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Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

Why we get distracted while performing a task?

New York, Oct 9 (IANS) Motivation can act as the best defence against distractions that arise while performing activities that are both difficult as well as an easy, a study has found.

In the study, the researchers from the University of Illinois, have challenged the popular notion that people become more distractible as they tackle increasingly difficult tasks.

On the contrary, they found that it is the simpler tasks that causes individuals to become distracted more easily.

Those who get engaged in an easy tasks were more likely to have distractions than those engaged in an extremely challenging tasks.

Further, the more complex the activity, the more attention you have to give to the task at hand, and the less time you have for outside distractions, the study stated.

"This suggests that focus on complex mental tasks reduces a person's sensitivity to events in the world that are not related to those tasks," said Simona Buetti, Professor at University of Illinois.

"When the need for inner focus is high, we may have the impression that we momentarily disengage from the world entirely in order to achieve a heightened degree of mental focus," Buetti added.

This finding corroborates a phenomenon called "inattentional blindness", in which people involved in an engaging task often fail to notice strange and unexpected events.

The bigger the task, the less likely they are to notice their surroundings, the researchers observed.

For the study, the team tracked eye movements of volunteers as they solved math problems of various difficulty while looking at neutral photographs.

The results showed that the more difficult the math problem, the more likely the volunteers' eyes were to wander.

The ability to avoid being distracted is not driven primarily by the difficulty of the task, but is likely the result of an individual's level of engagement with the endeavour, the researchers concluded.

Astronomers spot giant 'cannonballs' shooting from star

Washington, Oct 7 (IANS) Using NASA's Hubble space telescope data, scientists, including one of Indian-origin, have detected superhot blobs of gas, each twice as massive as the planet Mars, being ejected near a dying star.

The plasma balls are zooming so fast through space it would take only 30 minutes for them to travel from Earth to the moon, NASA said in a statement on Thursday.

Astronomers have estimated that this stellar "cannon fire" has continued once every 8.5 years for at least the past 400 years.

"We knew this object had a high-speed outflow from previous data, but this is the first time we are seeing this process in action," said lead author of the study Raghvendra Sahai of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

The fireballs present a puzzle to astronomers, because the ejected material could not have been shot out by the host star, called V Hydrae. 

The star is a bloated red giant, residing 1,200 light years away and which has probably shed at least half of its mass into space during its death throes. 

Red giants are dying stars in the late stages of life that are exhausting their nuclear fuel that makes them shine. They have expanded in size and are shedding their outer layers into space.

The current best explanation suggests the plasma balls were launched by an unseen companion star. 

According to this theory, the companion would have to be in an elliptical orbit that carries it close to the red giant's puffed-up atmosphere every 8.5 years. 

As the companion enters the bloated star's outer atmosphere, it gobbles up material. This material then settles into a disk around the companion, and serves as the launching pad for blobs of plasma, which travel at roughly a half-million miles per hour.

This star system could be the archetype to explain a dazzling variety of glowing shapes uncovered by Hubble that are seen around dying stars, called planetary nebulae, the researchers said. 

A planetary nebula is an expanding shell of glowing gas expelled by a star late in its life.

"We suggest that these gaseous blobs produced during this late phase of a star's life help make the structures seen in planetary nebulae," Sahai noted.

Sahai's team used Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) to conduct observations of V Hydrae and its surrounding region over an 11-year period, first from 2002 to 2004, and then from 2011 to 2013. 

The results appeared in The Astrophysical Journal.

New York, Oct 7 (IANS) Snap Inc -- the parent company of popular photo-sharing messaging service Snapchat -- is considering an initial public offering (IPO) that can value the company at $25 billion or more, media reported on Friday. According to Wall St

​New York, Oct 7 (IANS) Snap Inc -- the parent company of popular photo-sharing messaging service Snapchat -- is considering an initial public offering (IPO) that can value the company at $25 billion or more, media reported on Friday.

Snapchat planning $25 bn IPO

New York, Oct 7 (IANS) Snap Inc -- the parent company of popular photo-sharing messaging service Snapchat -- is considering an initial public offering (IPO) that can value the company at $25 billion or more, media reported on Friday.

Samsung's operating profit rises despite Note 7 recall

​Seoul, Oct 7 (IANS) Samsung Electronics saw its operating profit rise in the third quarter despite a global recall of Galaxy Note 7 smartphones, the company said on Friday.

The South Korean tech behemoth posted 7.8 trillion won ($7 billion) in its preliminary figure for operating profit during the July-September period, up 5.55 per cent from the

Robots may replace humans as nursing assistants

​London, Oct 7 (IANS) The next time you visit a hospital, do not be surprised if you find robots as your new nursing assistants.

Robots can imitate human motions as well as effectively coordinate their actions with humans even with surgeries, a research has found.

Facebook rolls out standalone app for events

​New York, Oct 8 (IANS) Facebook has introduced a standalone app that allows event seekers to keep up with nearby events and finding things to do with their friends.

Whether you are looking for something to attend this weekend or just wondering what is happening in your area, events app will help get you there, the social media giant said.

Google to close location-centric photo sharing service Panoramio

​New York, Oct 8 (IANS) Technology giant Google will shut down Panoramio, the location-centric photo sharing service that the company used to augment its Google Maps and Google Earth services, in November, a media report said.

Pill to prevent Alzheimer's disease in the offing

New York, Oct 8 (IANS) A pill that prevents the accumulation of toxic molecules in the brain and can help prevent or delay Alzheimer's, can be the next target in the fight against the neurocognitive disease, according to US scientists.

Apple's $120 mn patent win against Samsung reinstated

​New York, Oct 8 (IANS) There is more bad news for Samsung. The company lost some ground following incidents of the Galaxy Note 7 battery exploding, and now a US court has reinstated its decision that Samsung had infringed on Apple's patents and owes the company nearly $120 million.