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Knowledge Update

Introduction & Purpose
Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

Ants use sun, memories for 'backward' walk home

London, Jan 22 (IANS) Ants, which are famed for their highly developed work ethic, use the sun and memories of their surroundings to find the way home when they walk backward dragging a heavy load, scientists have found.

A study, published in the journal Current Biology, showed that ants' navigational skills are very sophisticated as when walking backward, they occasionally look behind them to check their surroundings and use this information to set a course relative to the sun's position.

"In this way, the insects can maintain their course towards the nest regardless of which way they are facing," the team of researchers from University of Edinburgh, Scotland, found.

"Ants have a relatively tiny brain, less than the size of a pinhead. Understanding their behaviour gives us new insights into brain function, and has inspired us to build robot systems that mimic their functions," said Professor Barbara Webb of the University of Edinburgh's School of Informatics.

Although ants usually walk forward when they carry small pieces of food, but walk backwards to drag larger items to their nest.

Researchers observed that ants set off in the wrong direction when a mirror was used to alter their perception of the sun's location.

To ensure they stay on course, backward-walking ants also routinely drop what they are carrying and turn around.

They do this to compare what they see with their visual memories of the route, and correct their direction of travel if they have wandered off course.

The findings suggest ants can understand spatial relations in the external world, not just relative to themselves.

Brain stimulation used like a scalpel can improve memory

New York, Jan 22 (IANS) Non-invasive brain stimulations can work like a scalpel to improve the precise memory of a human and can also be used as a treatment for those who have memory problem because of brain injury, a new study has found.

Precise memory is critical for knowing details such as the specific colour, shape and location of a building you are looking for, rather than simply knowing the part of town it is in.

Researchers from the Northwestern University found that by stimulating the brain network responsible for spatial memory with powerful electromagnets, the precision of people's memory for identifying locations improved.

"We show that it is possible to target the portion of the brain responsible for this type of memory and to improve it," said Joel Voss, assistant professor.

The scientists used MRI to identify memory-related brain networks then stimulated them with non-invasive electromagnetic stimulation.

The paper, published in the journal Current Biology, paves the way for developing new treatments for people who have problems with precise memory because of brain injury.

Mapping preemies' brain may predict later disability

Toronto, Jan 22 (IANS) Scanning the brain of a premature baby shortly after birth to map the location and volume of lesions -- small areas of injury in the brain's white matter -- may help doctors better predict whether the baby will have disabilities later, researchers say.

Lack of oxygen to the brain is the most common form of brain injury in premature infants, resulting in damage to the white matter - which contains nerve fibers that maintain contact between various parts of the brain.

Damage to white matter can interfere with communication in the brain and the signals it sends to other parts of the body.

"In general, babies who are born before 31 weeks gestation have a higher risk of thinking, language and movement problems throughout their lives, so being able to better predict which infants will face certain developmental problems is important so they get the best early interventions possible," said Steven P. Miller from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, Canada.

For the study, the team looked at a group of A58 premature babies with white matter injury who had an MRI brain scan at an average of 32 weeks after gestation. These babies were then evaluated for motor, thinking and language skills when they were 18 months old.

The findings showed that a greater volume of small areas of injury, no matter where they were located in the brain, could predict movement problems at 18 months.

A greater volume of these small areas of injury in the frontal lobe -- area of the brain that regulates problem solving, memory, language skills and voluntary movement skills -- could predict thinking problems.

On the other hand, premature infants with larger frontal lobe injuries had a 79 fold greater odds of developing thinking problems than infants without such injuries, as well as a 64 fold greater odds of problems with movement development.

Future studies should evaluate premature infants not just at 18 months, but at various points throughout childhood to determine the long-term consequences of early injuries in the brain, Miller added.

The study was published in the journal Neurology.

Twitter's latest feature to identify your BFF

​New York, Jan 21 (IANS) You will no longer miss the tweets from your best friend as Twitter is testing a new feature that highlights tweets from a select, single person it thinks you should not miss.

