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Knowledge Update

Introduction & Purpose
Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

Brazil's Carnival expected to bring in $1.8 bln

​Brasilia, Feb 7 (IANS) Tourism revenue during the Brazilian Carnival is expected to hit 5.8 billion reais ($1.8 billion), a government report said.

The report, issued on Monday by the National Commerce Confederation (CNC), showed that food and beverage services in bars and restaurants are projected to bring in around 57 per cent of the income, followed by hotels and transportation, Xinhua news agency reported.

However, the total volume of income expected from the Carnival in 2017, which will last from February 24 to March 1, is 5.7 per cent lower than last year and the worst prediction in the past three years.

Rio de Janeiro, host of the largest carnival, will receive the largest boost to its income, estimated at 2.4 billion reais ($770 million), followed by Sao Paulo, with 1.5 billion reais ($480 million), the report said.

The two states will claim 68 per cent of the tourism revenue during the Carnival celebrations, with large parades also staging in the southern state of Minas Gerais and the northeastern states of Bahia, Ceara and Pernambuco, it added.

Horse antibodies could effectively treat Ebola infection

Sydney, Feb 7 (IANS) A treatment made with antibodies from horses may provide an effective and economical option to fight Ebola infection, says a study.

"This is a cost-effective treatment that can be used in low-income countries in Africa where equine production facilities are already in operation for producing snake-bite antivenin," said one of the lead researchers Alexander Khromykh, Professor at University of Queensland in Australia.

"It's the first time that equine antibodies have been shown to work effectively against Ebola infection," Khromykh pointed out.

The post-exposure treatment made with antibodies from horses was administered over five days to monkeys infected 24 hours previously with a lethal dose of Ebola virus.

The treatment suppressed viral loads significantly and protected the animals from mortality, showed the findings published in the journal Scientific Reports.

The largest recorded outbreak of Ebola virus occurred primarily in West Africa from 2014 to 2016, infecting 30,000 people and killing more than 11,000, with exported cases in Europe and North America.

The outbreak resulted in the establishment of the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response and an acceleration of research on development of vaccines and therapies.

This led to the development of monoclonal antibodies that were used in Britain to treat infected health workers returning from Africa.

"The down side is that monoclonal antibodies require considerable investment for scale-up and manufacture, and are expensive," Khromykh said.

"Equine antibodies are a considerably cheaper alternative, with manufacturing capacity already in place in Africa. Antibodies from vaccinated horses provide a low-cost alternative, and are already in use for rabies, botulism and diphtheria," Khromykh said.

The research resulted from a strong collaboration between Australian, French and Russian scientists and a Queensland-based company Plasvacc Pty Ltd.

Link between popular drugs, immune system failure discovered

Sydney, Feb 7 (IANS) Australian researchers are a step closer to understanding immune complications caused by commonly prescribed medications, the media reported.

Many well-known and commonly prescribed drugs that are successfully used to treat diseases can also have harmful side effects. While it has been known that some drugs can inhibit the immune system, why it occurs has remained a mystery, Xinhua news agency reported.

Research published by Monash University and the University of Melbourne on Tuesday has taken the most significant step yet in understanding the process that inhibits the immune system.

The research team investigated Mucosal associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, a specialised type of immune cells, to discover what type of drugs were activating the MAIT cells.

They found that some drugs prevented the MAIT cells from performing their main function of detecting infections while others activated the immune system.

Andrew Keller, lead author of the study which was published in Nature Immunology, said the research should lead to a much better understanding of immune reactions by some people to certain drugs.

Keller said that the T cells were an integral part of the body's immune system.

"They protect the body by 'checking' other cells for signs of infection and activating the immune system when they detect an invader," Keller said in a statement.

"This arrangement is dependent on both the T cells knowing what they're looking for, and the other cells in the body giving them useful information."

Sidonia Eckle from the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity at the University of Melbourne said the implications point to possible links between MAIT cells and drug hypersensitivities.

"A greater understanding of the interaction between MAIT cells and other host cells will hopefully allow us to better predict and avoid therapeutics that influence and cause harm," Eckle said.

"It also offers the tantalising prospect of future therapies that manipulate MAIT cell behaviour, for example, by enhancing or suppressing immune responses to achieve beneficial clinical outcome." 

Black hole devouring star for a decade detected

Washington, Feb 7 (IANS) Astronomers have detected a giant black hole that ripped apart a star and then gorged on its remains for an unusually long time -- about a decade, which is more than ten times longer than any observed episode of a stars death by black hole.

Researchers made this discovery using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and Swift satellite as well as European Space Agency's XMM-Newton.

The trio of orbiting X-ray telescopes found evidence for a "tidal disruption event" (TDE), wherein the tidal forces due to the intense gravity from a black hole can destroy an object -- such as a star -- that wanders too close. 

During a TDE, some of the stellar debris is flung outward at high speeds, while the rest falls toward the black hole. As it travels inwards to be ingested by the black hole, the material heats up to millions of degrees and generates a distinct X-ray flare.

"We have witnessed a star's spectacular and prolonged demise," said lead researcher Dacheng Lin from the University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire.

"Dozens of tidal disruption events have been detected since the 1990s, but none that remained bright for nearly as long as this one," Lin noted.

The extraordinary long bright phase of this event spanning over ten years means that among observed TDEs this was either the most massive star ever to be completely torn apart during one of these events, or the first where a smaller star was completely torn apart, said the study published in the journal Nature Astronomy.

The X-ray source containing this force-fed black hole, known by its abbreviated name of XJ1500+0154, is located in a small galaxy about 1.8 billion light years from Earth.

The sharp X-ray vision of Chandra data showed that XJ1500+0154 is located at the centre of its host galaxy, the expected location for a supermassive black hole.

