offices to maintain communications with guardians of international students
- To process all student requests within stipulated time.
- To address all student grievances
- To have an integration of meaningful extracurricular & co-curricular activities that help students adapt to the multi-cultural environment and develop interpersonal relationships among fellow peers.
How many semesters does SUC have?
SUC operates in three semesters namely: summer, fall, and spring in an academic year.
What are the campus resources?
How can I apply for scholarship?
What is CARE package ?
Do you have career counseling unit?
How do I know what subjects to take for the semester?
Can I change my class timings?
Can I change my major?
Can I postpone the semester?
How do I rejoin the university after a break?
What is my LMS account for?
Who do I meet if I miss classes or an exam?
Events FAQs
How can I find out about activities or events being held?
We announce our activities through the mobile app, notice boards, emails, SMS, SUC website, Facebook and Instagram. Make sure you follow us Skyline University College on social media for regular updates.
How can I sign up for any activity?
How can I join a student committee/club?
How long is a club/committee membership valid for?
How is the core council elected for each club/committee?
How do I find out about meeting timings?
Do I receive any scholarship for being a part of extra-curricular activities?
What other benefits do I receive being a part of extra-curricular activities?
What do I need to become a student organizer in SUC Events Committee?
Can I write for the Newsline Magazine if I am not in the committee?