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Prof. Mohammad Inairat


Professor, Vice Chancellor

Research activity per year
Prof. In'airat received his Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and Master’s degree in Business Administration from Nagpur University, India, and his Doctor of Philosophy in Management from Keele University, United Kingdom.

Prof. (Dr.) Mohammad In’airat serves as the Vice-Chancellor, and Chair of the Academic Affairs Council, among other roles at Skyline University College. He joined Skyline University College in 2017 as an Associate Professor and Head of Academics. He was subsequently appointed as the Dean of the college before assuming his current position as Vice Chancellor.

Prior to joining Skyline University College, Prof. In’airat worked at reputable institutions in different countries. He served as the former Head of the Business Administration Department at Prince Sultan College, Al Faisal University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He also held the position of College Dean at Salalah College of Technology in the Sultanate of Oman and served as the Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance at Al-Musanna College of Technology, also in the Sultanate of Oman. In addition to his extensive experience in academia, Prof. In’airat had a brief tenure in the private sector, where he worked as a Division Manager at Trans-Jordan Engineering Company in Jordan.

As an academician, Prof. In’airat’s forte is Financial Management, but he has a wide range of interests, including but not limited to Managerial Economics, Foreign Aid, Governance and Quality Assurance.
  • Hanaysha, J., Shriedeh, F., In'airat, M. (2023). ‘Impact of classroom environment, teacher competency, information and communication technology resources, and university facilities on student engagement and academic performance’ International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 3(2) 100188
  • Inairat, M., Sahawneh, N., Abu Faiz, M., Maghaydah, S., Itani, R. (2023) ‘The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mitigating Cyber Security Issues and its Impact on FinTech’, 2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS), IEEE, (pp.1-5).
  • Salahat, M., Said, R. A., Hamid, K., Haseeb, U., Ghani, E., Abualkishik, A., Iqbal, M., Inairat, M. (2023 February). Software Testing Issues Improvement in Quality Assurance’, Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS). IEEE (pp.1-6).
  • Alzoubi, H. M., In'airat, M., & Ahmed, G. (2022). ‘Investigating the impact of total quality management practices and Six Sigma processes to enhance the quality and reduce the cost of quality: the case of Dubai’. International Journal of Business Excellence, 27(1) 94-109.
  • Ahmad, J., Ghazal, T., Khan,A., Khan, M., Inairat, M., Sahawneh, N., Khan, F. (2022) ‘Quality requirement change management’s challenges: An exploratory study using slr’, IEEE Access, 10 (1) 127575-127588
  • Al-Gasaymeh, A., Almahadin, H., Alnaimi, A., Alzoubi, H., In’airat, M. (2022). ‘Determinants of Commercial Banks Profitability in Volatile Environments: Evidence from Generalized Method of Moments’, Academy Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 26(2S) 1-24.
  • Ramzan, F. Ramzan,I., Ibrahim,M., Tangri, K., Al-kassem, A., Inairat,M., Marwaha, S., El Khatib, M. (2022). ‘Innovativeness and Involvement: An Unexpected Purchase Due to a Referral Behavior’,  Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Cyber Resilience (ICCR). (pp.1-12).
  • Hanaysha, J., Kumar, V.V., In'airat,M., Paramaiah, Ch. (2022) ‘ Direct and indirect effects of servant and ethical leadership styles on employee creativity: mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior’, Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, 40(1)79-98.
  • Al-Kassem, A., Mubeen, S., Shahid,M.,  Iqbal, M.S., Sahawneh, N., Inairat, M. (2022). ‘Is there any Impact of Money Supply and Exchange Rate on Agricultural Prices?’ Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS). (pp.1-9).
  • Alzoubi, H. M., & Inairat, M. (2020). ‘Do perceived service value, quality, price fairness and service recovery shape customer satisfaction and delight? A practical study in the service telecommunication context’. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(3) 579-588.
