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Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

All non-Africans descended from a single migration out of Africa

New York, Sep 22 (IANS) Studying hundreds of new genomes from across the globe, researchers, one of them of Indian-origin, have found compelling evidence that essentially all non-Africans alive today descend from a single migration out of Africa some 72,000 years ago.

The findings are supported by three new genome sequencing studies published in the journal Nature.

One of the studies led by Harvard Medical School (HMS) geneticists sequenced samples from 142 smaller populations, most of which were previously understudied.

"We wanted to go out into the world and pull together as many of the ethnically, linguistically and anthropologically diverse samples as we possibly could," said first author of the study Swapan Mallick from Harvard Medical School. 

The Harvard geneticists and their international team of colleagues began by selecting two genomes each from 51 populations represented in a collection called the Human Genome Diversity Project. 

Next, they assembled samples from members of 91 other groups, including diverse Native American, South Asian, and African populations not previously included in genome-wide studies, and sent the DNA for sequencing. In all, the project analysed the genomes of 300 people.

A key conclusion -- that the vast majority of modern human ancestry in non-Africans derives from a single population that migrated out of Africa -- is also supported by two other whole-genome sequencing studies appearing simultaneously in Nature. 

One, led by an Estonian group, focused on 379 whole genome sequences; the other, led by a Danish group, analysed 108 Australians and New Guineans.

Together, the three studies put to rest a lingering question about whether indigenous peoples of Australia, New Guinea and the Andaman Islands descend in large part from a second group that left Africa earlier and skirted the coast of the Indian Ocean. 

They do not, the Harvard researchers said.

"Our best estimate for the proportion of ancestry from an early-exit population is zero," David Reich, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School.

The study that analysed 108 Australians and New Guineans estimated that around 72,000 years ago, an ancestral population common to Aborginal Australians, Europeans and East Asians left the African continent. 

"Discussions have been intense as to what extent Aboriginal Australians represent a separate Out-of-Africa exit to those of Asians and Europeans," said Professor Laurent Excoffier of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and the University of Bern said. 

"We find that, once we take into account admixture with archaic humans, the vast majority of the Aboriginal Australian genetic makeup comes from the same African exit as other non-Africans," Excoffier explained.

The HMS-led study further revealed that the common ancestors of modern humans began to differentiate at least 200,000 years ago, long before the out-of-Africa dispersal occurred.

"It had been unclear whether the group that expanded out of Africa represented a large subset of the populations within Africa," said Mallick. 

"This really shows that there was a lot of substructure prior to the expansion," Mallick noted.

Perceptional Variations of Product Placements in Movies among Expatriate Youth: a case study in UAE

Creativity in advertisements in the form, structure, content and the technology is required to hold the attention span of the viewers. Product placement or embedded advertisements is an alternative strategy adopted by advertisers to overcome limitations of effectiveness and legal restrictions of traditional commercial communication. The paper describes the communication effectiveness of product placement of three different types of products placed in three different movies and resumes the small body of research in the field with the help of a empirical research. A quasi-experimental study is carried out in UAE was designed in order to identify awareness and attitude effects of the product placements as well as general evaluations of conventional advertisements. The results indicate small effectiveness of communication by the product placement especially in recognizing the brand, though not always it leads to product enquire, but it generates awareness and interest in the product because of realistic appeal produced by the product placement in a world of realism. Product Placement in movies enhances the effects of celebrity endorsement of the products because it is in a movie setting and reveals the product utility and its features without directing the consumer unlike in a conventional advertisement. Therefore it makes product placement more acceptable. The research highlighted the enhancement of product assessment in the new form of advertisements.


Succession planning is an important activity for continuing businesses without which organizations starts fading out due to absence of leaders who can lead the organization after the successfull leader. In this article a five step process of succession planning is discussed and provides guidelines for organizations to think in the direction of succession planning. The five steps begin with identify critical positions that can shape the organization, identify competencies of incumbent leaders, identify strategies of succession planning, document and implement succesion plan, evaluate the effectiveness of the process and the leader. This process can be equally applicable in small, medium and large organizations with appropriate modification to the context. 

Perceptional Variations of Product Placements in Movies among Expatriate Youth: a case study in UAE.

