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3,000-year-old tree found in China

Beijing, July 31 (IANS) A rare Chinese yew tree, believed to be about 3,000 years old, was discovered in Jilin province, authorities said on Sunday.

The living tree, located in Huanggou Forest, is more than 40 metres tall and has a diameter of 1.68 metres, Xinhua news agency quoted Yang Yongsheng, head of the forest administration, as saying.

The tree was among the more than 30 Chinese yew trees discovered earlier this week in the forest.

Called a "living fossil" of the plant world, the Chinese yew has existed for 2.5 million years.

Since many of the trees have been harvested to extract taxol, used to treat cancer, the species is now under first-grade national protection for endangered plants.​

Researchers develop ultra-thin transistors for wearable display

Seoul, July 31 (IANS) A research team at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has developed ultra-thin and transparent oxide thin-film transistors (TFT) that can be used to make high performance wearable and transparent displays.

With the advent of the "Internet of Things" era, strong demand has grown for wearable and transparent displays that can be applied to fields like augmented reality and skin-like thin flexible devices. But flexible transparent displays developed in earlier studies face challenges like poor transparency and low electrical performance. 

Led by Keon Jae Lee and Sang-Hee Ko Park from KAIST, researchers set out to overcome these challenges by using the inorganic-based laser lift-off (ILLO) method, according to the study published recently in the journal Advanced Materials. 

"By using our ILLO process, the technological barriers for high performance transparent flexible displays have been overcome at a relatively low cost by removing expensive polyimide substrates. Moreover, the high-quality oxide semiconductor can be easily transferred onto skin-like or any flexible substrate for wearable application," Lee said.

The team fabricated a high-performance oxide TFT array on top of a sacrificial laser-reactive substrate. After laser irradiation from the backside of the substrate, only the oxide TFT arrays were separated from the sacrificial substrate as a result of reaction between laser and laser-reactive layer, and then subsequently transferred onto ultrathin plastics. 

Finally, the transferred ultrathin-oxide driving circuit for the flexible display was attached conformally to the surface of human skin to demonstrate the possibility of the wearable application. The attached oxide TFTs showed high optical transparency of 83 per cent.

Cognitive ability predicts prejudice towards specific groups

London, July 31 (IANS) Cognitive ability like intelligence and verbal abilities, whether high or low, only predicts prejudice towards specific groups, according to a study.

"Very few people are immune to expressing prejudice, especially towards people they disagree with," said Mark Brandt, researcher, Tilburg University, the Netherlands, in the study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science.

The researchers analysed data from 5,914 people that includes a measure of verbal ability and prejudice towards 24 different groups.

Analysing the results, the researchers found that people with both relatively higher and lower levels of cognitive ability show approximately equal levels of intergroup bias but towards different sets of groups. 

People with low cognitive ability tended to express prejudice towards groups perceived as liberal and unconventional such as atheists, gays and lesbians.

People with high cognitive ability showed the reverse pattern. They tended to express prejudice towards groups perceived as conservative and conventional such as Christians, the military, big business, revealed the study.

"In our prior work we found that people high and low in the personality trait of openness to experience show very consistent links between seeing a group as 'different from us' and expressing prejudice towards that group. The same appears to be true for cognitive ability,” added Brandt.

According to the study, low cognitive ability express prejudice towards some target groups. For other target groups the relationship was in the opposite direction. For these groups, people with high levels of cognitive ability expressed more prejudice. ​

Genetic link between rare heart disease, seizures identified

New York, July 31 (IANS) Researchers have identified a genetic link between a rare heart rhythm disease and an increased risk for seizures proving a clear association between the heart and the brain of such patients.

Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a rare heart rhythm condition that can potentially cause fast, chaotic heartbeats. These rapid heartbeats might trigger a sudden fainting spell or seizure.

The findings showed that patients carrying LQTS genetic mutations were three times more likely to have experienced seizures in their past, compared to their family members who did not carry those mutations.

Further, people with LQTS who experience seizures are at greater risk of sudden cardiac death.

“Seizure status is the strongest predictor of cardiac arrhythmias - the abnormal heart rhythms characteristic of LQTS,” said lead author David Auerbach from University of Rochester in New York, US.

In fact, about 20 per cent of the LQTS patients in the study who had a history of seizures had survived at least one lethal cardiac arrhythmia.

For the study, the team analysed of more than 18,000 people affected with LQTS as well as their affected and unaffected family members, who provide a nearly ideal group of controls.

"In essence, they have the same genetic makeup, except theoretically, the LQTS-causing mutation," Auerbach added.

Analysing patients' genetic information, the team found that among the three different types of LQTS (LQTS1-3) patients with LQTS1 and LQTS2 had much higher prevalence of seizures than LQTS3 or no mutation - with LQTS2 at the greatest risk.

Further investigation of the LQTS-causing mutation showed that the specific location of the mutation greatly affected the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and seizures.

