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SUC Student Council

SUC Student Council (SSC) is a student representative body, elected by the students of the university in order to conduct the business of student council in the best interest of the students within the university policy and procedure framework. SSC is involved in managing and coordinating with the student services department to execute academic and non-academic activities that promote student welfare and satisfaction of the student body and strive for their overall development during their learning journey. The purpose of the SSC is to foster a positive student culture and promote the general interest and welfare of students.



  1. To execute the functioning of SSC in a fair and democratic manner as per SSC manual.
  2. To serve the student body in enhancing their welfare.
  3. To promote an environment conducive to educational and personal development of students.
  4. To promote affinity towards the university, and foster professional culture and mutual respect among student fraternity.
  5. Create a sense of ownership of the university and its activities amongst the student population.
  6. To represent the student body and communicate the views of the students on matters of general concern that enhances knowledge, skills and competencies to the management of SUC.
  7. To table students' views on academic program needs and other facilities that are relevant, have currency in the market and enables them to find placements in the job market.
  8. To promote interaction with student councils of other universities.
  9. To promote student business ideas and to create awareness on campus about student-owned businesses, once reviewed by the Board.
  10. To assist in organizing and promoting student clubs’ and committee’ activities in collaboration with the Student Services Department (SSD).
  11. To participate in curricular and co-curricular competitions and showcase their talents.
  12. To organize events that enhances the values, ethics; and network with peers, alumni and industry to become valuable citizens of the larger community.

Key Functions

  1. To uphold the student body position in high esteem and execute the roles and responsibilities as specified in the manual of the student council, and upkeep the dignity of the position.
  2. To call for agenda from student body members and communicate the date of meetings well in advance.
  3. To conduct meetings of the student body as per the protocols on the pre-defined calendar dates, record the minutes of the meeting in a structured manner, communicate the proceedings/decisions and report to the student body and the student support service in charge.
  4. Planning activities, preparing budgets and seeking approval of budgets and activities for the academic year.
  5. Communicate with the management on matters relating to students’ views, concerns, suggestions and recommendations.
  6. Promoting formal communications within the university to keep the student body informed of activities through Student Council notice boards, emails, SUC social media platforms, SUC website, producing regular campus newsletters or any other means of communication that is easily accessible to students.
  7. Supporting the academic, socio-cultural development of students that fosters the development of overall personality and preparedness to meet the societal needs.
  8. Participating in the IE committees and contribute towards improving the services rendered to students for their benefit.
  9. Assisting in the induction and/or mentoring process for freshman students
  10. Assisting the university clubs and committees and enabling clubs to execute as per the established calendar for the academic year.
  11. Promote the culture of a competitive environment by facilitating student participation in external and internal competitions.

Definition of the Student Council positions:

  1. President: Is the head of the student council body and is responsible for keeping the body united, and conducting the business of the council in a fair and rational manner without any biases to achieve the objectives of the student council.
  2. Vice-president:  is the second in command in authority and is responsible for conducting the business of the student council on behalf of the president in his/her absence or as assigned.
  3. General Secretary: the position is responsible for planning, organizing, conducting, and recording minutes of meetings and communicating with other stakeholders. He/she is also responsible for conducting the business of the student council on behalf of the president in his/her absence or as assigned.
  4. Council treasurer: the position is responsible for managing the financial books of the student council and responsible to report on financials at regular intervals to the student council body and the SCAC.
  5. Public Relations Officer: the position is responsible for disclosing information to the media and other stakeholders on the activities of the student council.

SUC Student Council members for AY 2024-2025


Fozan Salim Fawzan Salim AlHammadi

President, SUC Student Council

BBA, Senior level

Mr. Kamal Puri

Rami Waleed Abdalla Elsayed

Vice-President, SUC Student Council

BSIT, Junior level

Mr. Nitin Anand

Owais Naveed

General Secretary, SUC Student Council

BBA, Senior level


Mehak Vasta

Council Treasury, SUC Student Council

BBA, Junior Level

Mr. Kamal Puri

Muhammad Saad Muhammad Asif Javed

Public Relations Officer, Student Council

BSIT, Freshman Level

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