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Knowledge Update

Introduction & Purpose
Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

Microsoft partners with TomTom mapping company

​London, Dec 16 (IANS) US tech giant Microsoft has teamed up with traffic, navigation and mapping products company TomTom to bring enterprise-grade location-based services to Microsofts Azure Cloud platform.

Chinese yuan weakens further against USD

​Beijing, Dec 16 (IANS) Chinese yuan weakened against the US dollar on Friday for the third-straight day Friday after the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) raised the benchmark interest rate for the first time this year, Xinhua news agency reported.

BlackBerry, TCL sign smartphone software, brand licensing deal

​Toronto, Dec 16 (IANS) Canadian smartphone maker BlackBerry and TCL Communication Technology Holdings Limited on Friday entered into a long-term licensing agreement that will provide acceleration to BlackBerry's transition into a security software and services company. Under the terms, BlackBerry will license its security software and service suite, as well as related brand assets, to TCL Communication who will design, manufacture, sell and provide customer support for BlackBerry-branded mobile devices. "This agreement with TCL Communication represents a key step in our strategy to focus on putting the 'smart in the phone' by providing state-of-the-art security and device software on a platform that mobile users prefer and are comfortable with," said Ralph Pini, Chief Operating Officer and General Manager, Mobility Solutions, BlackBerry, in a statement. TCL Communication will be the exclusive global manufacturer and distributor for all BlackBerry-branded smartphones with the exception of the following countries -- India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Indonesia. "At TCL Communication, we are committed to creating the best portfolio solutions, while ensuring the quality support to consumers and enterprise users who trust the integrity of the BlackBerry device and the brand's security leadership, coupled with the Android platform," added Nicolas Zibell, CEO, TCL Communication. The partnership with TCL Communication is BlackBerry's first global licensing agreement and expands on its existing relationship, which led to the introduction of the DTEK50 and DTEK60 handsets on Android. Additional information on the product roadmap and availability of devices will be available in coming months, the company said. After failing to revive its smartphone business despite several efforts, BlackBerry, earlier this year, announced it will cease internal hardware development and will focus on software and services.

6 Bali most popular year-end destination in Asia

Jakarta, Dec 16 (IANS) Indonesia's famous tour destination, the resort island of Bali, has been picked by prominent US travelling reviewer website TripAdvisor as the most popular year-end destination.

The latest international recognition for Bali has made Indonesia's Tourism Minister Arief Yahya upbeat about meeting the target for number of foreign visitors this year -- initially set at 12 million, Xinhua news agency reported on Friday.

The Indonesian government is now developing 10 new tour destinations across the nation, dubbed as New Bali, which are expected to compare with Bali in terms of attracting tourists.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has previously pledged to improve budget allocation up to five times higher to further boost tourism sector which has been declared as the nation's core business.

Bali offers diverse tourism attractions comprising adventure, underwater activities, tourism sports, cultural and traditional events and beautiful beaches.

Depressed children may respond less robustly to rewards

New York, Dec 16 (IANS) Brains of children who are clinically depressed react less robustly to success and rewards as compared to other children who are not depressed.

The study showed that when a child, as young as four years old, does not seem to be excited by rewards, such as toys and gifts, it may be a sign that the child is depressed or prone to depression.

Decreased ability to enjoy activities and play, remain persistently sad, irritable or less motivated, who feel excessively guilty about wrongdoing and those who experience changes in sleep and appetite also may be at risk.

"The pleasure we derive from rewards -- such as toys and gifts -- motivates us to succeed and seek more rewards. Dampening the process early in development is a serious concern because it may carry over to how a person will approach rewarding tasks later in life," said Joan L. Luby, Director of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, US.

For the research, the team involved 84 children aged between three and seven, who played a computer game that involved choosing between two doors shown on the screen.

The electrical activity in their brains were measured using an electroencephalogram machine (EEG).

While the brains of clinically depressed children responded similarly to those of non-depressed children when points were lost, the response when the correct door was chosen was blunted.

The EEG results showed that their brains did not react as robustly from the pleasurable event of choosing the correct door on the screen.

"The study may show us how the brain processes emotions in young children with depression," Luby said.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Appetising foods may not drive long-term overeating

New York, Dec 16 (IANS) Eating good-tasting food such as chocolate chip cookies, potato chips and sweetened condensed milk may not drive long-term overeating and cause obesity, a study has found.

The research using a mouse model suggests desirable taste in and of itself does not lead to weight gain.

"Most people think that good-tasting food causes obesity but that is not the case. Good taste determines what we choose to eat, but not how much we eat over the long-term," said Michael Tordoff, psychologist at Monell Chemical Senses Center -- a non-profit scientific institute in Pennsylvania, US.

To assess the role of taste in driving overeating and weight gain, three groups of mice received one of the three diets for six weeks: One group was fed plain chow, one group was fed chow with added sucralose and one group was fed chow with added mineral oil. 