  • Almansour, B. Y., Almansour, A. Y., & In’airat, M. (2020). ‘The Impact of Exchange Rates on Bitcoin Returns: Further Evidence from a Time Series Framework’. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9 (2), 4577-4581.
  • In’airat, M. (2018). ‘The effect of Internal and External factors on stock market price and evidence from Saudi Arabia’. The Business & Management Review 9 (3), 413 – 423.
  • In’airat, M. (2018). ‘The role of corporate governance in fraud reduction- A perception study in the Saudi Arabia business environment’. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 15(2)119-128.
  • In’airat, M. & Al-Kassem, A. (2014). ‘Total quality management in higher education: a review’. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 4(3), 294-307.
  • In’airat, M. (2014). ‘Aid Allocation, Selectivity, and the Quality of Governance’. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 19 (36), 63-68.
  • In’airat, M. (2013). ‘The Impact of Anticipation and Preparation for Retirement on Retirement Confidence’. European Journal of Social Science, (39)1, 145-151.
  • In’airat, M. (2013). ‘Foreign Aid Effectiveness and Governance – A Public Opinion Approach. International Research’. Journal of Finance and Economics, 109, 100-107.
  • Al-Kassem, A., In’airat, M., & Al Bakri, A. (2013). ‘Evaluation Tools of Total Quality Management in Business Organizations’. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(6), 41-51.
  • In'airat, M. (2012). ‘Foreign Aid Effectiveness on the Palestinian Economy- A Qualitative Case Study’. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, (54), 49-62.
  • Inairat, M., Sahawneh, N., Abu Faiz, M., Maghaydah, S., Itani, R. (2023) ‘The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mitigating Cyber Security Issues and its Impact on FinTech’, 2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS).
  • Salahat, M., Said, R. A., Hamid, K., Haseeb, U., Ghani, E., Abualkishik, A., Iqbal, M., Inairat, M. (2023 February), ‘Software Testing Issues Improvement in Quality Assurance’, Presentation at the 2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS).
  • In’airat, M. (2022, April 24-26). Participation at the AACSB – International Conference and Annual Meeting. Louisiana, USA.
  • Yasir, A., Ahmad, A. Abbas, S., In’airat, M., Al-Kassem, A.H., & Rasool, A. (2022). ‘Presented a paper on ‘How Artificial Intelligence Is Promoting Financial Inclusion? A Study on Barriers Of Financial Inclusion’ at the International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security, ICBATS 2022, Dubai.
  • Al-Kassem, H., Mubeen, S., Shahid, M.H., Sahawneh, N., & In’airat, M. (2022). Presented a paper on ‘Is there any Impact of Money Supply and Exchange Rate on Agricultural Prices?’ International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security, ICBATS 2022.
  • Ahmed, G., In’airat, M., Limbu, Y., and Amponsah, C. (2019, June 10-13). ‘Innovations in MSMEs in the United Arab Emirates-An Empirical Study’. Presentation at the 16th SGBED International Conference on Balancing Globalization & Local Priorities: Challenges Facing Business in Developed and Emerging Markets, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • In’airat, M. (2018, April 8-10). ‘The Effect of Internal and External Factors on Stock Market Prices - Evidence from Saudi Arabia’. Presentation at the 7th ABRM-MEC International Conference on Business and Economic Development (ICBED). New York, USA.
  • In’airat, M. (2014, April 24-26). ‘Aid Allocation, Selectivity, and the Quality of Governance’. Presentation at the 5th Euro-African Conference in Finance and Economics (CEAFE2014). Agadir, Morocco.
  • In’airat, M. (2013, April). Participation at the Third International Conference on Quality Assurance in Postsecondary Education. University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
  • In’airat, M. (2007, March). ‘The Possible Solutions for the Palestinian Israeli Conflicts’. Presentation at the Senior Common Room Symposium. Keele University, U.K.
  • In'airat, M. (2009). The Impact of Foreign Aid on the Palestinian Economy, VDM Verlag. ISBN: 9783639206869 
  • In’airat, M. (2009, March) Participation at the Colleges of Technology English Language Teaching Conference, Putting the Learner First. Al Musanna College of Technology, Oman.
  • In’airat, M. (2008, October 28-29) Participation at the National Oman Quality Conference on Quality Management & Enhancement in Higher Education. Oman Quality Network, Oman.
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