In one location on the gene, the mutation protected against these symptoms, but in another location on the same gene, the mutation increased the risk of those symptoms.

Understanding what each of these mutations does may shed new light on a basic mechanism of seizures and may provide viable therapeutic targets to treat LQTS, the researchers cocnluded.

The results were published in the journal Neurology.​

How a protein boosts immune system to fight pneumonia

New York, July 31 (IANS) Researchers have determined how a protein can boost immune system's ability to battle pneumonia.

The finding may offer a new way for doctors to boost patients' ability to fight off the life-threatening infection as bacteria become more and more resistant to antibiotics.

"We're interested in seeing if there are things we can do to strengthen the natural defences of the host to help them fight the infection more effectively," said Borna Mehrad from University of Virginia School of Medicine.

"Potentially this would be the sort of thing you could do in addition to antibiotics to help patients with severe infections," Mehrad noted.

Mehrad and his team determined that the lack of the cytokine M-CSF (short for macrophage-colony stimulating factor) in infected mice worsened the outcome of bacterial pneumonia.

Not having the protein resulted in 10 times more bacteria in the lungs, 1,000 times more bacteria in the blood and spread the infection to the liver, resulting in increased deaths.

Clearly M-CSF has an important role in battling pneumonia, but what exactly does it do?

"M-CSF has previously been shown to help make a type of immune cell, called monocytes, so my idea was that if you take it away, infected hosts just stop making monocytes and that's why they get sick, and it turned out that was completely wrong," Mehrad said.

Instead, the findings published in The Journal of Immunology showed that M-CSF helped monocytes survive once they have arrived in the infected tissues.

"If you take M-CSF away, the infections get worse, so that raises two important questions about therapy: Would more be better? It may be that during infection, the body is making the right amount of M-CSF and if we add extra, it won't improve outcomes further," Mehrad said.

"The second possibility is that there is room for improvement: in the fight between monocytes and the bacteria, M-CSF may make monocytes live longer and give them an edge. In addition, some people with weakened immunity might not make enough of M-CSF. If that's the case, you could augment that and improve their ability to fight the infection," Mehrad explained.​

New bio-sensor can detect muscle fatigue

New York, July 29 (IANS) Scientists have developed a sustainable, wearable bio-sensor to detect conditions like muscle fatigue, stress and dehydration by taking advantage of trove of medical information present in human sweat.

"When the human body undergoes strenuous exercise, there's a point at which aerobic muscle function becomes anaerobic muscle function," said study co-author Jenny Ulyanova from CFD Research Corporation (CFDRC). 

"At that point, lactate is produce at a faster rate than it is being consumed. When that happens, knowing what those levels are can be an indicator of potentially problematic conditions like muscle fatigue, stress, and dehydration," he added.

What separates this study from other researches is the use of purely biological green technology. 

The team, in collaboration with University of New Mexico, developed an enzyme-based sensor powered by a biofuel cell -- providing a safe, renewable power source. 

"The biofuel cell works in this particular case because the sensor is a low-power device," Ulyanova said. 

"They're very good at having high energy densities, but power densities are still a work in progress. But for low-power applications like this particular sensor, it works very well," he added in a paper published in the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology.

The team powered the biofuel cells with a fuel based on glucose. This same enzymatic technology, where the enzymes oxidise the fuel and generate energy, is used at the working electrode of the sensor which allows for the detection of lactate in human sweat.

Another novel aspect of this work is the use of electrochemical processes to very accurately detect a specific compound in a very complex medium like sweat.

"We're doing it electrochemically, so we're looking at applying a constant load to the sensor and generating a current response," Ulyanova said, "which is directly proportional to the concentration of our target analyte".

Although the sensor was designed for a soldier in training, it could also be applied to people that are active and anyone participating in strenuous activity.

As for commercial applications, the researchers believe the device could be used as a training aid to monitor lactate changes in the same way that athletes use heart rate monitors to see how their heart rate changes during exercise.​

Breakthrough solar cell that works like a plant

New York, July 29 (IANS) Researchers have developed a potentially game-changing solar cell that essentially does the work of plants -- converting atmospheric carbon dioxide into usable hydrocarbon fuel using only sunlight for energy.

"The new solar cell is not photovoltaic - it's photosynthetic," said senior study author Amin Salehi-Khojin from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

"Instead of producing energy in an unsustainable one-way route from fossil fuels to greenhouse gas, we can now reverse the process and recycle atmospheric carbon into fuel using sunlight," he added.

While plants produce fuel in the form of sugar, the artificial leaf delivers syngas, or synthesis gas, a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide. Syngas can be burned directly, or converted into diesel or other hydrocarbon fuels.

The ability to turn CO2 into fuel at a cost comparable to a gallon of gasoline would render fossil fuels obsolete.

Chemical reactions that convert CO2 into burnable forms of carbon are called reduction reactions, the opposite of oxidation or combustion. 

Engineers have been exploring different catalysts to drive CO2 reduction, but so far such reactions have been inefficient and rely on expensive precious metals such as silver, Salehi-Khojin said.

