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Student Services Department


Student Services Department (SSD) develops, administers, and provides  comprehensive support services for the continuous growth and development of the students. SSD coordinates with Academics and Academic Support Services departments of SUC for information dissemination and student document requirements. It also facilitates counseling, internships, and placements of students to help them become responsible professionals. SSD ensures the dynamic academic progress of each student in their chosen programs.


SSD also promotes a student-centered environment by advocating student-faculty interaction to solve various academic and career development issues. Students are encouraged to participate in various extra-curricular, co-curricular, student club/committee activities for them to be socially-involved inside and outside of the University through the SSD orientations.


The goals of the Student Services Department are as follows:

  1. To provide effective continuous orientations to new and continuing students.
  2. To counsel students for progression in academics & academic support services.
  3. To provide effective academic advisory and mentorship.
  4. To provide proper Career Counseling
  5. To provide students with proper health program
  6. To plan and manage Scholarship activities.
  7. To coordinate and address issues of Class Representatives, hostel and international students.
  8. To coordinate with international offices to maintain communications with guardians of international students
  9. To process all student requests within stipulated time.
  10. To address all student grievances
  11. To have an integration of meaningful extracurricular & co-curricular activities that help students adapt to the multi-cultural environment and develop interpersonal relationships among fellow peers.


Orientation & induction

Orientation is given to all new-intakes to introduce them to all services provided for the successful completion of their program as well as a lively student life. Students are also introduced to pivotal authority heads that will be in charge of their academic progress and welfare. Orientation to the new students is given jointly by the VC, DSOB/DSOIT, Registrar & DASS. Administration is responsible for coordinating this activity as per the schedule. This orientation is also given to continuing students and covers various
Induction is organized for new International students- Bridge Program; this caters to the overall knowledge and understanding of the culture of the University and the host community-UAE.


How many semesters does SUC have?
SUC operates in three semesters namely: summer, fall, and spring in an academic year.
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