Advertisers have a challenging task ahead of them to hold the target audience focused on their communication material. The challenge is more aggressive in almost all the medias of advertising be it a Television, radio, print or even outdoor sources. To gain the longer attention span is a commodity of the past. It even becomes difficult to precisely measure the advertising effectiveness of a particular brand especially when the consumers are bombarded with innumerable ads in a short duration. Viewers too have started adopting avoidance techniques like frequent brand switching during the ads or diverting their attention by involving into discussions when the ads are displayed. In some cases it is observed it is a cause of irritation or annoyance. Getting captive audience for advertising is a rarity. Euphoria of clutter in advertising is overcome by ad agencies by innovative ideas like increasing the frequency of the ads in the short span, increasing the volume levels during ads, bringing in more sexual overtures in the ads and many more.


In this paper a new approach to advertising is evaluated through an empirical study. Product placement or embedded advertisement is an emerging concept which is observed more frequently in the web pages, social gatherings, audio and video sources. These kinds of embedded products in social and entertainment events are unlike traditional advertisements but may serve the purpose of advertisement in a realistic environment which may gain attention among the captive audience and may also give them an opportunity to observe the product use in a virtual context especially when used in a Television serial or a movie. Influence of Celebrity endorsement of the product during a particular scene or a sequence can also generate positive impact on the audience.


Conceptual literature: Conceptually product placement falls under 'below the line' advertisement. (Mueller, O., 1997), Product Placement is the practice of integrating specific products and brands into movie or TV serial sequences as a prop or as set dressing in a TV show/film. It is assumed that its commercial intention is partly concealed and therefore less obtrusive or even not realized at all by the recipients who cannot avoid this type of integrated advertising so easily (Auer et al., 1991).

Product placement is a promotional tool that is assumed to provide increased brand awareness and enhanced brand image. It is an effective strategy to gain exposure and promote products to the general public with a high rate of visibility. ( Embedded advertising can be visual placement, verbal placement, hands-on placement or and corporate placement.


Today's consumer is inundated with advertising everywhere in television and radio sets, billboards, magazines, buses, newspapers, the Internet... And these are just the usual suspects. From people walking down the street wearing signs, to flyers on our cars and in our mailboxes, to ads on the ATM screens as we wait for it to dispense our cash -- we see ads all day, everyday. Consumer on the other hand have developed tactics of avoiding over exposure to the ads either by switching channels or getting engaged in other activities during the commercial ads display.


The television networks producers have become aware of the irritations that the interruptions during the programs cause to their valued customers ( therefore they are ready to replace the advertisements with product placements and present a show without interruptions from ads at regular intervals. Product placements do not necessarily reduce the revenues for the television networks but definitely has an opportunity to increase the viewership and improve their audience ratings. Therefore acceptability embedded advertisements is growing in the entertainment industry where innumerable examples can be seen as mentioned below:


  • Risky Business - Ray-Ban sunglasses
  • Back to the Future - Pepsi products
  • Demolition Man - Taco Bell (In the future, everything is Taco Bell...)
  • You've Got Mail - America On-Line (AOL), Apple, IBM and Starbucks
  • Austin Powers - Pepsi and Starbucks
  • Cast Away - FedEx and Wilson
  • Men in Black II - Ray-Ban sunglasses, Mercedes Benz, Sprint, Burger Kin
  • Herbie, the love Bug – Volkswagen Beetle
  • RoboCop – Ford Taurus
  • Smokey and Bandit – Pontiac Trans Am
  • The world is not enough – BMW ZB
  • Lara Croft Tomb Raider – Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

Clever marketers try not to cross the line of customer tolerance limits. Yet they  want their products to be visible within a scene, but not the focus. The product needs to fit, almost seamlessly (almost being the key word here) into the shot and context of the scene. When done correctly, product placement can add a sense of realism to a movie or television show that something like a can simply marked "soda" cannot.


Past Evidences : Product placement is something that dates back to at least the early 1950s when Gordon's Gin paid to have Katharine Hepburn's character in "The African Queen" toss loads of their product overboard. Since then, there have been countless placements in thousands of movies. A worldwide trend in advertising, product placement is a vehicle for everything from foodstuffs to electronics to automobiles.


