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Robotics is commonly defined as the study of the intelligent connection between perception and action. As such, the full scope of robotics lies at the intersection of mechanics, electronics, signal processing, and control engineering, computing, and mathematical modeling.

RoboRobo Kit is designed to learn and develop skills and knowledge in robotics. Each Robotics kit contains CPU, DC Motors, Sensors and many more to have students build their own robots with bolts and nuts. This kit is also used for Build a Robot 2020 Online Challenge.

Programming of the robot is executed with a drag and drop program in GUI environment for easy understanding and enjoyment. Following the workbook instructions included in the set, each student will build 10~12 robots throughout the coursework. A coursework here is considered as 20 hours sessions.

With many parts to work with, students love to create their own robots. Typically, after 6 units of building and coding, students begin to design and build their own versions of robots to perform various tasks.

Robotics Course Contents

After completion of the program students will able to learn the following:

  • Introduction to robotics.
  • Understanding of robot parts such as circuits, sensors, electronic and mechanical components.
  • Assemble/dissemble robot parts, learn operating principles.
  • Internal structures of robots.
  • Work on following challenges:
      1. Robo Easy-Bot
      2. HouseBot
      3. HelicopterBot
      4. RaceBot
      5. RabbitBot
      6. ControlBot
      7. HittingBot
      8. DeliveryBot
      9. SensingBot
      10. SnailBot
  • Build your own custom bot.

Program Objective

The objectives of the course are:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts and terminologies of robotics.
  • Analyze different frameworks to design a robot.
  • Build engineering skills and knowledge.
  • Design your own robot using bolts, nuts and various sensors.
  • Demonstrate your skills in efficiently using dedicated robot programming software.
  • Controlling robots through PCs, smart phones, and tablets.


Teaching Methodology

The course will be taught using a mix of:

  • Class lectures
  • Group discussion
  • Mock exams



  • The duration of the course is 20 hours


Cost of the Program

  • The cost of the program is AED 899 plus 5% VAT
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