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General Education Department


The general education program at the Undergraduate level is designed to develop a well-rounded personality. The courses aim at improving communication & interpersonal skills along with instilling in students lifelong learning attitude. An all-inclusive knowledge base that is provided to the students encompassing science, computing, humanities, and culture inculcates a sensitive and scientific temper in the young professionals.

General Education Goals

a. To improve communication skills in English and Arabic language.
b. To develop mathematical, analytical skills, identify qualitative and quantitative relationships and utilize logical thinking.
c. To develop an understanding of cultural diversity, social responsibility and ethical values.
d. To develop a sound knowledge of Islam culture, UAE culture and history.
e. To develop a scientific temper among students by introducing them to the basic concepts of natural sciences.
f. To enable students to use Information Systems tools to analyze, describe and present data effectively using emerging technologies
g. To develop well-rounded personalities in students enabling them to pursue excellence in career and as members of society.

General Education Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Communicate effectively in Arabic and English
2. Demonstrate skills in problem solving through the application of mathematical & statistical tools
3. Identify and critically evaluate ideas, structure clear and persuasive arguments based on an analysis and presentation of evidence
4. Explain culture, ethical values with a view to understanding of the global community
5. Explain Islamic culture, UAE culture and history
6. Demonstrate an understanding of basic scientific principles for practical application and decision-making
7. Demonstrate skills of information technology in effective data processing and analyzing
8. Demonstrate understanding and apply life skills for self-improvement and enhancing relationships with others

General education course description

CIS1001 - Essentials of IT - 3 Credit

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the essential components of Information Technology (IT) covering hardware, software, networking and databases. The course also provides an introduction to cloud computing, security and future developments in IT. Students will also be given hands on training using MS office suite.

Pre-requisite: None

General Education – Full Time Faculty members

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