"What we needed was a new family of chemicals with extraordinary properties," he added in a paper published in the journal Science.

The team focused on a family of nano-structured compounds called transition metal dichalcogenides -- or TMDCs -- as catalysts, pairing them with an unconventional ionic liquid as the electrolyte inside a two-compartment, three-electrode electrochemical cell.

The best of several catalysts they studied turned out to be nanoflake tungsten diselenide.

"The new catalyst is more active; more able to break carbon dioxide's chemical bonds," said study lead author Mohammad Asadi. 

In fact, the new catalyst is 1,000 times faster than noble-metal catalysts and about 20 times cheaper.

The technology should be adaptable not only to large-scale use, like solar farms, but also to small-scale applications, Salehi-Khojin said. 

It may prove useful on Mars, whose atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide, if the planet is also found to have water.

Portable system can produce drugs on demand

New York, July 30 (IANS) Researchers have developed a portable production system that can manufacture a range of bio-pharmaceuticals on demand to help doctors treat patients in remote or developing parts of the world like India, where getting rapid access to drugs can be challenging.

Bio-pharmaceutical drugs are used in a wide range of therapies including vaccines and treatments for diabetes and cancer. But these are typically produced in large, centralised fermentation plants and transporting them to the treatment site can be expensive and time-consuming.

The new system, developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, can be used to produce a single dose of treatment from a compact device containing a small droplet of cells in a liquid. 

It was recently described in the journal Nature Communications.

"Imagine you were on Mars or in a remote desert, without access to a full formulary, you could program the yeast to produce drugs on demand locally," said senior study author Tim Lu.

The system could be carried onto the battlefield and used to produce treatments at the point of care. It may also be used to manufacture a vaccine to prevent a disease outbreak in a remote village.

Burying CO2 underground safer than previously thought

London, July 28 (IANS) Storing carbon dioxide (CO2) in reservoirs deep underground may be better for the climate than emitting the gas directly into the atmosphere as researchers have found that this process is much safer over long periods of time than previously thought.

The researchers found that natural accumulations of CO2 that have been trapped underground for around 100,000 years have not significantly corroded the rocks above.

These findings, published in the journal Nature Communications, demonstrate the viability of a process called carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a solution to reducing carbon emissions from coal and gas-fired power stations, the researchers said.

"With careful evaluation, burying carbon dioxide underground will prove very much safer than emitting CO2 directly to the atmosphere," said lead author Mike Bickle, Professor at University of Cambridge.

Carbon capture and storage involves capturing the carbon dioxide produced at power stations, compressing it, and pumping it into reservoirs in the rock more than a kilometre underground.

The CO2 must remain buried for at least 10,000 years to avoid the impacts on climate.

One concern in this process is that the dilute acid, formed when the stored CO2 dissolves in water present in the reservoir rocks, might corrode the rocks above and let the CO2 escape upwards.

The new research found that CO2 can be securely stored underground for far longer than the 10,000 years needed to avoid climatic impacts.

The study showed that the critical component in geological carbon storage, the relatively impermeable layer of "cap rock" that retains the CO2, can resist corrosion from CO2-saturated water for at least 100,000 years.

To understand these effects, this study examined a natural reservoir in the US state of Utah where large natural pockets of CO2 have been trapped in sedimentary rocks for hundreds of thousands of years. 

The team drilled deep down below the surface into one of these natural CO2 reservoirs to recover samples of the rock layers and the fluids confined in the rock pores.

"A major obstacle to the implementation of CCS is the uncertainty over the long-term fate of the CO2 which impacts regulation, insurance, and who assumes the responsibility for maintaining CO2 storage sites. Our study demonstrates that geological carbon storage can be safe and predictable over many hundreds of thousands of years," Bickle said.

ADHD medication reduces risky behaviour in children

Washington, July 28 (IANS) Medications taken by children to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) offer long-term benefits, revealed a study.

ADHD is a chronic condition characterised by attention difficulty or hyperactivity and impulsiveness where children can do risky activities like dangerous driving, drug use and risky sexual behaviour.

According to the research, the treatment with ADHD medication made children less likely to suffer consequences of risky behaviour such as sexually transmitted diseases or substance abuse during their teen years and injuries.

"ADHD is such a major issue, but no one seemed to be able to give a very definite answer to the long-term effect of the medication. We were able to see everyone who had an ADHD diagnosis and track their health over time to identify any potential benefits of the medication or the lack of thereof," said Anna Chorniy, Researcher at Clemson University, in the study published in the journal Labour Economics.

For the study, the researchers took nearly 1,50,000 children diagnosed with ADHD and compared them with children who did not receive medication.

Those who took medication were (3.6 per cent) less likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease, than those who did not take medication (7.3 per cent).

While previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of medications in treating the core symptoms of ADHD, little has been known about the effects of treatment on health, behavioural and educational outcomes in the long run. ​