The X-ray data also indicated that radiation from material surrounding this black hole has consistently surpassed the so-called Eddington limit, defined by a balance between the outward pressure of radiation from the hot gas and the inward pull of the gravity of the black hole. 

China to create over 50 mn jobs by 2020

​Beijing , Feb 6 (IANS) China will create over 50 million new urban jobs by 2020, it was announced Monday.

The government will improve employment structure and quality and keep the urban headline unemployment rate under 5 per cent by 2020, according to the employment

Mexico City's first constitution published

​Mexico City, Feb 6 (IANS) Mexico City's first constitution was officially published on Sunday, a move that authorities called historic and which is a significant step towards transforming the national capital into this country's 32nd state.

Longest commercial flight lands in New Zealand

​Auckland, Feb 6 (IANS) A Qatar Airways commercial flight, deemed the world's longest, landed in New Zealand here on Monday after leaving Doha just over 16 hours ago, the media reported.

The flight eclipses what is now the longest duration flight, Emirates' Dubai to Auckland service, by up to an hour. The Doha-Auckland service is 342 km longer than that of its Gulf rival, the New Zealand Herald reported.

Flight QR 920 took off from Doha's Hamad Airport at 3.04 p.m., on Sunday, according to the airline. 

The plane crossed 10 time zones on its flight.

The airline is using a long-range Boeing 777 which has 217 economy and 42 business class seats.

Its flight track took it over Dubai, then over the southern tip of India, Sri Lanka to the south of Indonesia and then through Australia before heading to Auckland.

The return flight - which leaves Auckland Airport at 2.40 p.m., on Tuesday can take up to an hour longer due to prevailing headwinds.

The plane operating is eight years old and the round trip flight between Doha and Auckland will cover 29,066 km.

There are four pilots aboard and 15 cabin crew who will serve 1,100 cups of tea and coffee, 2,000 cold drinks and 1,036 meals.

Air India's Delhi-San Francisco flight is the world's longest by distance but, according to the "Great Circle" route, Doha and Auckland are further apart on the surface of the Earth. Tailwinds mean Air India's flight time is less than 17 hours.

Auckland Airport has estimated the daily Qatar services will pump close to $200 million into the economy, the New Zealand Herald said.

The airline's outspoken chief executive Akbar Al Baker will be in Auckland for the launch of the service and host a gala dinner for the travel industry on Tuesday night.

Apple to introduce new connector for accessories

​New York, Feb 7 (IANS) US tech giant Apple is planning to introduce a new connector type for accessories for the iPhone, iPad and other devices through its official Made-for-iPhone (MFi) licensing programme.

This robot mimics key flight mechanism of bats

New York, Feb 5 (IANS) A new self-contained robot that mimics the key flight mechanisms of bats has been developed by scientists.

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Caltech have developed Bat Bot (B2) with soft, articulated wings that can mimic the biological bats.

"Our work demonstrates one of the most advanced designs to date of a self-contained flapping-winged aerial robot with bat morphology that is able to perform autonomous flight," said Alireza Ramezani from the University of Illinois.

The robot weighs 93 grams, with dynamic wing articulations and wing conformations similar to those of biological bats.

The bats have a flight mechanism that involves more than 40 types of joints that interlock the bones and muscles to one another creating a musculoskeletal system that can change shape and is capable of movement in multiple independent directions, researchers said.

"We reduced those numbers to nine joints in the B2 robot. The compliant wings of a bat-like flapping robot flapping at lower frequencies are inherently safe," the study mentioned.

According to the researchers, the robot utilises a morphing skeleton array and a silicone-based membrane skin that enables the robot to change its articulated structure in mid-air without losing an effective and smooth aerodynamic surface.

"When a bat flaps its wings, it's like a rubber sheet. It fills up with air and deforms. And then, at the end of its down-stroke motion, the wing pushes the air out when it springs back into place. So you get this big amplification of power that comes just from the fact you are using flexible membranes inside the wing itself," said Seth Hutchinson, professor at the University of Illinois.

Researchers said that B2 can also contribute biological studies on bat flight.

Researchers believe that B2 can be used to reconstruct flight maneuvers of bats by applying wing movement patterns observed in bat flight, "thereby helping us understand the role of the dominant degrees of freedom of bats".

"Although these approaches can effectively analyse the joint kinematics of bat wings in flight, they cannot help understand how specific wing movement patterns contribute to a particular flight maneuver of a bat," the paper published in AAAS Science Robotics noted.

Normalise heart rate with world's smallest pacemaker

New York, Feb 5 (IANS) A pacemaker similar to the size of a nickel can be implanted in patients to restore the heart's normal rhythm, when it is unable to pump enough oxygen-rich blood, experts have said.

Pacemakers are the most common way to treat bradycardia to help restore the heart's normal rhythm and relieve symptoms by sending electrical impulses to the heart to increase the heart rate.

Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas is now offering a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Micra Transcatheter Pacing System (TPS) -- the world's smallest pacemaker for patients with bradycardia, a condition characterized by a slow heart rate, usually fewer than 60 beats per minute.

The device is the size of a large vitamin, and unlike traditional pacemakers, it does not require cardiac wires (leads) or a surgical "pocket" under the skin to deliver a pacing therapy.

"The device is small enough to be delivered through a catheter and implanted directly into the heart, providing a safe alternative to conventional pacemakers without the complications associated with leads," said Paul Schurmann, Managing Director at Houston Methodist Hospital.

"The device also allows us to automatically adjust pacing therapy based on a patient's activity levels and another positive is the battery can last up to 10 years," added Schurmann.

Micra TPS was designed with a unique feature that enables it to be permanently turned off so it can remain in the body and a new device can be implanted without risk of electrical interaction.