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Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.
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From Different Corners
London, July 26 (IANS) Using a novel technique, scientists have demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to selectively sequence fragments of DNA in real time, thus greatly reducing the period needed to analyse biological samples.
"This is the first time that direct selection of specific DNA molecules has been shown on any device. We hope that it will enable many future novel applications, especially for portable sequencing," said Matt Loose from University of Nottingham.
Called MinION, the new device was used with real-time nanopore sequencing to enable the user analyse only DNA strands that contain pre-determined signatures of interest.
"This makes sequencing as efficient as possible and will provide a viable, informatics based alternative to traditional wet lab enrichment techniques. The application of this approach to a wide number of problems from pathogen detection to sequencing targeted regions of the human genome is now within reach," Loose added in a paper described in the journal Nature Methods.
The pocket-sized device -- the same technology which NASA recently sent to the International Space Station (ISS) in an effort to investigate whether DNA sequencing is possible in microgravity - employs tiny molecular pores in a membrane that 'sense' the sequence of DNA fragments passing through these nanopores, producing minute fluctuations in a current trace.
These current traces, termed "squiggles" then need to be converted to DNA bases using base caller software, often located in the cloud. The team used signal processing techniques to map these squiggles to reference sequences, by passing this step.
The researchers showed that this "real-time selective sequencing", or as some have called it "DNA testing", can reduce the time needed to sequence key DNA fragments or enable the analysis of pathogen samples where there is host and other DNA present in the sample.
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Accounting & Finance
Beijing, July 25 (IANS) The Chinese city of Sansha has decided to allocate five million yuan (about $748,000) annually for maritime environmental conservation for the next three years.
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Information Systems
New York, July 23 (IANS) A US-based startup has launched a smart laptop shell that turns your Android smartphone into a complete laptop -- making it more convenient and affordable for people in developing countries like India and South Africa to carry their office in their pocket, literally.
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Accounting & Finance
Nairobi, July 23 (IANS) African countries affected by the massive drop in the global prices of oil should direct trade policies to new sectors, a UN official said.
Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), made the appeal at the close of a major ministerial conference in Nairobi on
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New York, July 22 (IANS) Borrowing an idea from metalsmiths and pastry chefs, researchers have created composite materials containing hundreds of layers that are just atoms thick but span the full width of the material -- a feat that could open new vistas in materials science.
The work, described recently in the journal Science, could open up wide-ranging possibilities for designing new, easy-to-manufacture composites for optical devices, electronic systems, and high-tech materials.
Materials such as graphene, a two-dimensional form of pure carbon, and carbon nanotubes, tiny cylinders that are essentially rolled-up graphene, are "some of the strongest, hardest materials we have available," said Michael Strano from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) .
Therefore, researchers have been searching for ways of using these nanomaterials to add great strength to composite materials, much the way steel bars are used to reinforce concrete.
However, the biggest obstacle has been finding ways to embed these materials within a matrix of another material in an orderly way.
These tiny sheets and tubes have a strong tendency to clump together, so just stirring them into a batch of liquid resin before it sets doesn't work at all. The MIT team's insight was in finding a way to create large numbers of layers, stacked in a perfectly orderly way, without having to stack each layer individually.
They used a technique similar to that used to make ultrastrong steel sword blades, as well as puff pastries.
A layer of material -- be it steel, dough, or graphene -- is spread out flat. Then, the material is doubled over on itself, pounded or rolled out, and then doubled over and over again.
With each fold, the number of layers doubles, thus producing an exponential increase in the layering. Just 20 simple folds would produce more than a million perfectly aligned layers.
The MIT team produced composites with up to 320 layers of graphene embedded in them. They were able to demonstrate that even though the total amount of the graphene added to the material was minuscule -- less than 1/10 of a percent by weight -- it led to a clear-cut improvement in overall strength.
The team also found a way to make structured fibres from graphene, potentially enabling the creation of yarns and fabrics with embedded electronic functions, as well as yet another class of composites.
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London, July 25 (IANS) Diabetes may be due to the failure of a privileged few cells, rather than the behaviour of all cells, suggests new research.
"This study is interesting as it suggests that failure of a handful of cells may lead to diabetes," said co-lead researcher Guy Rutter from Imperial College London.
Type-2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to function properly, meaning that glucose stays in the blood rather than being converted into energy.
Beta cells make up around 65-80 per cent of the cells in the islets of the pancreas. Their primary function is to store and release insulin and, when functioning correctly, can respond quickly to fluctuations in blood glucose concentrations by secreting some of their stored insulin.
The new findings showed that just one to ten per cent of beta cells control islet responses to glucose.
"These specialised beta cells appear to serve as pacemakers for insulin secretion. We found that when their activity was silenced, islets were no longer able to properly respond to glucose," David Hodson from the University of Birmingham explained.
Studies were conducted on islet samples from both murine and human models.
The researchers used optogenetic and photopharmacological targeting to precisely map the role of the cells required for the secretion of insulin.
The team believes that the findings, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, could pave the way for therapies that target these handful of specialised cells.
"It has long been suspected that ‘not all cells are equal’ when it comes to insulin secretion. These findings provide a revised blueprint for how our pancreatic islets function, whereby these hubs dictate the behaviour of other cells in response to glucose," Hodson noted.
SUC Editing Team
Information Systems
New York, July 23 (IANS) A new imaging software can not only predict how you will look with different hair styles, colours and appearances but can also help find a missing child or someove evading the law.
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International Business
Beijing, July 22 (IANS) Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Friday said Beijing will continue pushing market-based reforms regardless of whether the European Union (EU) grants it the status of a market economy.
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Accounting & Finance
London, July 22 (IANS) British economy has fallen to a seven-year low amid the ongoing financial consequences of the country's decision to leave the EU, according to a study published on Friday.
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From Different Corners
Toronto, July 22 (IANS) Students from the lower-income groups have less working memory capacity than their peers from higher-income brackets, says a study.
The researchers have discovered important differences between children from lower and higher-income groups in their ability to use "working memory" -- a key brain function responsible for everything from remembering a phone number to doing math in your head.
The team used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to measure and map the brain activity of a group of middle-schoolers.
"It has never been shown before that lower-income (group) children have this qualitatively different brain response for this very basic ability that is essential to almost all cognition," said Amy Finn from the University of Toronto in the study published in the journal Developmental Science.
For the study, 67 students were enrolled in either seventh or eighth grades in schools who were ethnically diverse and with a roughly equal number of boys and girls.
In the study, researchers focused on regions of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex, which are important for high-level functions.
The researchers observed that students from the high-income groups largely kept this region of the brain in reserve until the tasks began to get more difficult. But the lower-income group children relied on brain more often and to a greater extent than chilkdren from higher-income groups even for relatively simple problems.
This suggested that there is a difference in how lower-income background children tap into their working memory -- which is how the brain organises and holds information in mind that it can't immediately see, revealed the study.
"We knew that there were differences in the neural structure of children from lower-income versus higher-income families, but we didn't know if that really mattered for solving problems," added Finn.
Most cognitive neural science is conducted on people who are from middle and upper-middle class backgrounds because it's less expensive to study populations near the university than to reach out to lower-income communities.