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Refund Policy


Refund Policy

 AY 2024-2025 Refund Policy for the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

A. Non-Visa Applicant

  1. Application fees are nonrefundable. However, if students wish to cancel their admission before the commencement of the program, other fees including deposited post-dated Cheque(s) will be refunded.
  2. If a student is not meeting the admission criteria before the commencement of the batch, the conditional admission will be canceled. The application fee is nonrefundable and remaining fee paid including PDC will be refunded.
  3. The tuition fees will be calculated until the date of official cancellation by the student or their guardian, outstanding fee if any has to be paid before issuance of any academic or nonacademic documents. (Refer to WCPR policy).
  4. If a student transfers his/her application to the next semester and then decides to cancel thereafter, A.i.2 will be applicable.
  5. If a student wishes to postpone after commencement of the semester (even if the student has not attended any class), postponement fee as per the published Miscellaneous Fee Structure of current academic year will be applicable.
  6. If a student wishes to cancel his/her admission after commencement of the semester (even if the student has not attended any class), the first installment fees are non-refundable and Tuition fees is prorated until the date of cancellation. 

B. Visa Students – Local

Students availing visa facility staying within UAE and meet the admission requirement may join the main program directly. However, in case of a refund below terms are applicable:

  1. Application fees are nonrefundable. However, if students wish to cancel their admission before visa application and commencement of the program, other fees including deposited post-dated Cheque(s) will be refunded.
  2. If a student cancels his / her admission after the visa is applied and before the commencement of the program, there will be no refund of the visa fee, and the first Installment. Additionally, the visa cancellation fees shall be paid by the student as per the government charges. (Refer to WCPR policy)
  3. If a student wishes to cancel their admission after visa approval and commencement of the program, the visa cancellation fees, tuition fees accrued until the date of cancellation (excluding scholarship/fee-waiver granted), and any other miscellaneous fees due, must be paid before the release of any academic & non-academic. Postdated Cheque(s) submitted towards the fee of the next semester, will be refunded after deductions of any outstanding dues. (Refer to WCPR policy).
  4. If a student doesn’t meet the admission criteria before the commencement of their program, their conditional admission will be revoked and there will be no refund of the visa fee and the first Installment. Additionally, visa cancellation fees () shall be paid by the student as per the government charges.
  5. If the visa is rejected by the Immigration and Naturalization authorities, SUC will deduct AED 1,000.00+ VAT as service charges from the visa fees and refund the remaining.   
  6. If the visa of the student is rejected on health grounds by the Immigration and Naturalization Authorities, the first installment fee & visa fee will be non-refundable.
  7. If a student does not attend any class for 2 consecutive weeks from the commencement of the class, SUC has the right to cancel the visa and no refund is applicable, visa cancellation charges have to be paid by the student.

Postponement to the next intake is not allowed after the commencement of the semester. (Refer to WCPR policy) 

C. Visa-Embassy Letter Case

Students availing visa letter facility and meet the admission requirements may join the main program directly. However, in case of a refund below terms are applicable:

  1. Application fees are nonrefundable.
  2. If the student wishes to cancel before the commencement of the semester and issuance of a visa letter AED 1,000/- plus VAT will be deducted.
  3. If the visa is rejected before the commencement of classes and the student wishes to discontinue and return the original visa/embassy letter issued by SUC, the fees paid excluding the First Installment Fee will be refunded.  
  4. In case the student wishes to cancel his admission after receiving the letter from SUC and before the commencement of the semester, SUC will inform the concerned Immigration. Authorities for the cancellation of student’s admission, with no refund of semester fees.
  5. If the student wishes to cancel his admission after the commencement of the program, fees accrued until the month of cancellation excluding scholarship/fee waiver granted must be paid before the release of any academic & non-academic. Postdated Cheque(s) submitted towards the fee of the next semester, will be refunded after deductions of any outstanding dues.
  6. If the student does not attend any class for 2 consecutive weeks from the commencement of the class, SUC has the right to cancel/revoke the letter issued with the concerned authority, no refund is applicable.
  7. Postponement to the next intake is not allowed after commencement of the semester.
  8. If a student is not meeting the admission criteria before commencement of the semester , the conditional admission will be cancelled. There will be no refund of the application fees and first Installment. SUC will inform the concerned Immigration Authorities for the cancellation of student’s admission. Postdated Cheque(s) submitted towards the fee of the next semester, will be refunded only once student submits, within 15 days, the proof of visa cancellation.