At the end of this period, the groups fed the sweet or oily chow were no heavier or fatter than were the animals fed the plain chow.

Additional tests revealed that even after six weeks, the animals still highly preferred the taste-enhanced diets, demonstrating the persistent strong appeal of both sweet and oily tastes.

"Even though we gave mice delicious diets over a prolonged period, they did not gain excess weight. People say that 'if a food is good-tasting it must be bad for you', but our findings suggest this is not the case. It should be possible to create foods that are both healthy and good-tasting," Tordoff said.

The findings are published online in the journal Physiology & Behavior.

Gift mind-controlled toys to your kids soon

London, Dec 16 (IANS) Imagine your child controlling toys with his/her brain while you get busy with home chores. According to researchers from the University of Warwick in Britain, next generation toys controlled with the power of thoughts can become must have gifts in the near future.

Led by Professor Christopher James, the team has developed a technology which allows electronic devices to be activated using electrical impulses from brain waves, by connecting our thoughts to computerised systems.

The research connects the human mind with electronic devices and sensors in headsets receive brain waves and feed them into electrical circuits.

As a result, remote-controlled cars and toy robots could be activated with kids' levels of concentration like thinking of his/her favourite colour or stroking your dog.

Instead of a hand-held controller, the headset is used to create a brain-computer interface. This activity is then processed by a computer, amplified and fed into the electrical circuit of the electronic toy.

"While brain-computer interfaces already exist, their functionality has been quite limited. New research is making the headsets now read cleaner and stronger signals than ever before - this means stronger links to the toy, game or action thus making it a very immersive experience," James explained in a university statement.

The exciting bit is what comes next -- how long before we start unlocking the front door or answering the phone through brain-computer interfaces, the researchers noted.

New blood test can predict throat cancer recurrence

New York, Dec 16 (IANS) Researchers have identified that a blood serum test for two specific antibodies of human papillomavirus may act as a potential biomarker to predict the relapse of a type of throat cancer.

Oropharyngeal cancer -- which occurs in the throat, tonsils and back of the tongue -- is frequently linked to the human papilloma virus -- an infection that causes warts in various parts of the body.

Although HPV-related cancers are generally more responsive to treatment, for nearly 15 to 20 per cent of patients, the treatment won't work and their cancer is likely to relapse.

The study found that the patients whose HPV-fueled oropharyngeal cancer recurred had higher levels of antibodies for two proteins -- E6 and E7.

The presence of these antibodies in blood serum can be a reliable indicator of five-year head and neck cancer survival, the researchers said.

"If we can monitor someone through blood markers, then instead of a patient coming for a clinic visit every two to three months, they could get blood drawn near home. If there's evidence of high E7, we can tell the patient to come in for more evaluation," said Matthew E. Spector, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in the US.

For the study, the team examined blood serum samples of 52 patients with advanced oropharyngeal cancer, of which 22 developed recurrence and 30 did not. 

The analysis revealed that recurrent patients had significantly higher E6 and E7 serum antibody levels than the non-recurrent patients over the follow-up period.

Patients who recurred had a lower clearance of E7 antibody than patients who remained disease free.

The study was published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.

US scientists reverse signs of ageing in mice

US researchers have successfully reversed the hallmarks of ageing in mice using a technique called cellular reprogramming.

New method may detect 10 black holes per year

Toronto, Dec 16 (IANS) With the help of a new method, researchers can detect roughly 10 black holes per year -- doubling the number currently known within two years -- and unlock their history in a little more than a decade.

"Within the next 10 years, there will be sufficient accumulated data on enough black holes that researchers can statistically analyse their properties as a population," said Avery Broderick, Professor at University of Waterloo.

"This information will allow us to study stellar mass black holes at various stages that often extend billions of years," added Broderick.

The researchers came up with the method that has implications for the emerging field of gravitational wave astronomy and the way in which we search for black holes and other dark objects in space. 

"We do not yet know how rare these events are and how many black holes are generally distributed across the galaxy," said Broderick, adding that "for the first time, we will be placing all the amazing dynamical physics that Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) sees into a larger astronomical context."

The study, published in The Astrophysical Journal, proposes a bolder approach to detect and study black holes not as single entities but in large numbers as a system by combining two standard astrophysical tools in use today -- microlensing and radio wave interferometry.

Although very little is known about the inner workings of black holes, the integral part they play in the lifecycle of stars and regulate the growth of galaxies is known. 

Earlier this year, LIGO presented the first direct proof of the existence of black holes when it detected gravitational waves from the collision of two black holes merging into one.

When a dark object, such as a black hole, passes between us and another light source, gravitational microlensing occurs. 

The researchers proposed using radio waves to take multiple snapshots of the microlensing event in real time.

"When you look at the same event using a radio telescope -- interferometry -- you can actually resolve more than one image. That is what gives us the power to extract all kinds of parameters, like the object's mass, distance and velocity," noted Mansour Karami, doctoral student University of Waterloo.