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Knowledge Update

Introduction & Purpose
Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

India finds promising natural gas hydrates in Bay of Bengal

​Washington, July 26 (IANS) India has discovered large, highly enriched accumulations of natural gas hydrates in the Bay of Bengal that has the potential to be tapped, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS), which participated in the discovery efforts.

Verizon deal to accelerate Yahoo's transformation: CEO Mayer

​New York, July 26 (IANS) Making official the $4.8 billion acquisition of Yahoo's core internet business by US wireless company Verizon, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said on Tuesday that the deal "presents exciting opportunities to accelerate Yahoo's transformation" and that she plans to stay to "see Yahoo into its next chapter".

Soon watch 3D movies in theatres without glasses

​New York, July 26 (IANS) If you are tired of wearing those goofy glasses for a 3D movie experience, here comes some good news. Scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science have developed a display that lets you watch 3D films in a theatre without eyewear.

Twitter shares tumble after poor revenue growth, weak outlook

New York, July 27 (IANS) Although it added three million users -- one million more that what analysts had expected -- the not-so-promising second quarter earnings results led to the shares of micro-blogging website Twitter tumbling on Tuesday which wiped out nearly 10 per cent from its share price in after-market trading.

Discovery sheds new light on 'missing' mass of Milky Way

New York, July 26 (IANS) In a first, a team of astronomers has found that the Milky Way's halo is spinning in the same direction and at comparable speed as the galaxy's disk -- providing a potential explanation for the "missing" mass of our galaxy.

"This flies in the face of expectations. People just assumed that the disk of the Milky Way spins while this enormous reservoir of hot gas is stationary -- but that is wrong. This hot gas reservoir is rotating as well, just not quite as fast as the disk," said Edmund Hodges-Kluck from the University of Michigan.

The new knowledge sheds light on how individual atoms have assembled into stars, planets and galaxies like our own, and what the future holds for these galaxies.

The researchers used the archival data obtained by XMM-Newton -- a European Space Agency telescope. The results of their analysis was recently published in the Astrophysical Journal.

According to the team, our galaxy's hot gaseous halo is several times larger than the Milky Way disk and composed of ionised plasma.

Because motion produces a shift in the wavelength of light, the U-M researchers measured such shifts around the sky using lines of very hot oxygen. 

What they found was groundbreaking: The line shifts measured by the researchers show that the galaxy's halo spins in the same direction as the disk of the Milky Way and at a similar speed -- 643737.6 kmph for the halo versus 869045.76 kmph for the disk.

Scientists have long puzzled over why almost all galaxies, including the Milky Way, seem to lack most of the matter that they otherwise would expect to find. 

Astronomers believe that about 80 per cent of the matter in the universe is the mysterious "dark matter" that, so far, can only be detected by its gravitational pull. But even most of the remaining 20 per cent of "normal" matter is missing from galaxy disks. 

According to the researchers, learning about the direction and speed of the spinning halo can help us learn both how the material got there in the first place and the rate at which we expect the matter to settle into the galaxy.​

Systematic reasoning plays a key role in showing empathy

Washington, July 23 (IANS) Showing empathy comes more out of careful reasoning instead of gut intuition, new research has revealed.

According to the study, systematic reasoning appears to beat intuition for recognising emotions in others.

"Cultivating successful personal and professional relationships requires the ability to accurately infer the feelings of others - that is, to be empathically accurate. Some are better at this than others, a difference that may be explained in part by mode of thought," said Jennifer Lerner, Researcher, Harvard University in the study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 

According to the researcher, individuals process information and make decisions in different ways. Some choose to follow their instincts and go with what feels right to them (i.e., intuitive), while others plan carefully and analyse the information available to them before deciding (i.e., systematic).

The researchers conducted four studies, involving over 900 participants, to examine the relationship between the two modes of thought and empathetic accuracy. 

The first determined that most people believe intuition is a better guide than systematic thinking to accurately infer other's thoughts and feelings. 

However, the other three studies found that the opposite is true, revealed the study.

"These findings are important because they show that commonly held assumptions about what makes someone a good emotional mind reader may be wrong," added Lerner.​

Scientists produce rare wood bison calves through IVF

Toronto, July 23 (IANS) In a first, Canadian veterinary researchers have successfully produced three wood bison calves using in vitro fertilisation.

Indigenous to Canada, the wood bison are threatened both by disease and loss of habitat.

Between 5,000 and 7,000 wood bison remain in the wild -- less than five per cent of their original numbers. 

Scientists hope that this reproductive breakthrough by researchers from the University of Saskatchewan will help retain genetic diversity and eventually rebuild the depleted wild herds.

"The babies look great," said Gregg Adams, Professor at Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), University of Saskatchewan.

"They're keeping up with mom, and I'm really happy about it," Adams said in a university statement.

Researchers produced them in a laboratory, then transferred the embryos into surrogate mothers more than nine months ago. The bison cows gave birth to the calves earlier this month, the statement added.

