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Knowledge Update

Introduction & Purpose
Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

New gene linked to cleft lip and palate identified

London, March 25 (IANS) Opening a new window for development of medical approaches to prevent cleft lip and palate, scientists have identified an important gene that is associated with the disfiguring condition.

Increased activity of a gene called GREM1 (Gremlin1) significantly ups the risk for cleft lip and palate, the findings showed.

"The findings reveal a link between GREM1 and specific clinical characteristics that arise in the formation of a cleft lip and palate,” said senior author of the study Heiko Peters from Newcastle University in Britain.

"This is very important in this research area as it helps to decipher the complex interplay between genes required for the different steps and in different tissues during lip and palate development,” Peters noted.

The findings were published in the journal PLoS Genetics.

A cleft is a gap in the upper lip, the roof of the mouth, or sometimes both. Each year, approximately 250,000 babies worldwide are born with a cleft, the study pointed out.

"A cleft lip can occur with or without a cleft palate and the genetic factors that predispose to palate involvement are largely unknown," Peters said.

The research team carried out analyses on genetic and clinical data from three large patient cohorts and identified a strong association between a region on chromosome 15 and cleft lip and palate.

They also carried out studies on mice to investigate where GREM1 is normally active in the development of the face and how alterations in the gene's activity may affect the lip and palate.

Results indicated that it is not the loss of GREM1 function but rather its increased activity that causes the condition.

"These findings provide a framework for further analyses of GREM1 in human cell systems and model organisms, broadening our understanding of the processes that regulate the face's shape," Peters noted.

NASA lines up globe-spanning research on Earth

Washington, March 26 (IANS) NASA is sending scientists around the world this year - from the edge of the Greenland ice sheet to the coral reefs of the South Pacific - to delve into challenging questions about how our planet is changing and what impact humans are having on it.

While Earth science field experiments are nothing new for NASA, the next six months will be a particularly active period with eight major new campaigns taking researchers around the world on a wide range of science investigations, the US space agency said in a statement.

"Combining the long-term global view from space with detailed measurements from field experiments is a powerful way of deciphering what’s happening in our world,” said Michael Freilich, director of NASA’s Earth Science Division in Washington. 

The first of the new projects, currently in the field, is an examination of the extent to which the oceans around Greenland are melting the edges of the ice sheet from below. 

Air quality is the focus of the Korea US-Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) campaign in South Korea, which begins in May. This joint study between NASA and the Republic of Korea is aimed at advancing the ability to monitor air pollution from space, with coordinated observations from aircraft, ground sites, ships and satellites.

Also in May, the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) takes to the sea and air for the second year to study how the world’s largest plankton bloom gives rise to small organic particles that influence clouds and climate.

Throughout much of this year, teams of scientists working on the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) will be in the tundra and forests of Alaska and northwestern Canada investigating the role of climate in wild fires, thawing permafrost, wildlife migration habits and insect outbreaks, NASA said.

In June, the Coral Reef Airborne Laboratory (CORAL) project team will begin testing airborne and in-water instruments in Hawaii to assess the condition of threatened coral-based ecosystems. CORAL’s next stop will be Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

Three airborne research campaigns will take to the skies this summer, focusing on critical climate-related components of the atmosphere. Flying tracks over the Pacific and Atlantic oceans thousands of miles long, the team of the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) mission will gather measurements on more than 200 different chemical species from the ocean surface up to approximately seven miles in the atmosphere to understand how the movement and transformation of short-lived greenhouse gases, such as ozone and methane, contribute to climate change.

Focusing on the skies over the eastern half of the United States, the Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) research team will track the movement of atmospheric carbon to better understand the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases. Flights will originate from Louisiana, Nebraska and Virginia.

The Observations of Clouds above Aerosols and their Interactions (ORACLES) study will use airborne instruments to probe the impact on climate and rainfall of the interaction between clouds over the southeastern Atlantic Ocean and smoke from massive vegetation burning in southern Africa. 