LG's G6 to feature Google's voice assistant service

​Seoul, Jan 21 (IANS) After launching its modular device G5 this year, South Korean electronics conglomerate LG will launch its G6 smartphone with Google voice assistant service next month, media reported. According to Yonhap news agency, LG agreed with Google last year to feature the assistant and is in the final stage of stabilising the software before unveiling the model just ahead of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) scheduled to take place from February 27 to March 2 in Barcelona. iPhone already has its voice assistant Siri and Samsung is reportedly working on its own smart assistant for Galaxy S8 called Bixby. "Google Assistant will be very helpful for LG Electronics when all other tech firms are showcasing their voice assistant service. The difficult task for LG is whether the service will recognize the Korean language," a source was quoted as saying. An LG official said the company "cannot confirm the speculation at the moment" and Google also declined to comment on the matter at the moment, the report said. LG G6 will be equipped with "heat pipes" for better cooling as part of its efforts to strengthen product safety. This technology lowers the temperature of the processor by some 6-10 per cent by dispersing heat and helping prevent it from reaching the battery cell.

Delirium can accelerate dementia process

London, Jan 21 (IANS) When people start becoming delirious, it may have a long-lasting impact on their brains, accelerating the dementia process among them, a new study has found.

A research conducted in the University College London and the University of Cambridge found that episodes of delirium in people who are not known to have dementia, might also reveal dementia at its earliest stages.

"If delirium is causing brain injury in the short and long-term, then we must increase our efforts to diagnose, prevent and treat delirium. Ultimately, targeting delirium could be a chance to delay or reduce dementia," said Daniel Davis from the University of Cambridge.

The study noted that while both delirium and dementia are important factors in cognitive decline among the elderly, delirium is preventable and treatable through dedicated geriatric care.

"Unfortunately, most delirium goes unrecognised. In busy hospitals, a sudden change in confusion is not noticed by hospital staff. Patients can be transferred several times and staff often switch over -- it requires everyone to 'think delirium' and identify that a patient's brain function has changed," Davis noted in a paper published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry.

Anonymous browsing habits may reveal who you are

​New York, Jan 20 (IANS) If you think that going incognito online will save you from being seen or noticed, you are wrong. According to researchers including two of Indian-origin, online behaviour can be identified by linking anonymous web browsing histories with your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles.

Apple, Amazon end audiobook exclusivity deal

New York, Jan 20 (IANS) In an aim to improve competition in downloadable audiobook distribution in Europe, Apple and Amazon have agreed to end an exclusivity agreement that made Audible the only seller of audiobooks inside of iTunes.

Facebook announces building of data centre in Denmark

​Copenhagen, Jan 20 (IANS) Social media giant Facebook announced on Thursday that it would build a new data centre in Odense, Denmark's third largest city in Funen island.

The new centre, which is Facebook's third outside the United States, would be one of the most advanced and energy-efficient data centres in the world and would be powered

Is Wolf 1061c exoplanet next Earth?

New York, Jan 20 (IANS) In an attempt to search for life outside Earth, an astronomer has studied an exoplanet called Wolf 1061 and found the celestial body could be habitable in the future.

Astronomer Stephen Kane from San Francisco State University, in his research focused on finding "habitable zones" where water could exist in a liquid state on a planet's surface. 

Kane and his team examined a habitable zone on a planetary system 14 light years away. "The Wolf 1061 system is important because it is so close and that gives other opportunities to do follow-up studies to see if it does indeed have life," Kane said in a statement.

One of the three known planets in the Wolf 1061 system, a rocky planet called Wolf 1061c, is entirely within the habitable zone. 

When scientists search for planets that could sustain life, they are basically looking for a planet with nearly identical properties to Earth. 

"Simply put, the planet can't be too close or too far from its parent star. A planet that's too close would be too hot like Earth's twin Venus. If it's too far, it may be too cold and any water would freeze, which is what happens on Mars," Kane noted.

Since Wolf 1061c is close to the inner edge of the habitable zone, meaning closer to the star, it could be that the planet has an atmosphere that's more similar to Venus. 

Kane and his team also observed that unlike Earth, which experiences climatic changes such as an ice age because of slow variations in its orbit around the sun, Wolf 1061c's orbit changes at a much faster rate, which could mean the climate there could be quite chaotic.

According to Kane, life is possible on Wolf 1061c under one possibility -- the short time scales over which Wolf 1061c's orbit changes could be enough that it could actually cool the planet off.

But fully understanding what's happening on the planet's surface will take more research, he added.

The findings are forthcoming in the Astrophysical Journal in a paper titled "Characterization of the Wolf 1061 Planetary System".