D. Visa Students – Overseas

SUC provides visas to international students as per its policy and is subject to all students meeting the admission requirements. However, in case of a refund below terms are applicable:

  1. If a student wishes to cancel before visa application & commencement of the semester, application fees are nonrefundable, and the remaining amount will be returned back, deducting the bank transfer charges.
  2. If a student cancels their admission after the visa is received but before the commencement of the program and arrival to UAE, there will be no refund of the visa fee and the first Installment. Additionally, visa cancellation fees shall be paid by the student as per the government charges.
  3. If the student wishes to cancel his admission after arrival to UAE (Visa approved) and commencement of the program, the tuition fees accrued until the date of cancellation (excluding scholarship/fee-waiver granted), the hostel fees for one semester (if applicable) are nonrefundable. Miscellaneous fees (Visa Deposit & Hostel Deposit), if applicable, will be refunded.  Postdated Cheque(s) submitted towards the fees of the next semester, will be refunded after deductions of any outstanding dues. (Refer to WCPR policy). SUC will inform the concerned Immigration Authorities for the cancellation of students' admission in order to get the visa canceled, visa cancellation charges have to be paid by the student.
  4. Students not meeting the admission placement test requirements before commencement and after arrival to UAE, will have their conditional admission revoked, and they will be advised to join the English preparatory classes (refer to Miscellaneous Fees structure). In case the student decides to cancel, then the first installment & Hostel fees (for one semester) are non-refundable whereas miscellaneous fees (Visa Deposit & Hostel Deposit), if applicable, will be refunded. SUC will inform the concerned Immigration Authorities for the cancellation of the students' admission in order to get the visa canceled, visa cancellation charges have to be paid by the student.
  5. If the student’s visa is rejected by the Immigration and Naturalization authorities, SUC will deduct USD 500.00 as service charges from the visa fees and refund the remaining.   
  6. If the student’s visa is rejected on health grounds by the Immigration and Naturalization, authorities; in such cases, the first installment fee & visa fee will be non-refundable. The hostel fees (if applicable) will be calculated until the last day of his/her stay and miscellaneous fees (Visa Deposit & Hostel Deposit) if applicable, will be refunded, after deduction of any other outstanding fee.
  7. If a student does not attend any class for 2 consecutive weeks from the commencement of the class, SUC has the right to cancel the visa and no refund is applicable, visa cancellation charges have to be paid by the student.
  8. Postponement to the next intake is not allowed after the commencement of the semester. (Refer to WCPR policy) 

Refund terms and conditions for Graduate Foundation program students will be dealt with according to the GRC / MQP Refund Policy

E. Refund terms and conditions for Students enrolled with Scholarship/Fee Waiver

  1. Scholarships and Fee waiver discounts will be applicable from the first semester onwards. If students cancel their admission before completion of the program, the fees will be calculated as per the original fee structure and the scholarships and Fee waiver granted will be revoked and refund, if applicable, will be processed on prorate basis.
  2. If the student wishes to cancel the program in between, fees accrued till the date of cancellation excluding scholarship/fee waiver granted must be paid before the release of any academic & non-academic documents.

F. Hostel

Students wishing to avail hostel facility must pay the applicable fees as per the Hostel policy. They should pay AED 1,000/- towards Caution Deposit, which is refundable after deducting the damages (if any) after the completion of agreement period. Refer Hostel policy for details.

G. Transportation

Students wishing to avail the Transportation facility must pay the applicable fees for the specific month in advance as per the Transportation policy. No refund will be provided if the student discontinues the use of transportation in the middle of the month.

H. Miscellaneous fees

Miscellaneous fees is non-refundable, and needs to be paid in advance to initiate the service process.


Refund in Case Class Size Policy is Not Met

    • The student will be shifted to another major / concentration as per the undertaking form signed by the student at the time of admission in which case the fees paid will be adjusted
    • If the student, after shifting to another major / concentration at SUC, wishes to cancel his/her admission within one week of the commencement of the semester, the fees paid will be refunded.
    • If the class size policy is not met at any stage during the conduct of the program, the student will be given an option to shift to another concentration without any financial charges.
    • After joining the new concentration and if the students are not satisfied and decide to cancel their registration, then the “Withdrawal, Cancellation, Postponement and Re-activation policy (WCPR)” will be applicable.

Refund in Case of course withdrawal, postponement, cancellation/ dismissal from the institution


Refer to “Withdrawal, Cancellation, Postponement and Re-activation policy (WCPR)” for details.

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