NASA believes that a better understanding of how the smoke particles alter stratocumulus clouds that play a key role in regional and global surface temperatures and precipitation will help improve current climate models.​

Blood test to predict your risk of developing TB

​An international team of researchers has identified biological markers in the blood that can help doctors predict who is at high risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB).

One-third of the world's population is thought to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, but just a small fraction ever develops symptomatic illness. 

If validated through additional clinical trials, a test based on these blood biomarkers that the researchers have now identified would allow doctors to target therapies to at-risk people, thus preventing them from getting sick.

The decade-long research effort was led by investigators from the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative at the University of Cape Town, and the Center for Infectious Disease Research, Seattle, US.

The findings were published in the journal The Lancet.

The biomarkers were identified in two stages. First, researchers collected blood samples for two years from more than 6,000 Mtb-infected but otherwise healthy adolescent volunteers in South Africa. 

Analysis of the samples revealed patterns of gene expression that differed between volunteers who eventually developed TB and those who remained healthy. 

This risk "signature," confined to a set of 16 genes, could be detected in a blood sample as early as 18 months before the infected person developed active TB.

Next, the team confirmed the genetic risk signature's predictive ability in a study of more than 4,500 volunteers in South Africa and The Gambia. 

The second study group was more varied in age, health status, ethnicity and exposure to locally common strains of Mtb than volunteers in the first study. 

Despite the differences, the same risk signature found in the first study was detected in the people who eventually developed active TB during the second trial.​

New York, March 26 (IANS)

Birds in remote Antarctica can recognise individual people

Seoul, March 26 (IANS) While it is only natural for birds living among people to learn to differentiate individual humans, researchers have found that skuas living in remote Antarctica too can recognise people who had previously accessed the nests to measure their eggs and nestlings.

The findings suggest that these birds have very high levels of cognitive abilities.

"I had to defend myself against the skuas' attack," said one of the researchers Yeong-Deok Han from Inha University in Incheon, South Korea. 

"When I was with other researchers, the birds flew over me and tried to hit me. Even when I changed my field clothes, they followed me. The birds seemed to know me no matter what I wear," Han noted.

The research team performed a series of experiments. The researchers checked the nests once a week to monitor the breeding status, and the skuas attacked at closer distances with repeated visits of the researchers. 

To test if the birds specifically distinguish the researchers who visited the nests from those who did not, a pair of humans consisting of nest intruder (who accessed the nests) and neutral human (who never accessed the nests before) approached to the nests and walked towards the opposite directions. 

All seven skua pairs followed and tried to attack the nest intruder but never followed the neutral human.

These findings were published in the journal Animal Cognition.

"It is amazing that brown skuas, which evolved and lived in human-free habitats, recognised individual humans just after three or four visits. It seems that they have very high levels of cognitive abilities," lead researcher Won Young Lee, senior researcher from Korea Polar Research Institute, said. ​

NASA cargo spacecraft begins delivering key science to ISS

Washington, March 27 (IANS) The Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo ship from NASA was finally bolted into place on the International Space Station's (ISS) Earth-facing port on Sunday.

The spacecraft's arrival will support the crew members' research off the Earth to benefit the Earth.

The spacecraft was delivering more than 7,500 pounds (3,400 kg) of science and research, crew supplies and vehicle hardware to the orbital laboratory to support dozens of nearly 250 science and research investigations that will be carried out during Expeditions 47 and 48.

Beginning with this mission, Cygnus is equipped with a NanoRacks External Cygnus Deployer for CubeSats that will provide opportunities for small satellites to be deployed from Cygnus after the vehicle departs from the ISS.

The spacecraft will spend more than a month attached to the space station before separating from the station.

After completion of its primary ISS resupply mission, Cygnus depart a safe distance from the station before deploying the satellites, and begin its destructive re-entry into Earth's atmosphere in May 2016, disposing of about 3,000 pounds of trash.

The flight was delivering investigations to the space station to study fire, meteors, regolith, adhesion and 3D printing in microgravity.

The "Saffire-I" investigation will provide a new way to study a realistic fire on an exploration vehicle, which has not been possible in the past because the risks for performing such studies on manned spacecraft are too high.