A fourth calf was produced from a frozen embryo that was taken from a bison cow in 2012 and transferred to a surrogate mother in 2015 -- another reproductive first for the bison species, the researchers said.

"The whole objective of our programme is to conserve the species. I think what we're doing with advanced reproductive technologies is really designed to preserve the genetic diversity (of the animals)," Adams said. 

"If we can preserve the genetic diversity, I'll feel like I've done my job. That will benefit both the wild populations as well as any livestock producers," Adams noted.​

Researchers discover unusual solitary marine species

Tokyo, July 25 (IANS) Researchers have discovered a very unusual zoantharian species on the east coast of Okinawa Island in Japan.

Generally, most known zoantharians are colonial (hence their common name of 'colonial anemones'), and many dwell in shallow waters of subtropical and tropical regions, where their large colonies can be found on coral reefs.

But the new species, named Sphenopus exilis, were leading solitary lives, the researchers reported in the journal ZooKeys.

"This report demonstrates how much more research is needed on these understudied ecosystems," said lead author Takuma Fujii from Kagoshima University in Japan.

"The only reason this species was discovered was that the right person was in the right place at the right time," said study co-author James Davis Reimer from the University of Ryukyus in Nishihara, Japan.

Solitary zoantharian species, such as this one, are known from a scant few reports, and only three species are described, all reported more than 100 years ago from the Indo-Pacific region.

The new species is much smaller than the other three Sphenopus species, with its polyps measuring approximately three cm in length, the study said.​

Remote-controlled microbots to soon aid doctors

London, July 25 (IANS) To better treat a variety of diseases, researchers have developed soft, flexible and motor-less microrobots that can be remotely controlled with electromagnetic fields.

Made up of a biocompatible hydrogel and magnetic nanoparticles, these microbots can move and swim inside the patient's body when an electromagnetic field is applied, accoding to the researchers from Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, Switzerland who developed bio-inspired robots that looks and moves like a bacterium. 

To build one of these microrobots, the nanoparticles were first placed inside layers of a biocompatible hydrogel. 

Then, an electromagnetic field was applied to orientate the nanoparticles at different parts of the robot, followed by a polymerisation step to "solidify" the hydrogel. 

After this, the robot was placed in water where it folded in specific ways depending on the orientation of the nanoparticles inside the gel, to form the final overall 3D architecture of the microrobot.

Once the final shape was achieved, an electromagnetic field was used to make the robot swim. Then, when heated, the robot changed shape and unfolded. 

This fabrication approach allowed the researchers to build microrobots that mimic the bacterium that causes African trypanosomiasis, otherwise known as sleeping sickness. 

This particular bacterium uses a flagellum for propulsion, but hides it away once inside a person's bloodstream as a survival mechanism.

The researchers tested different microrobot designs to come up with one that imitated this behaviour. The prototype robot has a bacterium-like flagellum that enables it to swim. When heated with a laser, the flagellum wraps around the robot's body and is "hidden".

Scientists around the world have been studying ways to use miniature robots to better treat a variety of diseases. 

The robots are designed to enter the human body, where they can deliver drugs at specific locations or perform precise operations like clearing clogged-up arteries.

The work was published in the journal Nature Communications.​

Hearing test may identify infants with autism risk

New York, July 26 (IANS) A non-invasive and inexpensive hearing test may help physicians identify infants with autism risk as researches have discovered that an inner ear deficiency may impact speech recognition ability of children with the disorder.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by impairments in social-communication skills and restricted and repetitive behaviours. 

Some of the earliest and consistent signs of ASD involve auditory communication, however, most tests rely on speech, and are often ineffective in children who are very young or who have communication delays.

The new findings, published in the journal Autism Research, could ultimately be used as a way to identify children at risk for the disorder at an early age.

"This study identifies a simple, safe, and non-invasive method to screen young children for hearing deficits that are associated with Autism," said co-author of the study Anne Luebke, associate professor at University of Rochester Medical Centre in New York.

"This technique may provide clinicians a new window into the disorder and enable us to intervene earlier and help achieve optimal outcomes," Luebke noted.

In the new study, researchers used a technique that measures what are called otoacoustic emissions. 

Using miniature speaker/microphone earplugs, the researchers were able to measure hearing deficiencies by listening for signs that the ear is having difficulty processing sounds.

Specifically, the device's highly sensitive microphone can detect minute sound emission made by inner ear outer hair cells in response to certain tones or clicking sounds. 

If these cells are not functioning properly, the device fails to detect an emission which indicates that inner ear -- or cochlear -- function is impaired.

The researchers tested the hearing of children between the ages of six and 17, roughly half of whom have been diagnosed with ASD. 

They found that the children with ASD had hearing difficultly in a specific frequency (1-2 kHz) that is important for processing speech. 

They also found a correlation between the degree of cochlear impairment and the severity of ASD symptoms.

"Auditory impairment has long been associated with developmental delay and other problems, such as language deficits," said co-author of the study Loisa Bennetto, associate professor University of Rochester in New York.

"Difficulty in processing speech may contribute to some of the core symptoms of the disease," Bennetto noted.