Product placement really saw a surge in the mid 1980s now there are specific corporate positions and entire agencies that can handle the job. Some larger corporations will dedicate personnel to scout out opportunities for product integration or placement within films, television shows and even games and music. The benefits of embedded advertising are implied endorsements, long life and global, low cost, low clutter, high profile, captive audience and realistic approach.

Now, light candles with a smartphone app!

New York, Sep 21 (IANS) Smart and safe candle company LuDela has introduced the first real-flame candles that don't require matches -- but just the press of a button on your smartphone -- to be lit.

LeEco's electric car division secures $1.08 bn funding

​Beijing, Sep 20 (IANS) Chinese internet and technology conglomerate LeEco on Tuesday announced that its electric car division SEE Plan (Super Electric Ecosystem Plan) has completed first round of funding worth $1.08 billion.

Apple Inc. joins global initiative, committed to renewable energy

​San Francisco, Sep 20 (IANS) Apple Inc. has joined a global renewable energy initiative to extend its clean energy plan into the manufacturing supply chain.

Lisa Jackson, vice president for environment, policy and social initiatives with the company behind the iPhone and iPad, announced joining RE100, a collaborative, global

Now say more in your tweet than 140 characters

​New York, Sep 20 (IANS) Although you will still type in 140 characters but from now, you can add photos, videos, GIFs and polls and these will not count against the 140-character limit.

Jaguar Land Rover announces in-car Spotify app for streaming music

​London, Sep 20 (IANS) British multi-national automotive company Jaguar Land Rover on Tuesday announced a tie-up with global music streaming service Spotify for an in-car app for listening to music. Available across entire vehicle range, the iOS app will be available to download from App Store from September 27, the company said in a statement on Tuesday. "Spotify for Jaguar Land Rover is the result of a year's worth of collaborative development between the two companies," the company said. Spotify, launched this month in Jaguar Land Rover's InControl Apps library, delivers the best in-car Spotify experience. Spotify users can access personalised 'Just for You' playlists containing recommended tracks in the car, saving time scrolling through music on the move. Its 'Offline Mode' also displays downloaded content despite poor internet connection. Once downloaded, the app will automatically show up on the vehicle touch screen when the smartphone is connected. Users do not need a premium subscription to access Spotify via InControl Apps.

Amazon makes customers pay more for popular products

​Washington, Sep 21 (IANS) The online shopping portal Amazon's algorithms make customers pay more for popular products giving prominence to items that benefit the retail giant, a study by ProPublica said. ProPublica on Tuesday said it reviewed 250 frequently purchased products over several weeks to see what all were chosen to appear in the highly-prized 'buy box' that pops up first as a suggested purchase. Amazon that bills itself as the "Earth's most customer-centric company", not only sells products directly itself, but also allows other retailers to sell their own products through its platform. This means that the same product could be offered by dozens of vendors at different prices and with different shipping costs. When customers search for and click on a product, the Amazon algorithm chooses one vendor's offer to put in the buy box. Having product in this buy box offers a major advantage for the retailer -- as most customers end up adding it to the cart and buying it. ProPublica found that almost three-quarters of the time Amazon would place its own products or those from companies that pay Amazon to fulfil orders into the buy box -- even though they might not always be the cheapest. If a customer bought everything recommended by Amazon's buy box they would end up paying 20 per cent more than if the same products was bought at the lowest price on the platform, the study said. Amazon, however, offers a tool to allow customers to compare product prices by producing a list that ranks sellers of the same item by "price and shipping". Although even there, the company gives itself an advantage by omitting the shipping costs for its own products. This would mean the rankings were accurate for Amazon Prime members, who get unlimited 'free' shipping for $99 per year, but for anyone else the ranking is misleading. Amazon insists that its algorithm chooses products to go into the buy box based on a range of factors -- including customer service and free delivery. Amazon founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jeff Bezos had said in 2007 that it uses "very objective customer-centred algorithms" to automatically award the buy box to the lowest priced seller, which is clearly no longer the case. At least 94 per cent of sellers who won the buy box placement without having the cheapest listing were either sold by Amazon itself or companies paying Amazon. The companies that do not pay Amazon hefty fees (between 10-20 per cent of sales) to fulfil orders, find themselves sidelined. ProPublica concluded that it shows how hidden algorithms govern online interaction from Google search results to Facebook news feeds.