Instruments on the returning Cygnus will measure flame growth, oxygen use and more.

Results could determine microgravity flammability limits for several spacecraft materials, help to validate NASA's material selection criteria, and help scientists understand how microgravity and limited oxygen affect flame size.

A less heated investigation called "Meteor Composition Determination" will enable the first space-based observations of meteors entering Earth's atmosphere from space, the US space agency said in a statement.

A more "grounded" Strata-1 probe will study the properties and behaviour of regolith - the impact-shattered "soil" found on asteroids, comets, the Moon and other airless worlds.

From grounded to gripping, another investigation launching takes its inspiration from small lizards. The "Gecko Gripper" investigation tests a gecko-adhesive gripping device that can stick on command in the harsh environment of space.

Once adhered, the gripper can bear loads up to 20 pounds. The gripper can remain in place indefinitely and can also be easily removed and reused.

From adhesion to additive, the new Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF) will also be part of the cargo. Additive manufacturing (3D printing) is the process of building a part layer-by-layer, with an efficient use of the material.

The facility is capable of producing parts out of a wide variety of space-rated composites, including engineered plastics.

The ability to manufacture on the orbiting laboratory enables on-demand repair and production capability, as well as essential research for manufacturing on long-term missions.​

Young smartphone users stream 6.2 GB of video each month

New York, March 25 (IANS) Young smartphone users under the age of 25 use a whopping 6.2 GB of mobile and Wi-Fi data each month for mobile video streaming, according to a study.

The study, 'Connected Intelligence Smartphone and Tablet Usage Report', was recently carried out by the multi-national market research company NPD Group, reported. 

It also found the average smartphone user eats up nearly 3 GB of mobile data per month, with video streaming as the top driver of that consumption.

Smartphone users under the age of 25 are also outpacing their peers in terms of time spent watching streamed video content.

"Users are spending more time watching videos on their smartphones than ever before, as the adoption of smartphones that boast larger displays increases," said NPD Connected Intelligence Mobility practice research director Brad Akyuz. 

But while younger users may lead in terms of consumption, they are far from the only ones streaming video.

According to the study, more than 80 percent of all smartphone users in the US now stream video on their devices.

"This mobile streaming behaviour is further bolstered by the new offerings of wireless operators, such as T-Mobile's Binge On and Verizon Wireless' go90, which run on free sponsored data," Akyuz said.​

Our moon tilted by five degrees, lunar ice reveals

Washington, March 24 (IANS) New NASA-funded research provides evidence that the spin axis of Earth's moon shifted by about five degrees roughly three billion years ago.

The evidence of this motion is recorded in the distribution of ancient lunar ice, evidence of delivery of water to the early solar system."The same face of the moon has not always pointed towards Earth," said Matthew Siegler of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona."As the axis moved, so did the face of the 'man in the moon'. He sort of turned his nose up at the Earth," Siegler noted in a paper appeared in the journal Nature.

Water ice can exist on Earth's moon in areas of permanent shadow.If ice on the moon is exposed to direct sunlight it evaporates into space.

The team show evidence that a shift of the lunar spin axis billions of years ago enabled sunlight to creep into areas that were once shadowed and likely previously contained ice. 

The researchers found that the ice that survived this shift effectively "paints" a path along which the axis moved.

They matched the path with models predicting where the ice could remain stable and inferred the moon's axis had moved by approximately five degrees.

This is the first physical evidence that the moon underwent such a dramatic change in orientation and implies that much of the polar ice on the moon is billions of years old.

"The new findings are a compelling view of the moon's dynamic past," added Yvonne Pendleton, director of NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) in California.

"It is wonderful to see the results of several missions pointing to these insights," he said.

These findings may open the door to further discoveries on the interior evolution of the moon, as well as the origin of water on the moon and early Earth.​

Japan begins test run of gravity wave detector

Tokyo, March 25 (IANS) Japanese scientists on Friday began a test run of an underground telescope to detect gravitational waves and gain a better understanding of the universe through their observations.

The test run, which will continue until March 31, comes a month after a US-led team of scientists said it had identified the gravitational waves, theorised 100 years ago by Albert Einstein, EFE news reported.

The KAGRA telescope is installed inside a tunnel located more than 200 metres underground at the Kamioka mine site in the Gifu prefecture to minimise seismic noise.

The facility uses laser beams moving back and forth inside vacuum pipes that have mirrors placed at each end to detect the very small waves.

The Japanese efforts to detect gravitational waves are being led by 2015 Physics Nobel laureate Takaaki Kajita from the University of Tokyo.

After checking the telescope's performance with another test run in April, the Japanese team plans to make modifications to boost its sensitivity and start full-fledged operation between 2017 and 2018.

"We want to join the international network of gravitational wave observation as soon as possible," Kajita said in a statement.

Gravitational waves GW150914 were discovered on September 14, 2015, by twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors in the USA's Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington.​

Humble haldi can help fight deadly TB

New York, March 25 (IANS) Turmeric, an essential ingredient that spices up an Indian curry, may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis, new research has found.

In Asia, turmeric is already used to treat many health conditions and it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and perhaps even anticancer properties, the study pointed out.

Researchers have now found that by stimulating human immune cells called macrophages, curcumin - a substance in turmeric -- was able to successfully remove Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative bacterium of tuberculosis (TB), from experimentally infected cells in culture. 

The process relied on inhibiting the activation of a cellular molecule called nuclear factor-kappa B.

"Our study has provided basic evidence that curcumin protects against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in human cells," said lead author of the study Xiyuan Bai from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in the US.

The findings appeared in the journal Respirology. 

The ability of curcumin to modulate the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis points to a potential new tuberculosis treatment that would be less prone to the development of drug resistance.

"The protective role of curcumin to fight drug-resistant tuberculosis still needs confirmation, but if validated, curcumin may become a novel treatment to modulate the host immune response to overcome drug-resistant tuberculosis," Bai noted.​

Cassini reveals tallest peak on Saturn's moon Titan

Washington, March 25 (IANS) In a nod to extraterrestrial mountaineers of the future, scientists working on NASA's Cassini mission have identified the highest point on Saturn's largest moon Titan.

Titan's tallest peak is 10,948 feet high and is found within a trio of mountainous ridges called the Mithrim Montes.

The researchers found that all of Titan's highest peaks are about 10,000 feet in elevation.

The study used images and other data from Cassini's radar instrument, which can peer through the obscuring smog of Titan's atmosphere to reveal the surface in detail.

"It's not only the highest point we've found so far on Titan, but we think it's the highest point we're likely to find," said Stephen Wall, deputy lead of the Cassini radar team at NASA.

Most of Titan's tallest mountains appear to be close to the equator.

The researchers identified other peaks of similar height within the Mithrim Montes, as well as in the rugged region known as Xanadu.

"As explorers, we're motivated to find the highest or deepest places partly because it's exciting. But Titan's extremes also tell us important things about forces affecting its evolution," added Jani Radebaugh, a Cassini radar team associate at Brigham Young University in Utah.

Mountains and cliffs on Earth usually are found in locations where forces have shoved the surface upward from underneath.

The Himalaya and Andes Mountains are examples of places where interior forces are at work today.

Cassini has found that Titan also has rain and rivers that erode its landscape.

According to Radebaugh, the process probably proceeds much more slowly on Titan than on the Earth because, at 10 times Earth's distance from the sun, there is less energy to power erosive processes in the moon's atmosphere.

The fact that Titan has significant mountains suggests that some active tectonic forces could be affecting the surface, for example, related to Titan's rotation, tidal forces from Saturn or cooling of the crust.

The next step for the researchers will be trying to figure out what could produce such tall peaks on an icy ocean world.

"There is lot of value in examining the topography of Titan in a broad, global sense, since it tells us about forces acting on the surface from below as well as above," said Radebaugh.

The results were presented at the 47th annual lunar and planetary science conference in Texas on Thursday.​