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Knowledge Update

Introduction & Purpose
Knowledge update and Industry update at Skyline University College (SUC) is an online platform for communicating knowledge with SUC stakeholders, industry, and the outside world about the current trends of business development, technology, and social changes. The platform helps in branding SUC as a leading institution of updated knowledge base and in encouraging faculties, students, and others to create and contribute under different streams of domain and application. The platform also acts as a catalyst for learning and sharing knowledge in various areas.

When the Face Covering is no Longer a Security Threat: Rethinking the Face Covering Controversies and its Multilayered Signifiers

The piece of cloth that once caused so much aggravations—particularly as a security threat—mainly in European countries seems to be nowadays an essential and mandatory part of human daily precautions in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Historically, the issue of face covering and its cultural and religious manifestations had been omnipresent in most of the secular states. It started in 1980 in France with what it was called l’Affair du Foulard or the Veil Affair and expanded to other European countries such as England where the issue of face covering was given much attention particularly in 2006.

In the French case, the core of the issue of the veil must be addressed in relation to Stasi commission[1] and the law that created so much controversy not only in France, but also in some other European countries as a result. The law was designed to protect the public spaces from any religious concerns such as the religious symbols. Hence, it prohibited all the religious symbols in public schools such as the headscarves and the all types of face coverings. John Wallach Scott, a French sociologist tried to inspect some of the ideas implemented in this law banning the headscarf in the French public schools. She stated that a law that prohibited the headscarf inside the public schools must be seen as a clear manifestation against cultural and religious symbol. (Scott, 2007)[2]

Now, and due the coronavirus pandemic, it seems that all the laws that forbade the face coverings in public places in the name of the secular values and security reasons can no longer hold in the face of the dire current circumstance. Surprisingly, it becomes almost mandatory in most of the European countries to use the face mask as a precaution notably in the public spaces. Recently, the National Academy of Medicine in France recommended that the face mask should be worn in public places.

Consequently, the face mask or covering in relation to coronavirus outbreak is used as a tool for resisting the virus. Here, one can theorize the face covering as a multilayered signifier due to its different functions over the courses of time. What this article is intended to add is the fact that the face covering or veil is always used and misused to serve certain agenda and purposes. So, those who used to vote on face covering bans have found themselves covering their faces as a gesture of precaution. Additionally, the face covering which was once a source of oppression and backwardness has dominated the public spaces nowadays.

Coronavirus pandemic will surely change the way things are interpreted. More importantly, it will lead some to rethink and reconsider some of the assumptions associated with the dress codes. However, there is no intention to call for a counter discourse based on the coronavirus outbreak in which the face covering becomes very useful particularly in the public spheres. Additionally, the unprecedented used of face coving nowadays can be seen as an opportunity to rethink all the ban on face covering, the compatibility of these cultural, security or religious symbols with European values and more significantly their conception of the public and private spaces.    

Note: This is a working paper on the Cultural Anthropology of the Face Covering.

[1] The Stasi Commission: is a commission done for preserving the principles of the French laïcité or secularism. It is named after the French politician Bernard Stasi. The commission consisted of 20 members and was formed by the French president Jacques Chirac in 2003. In 2003, the commission has introduced the ban on all conspicuous religious symbols in the public schools. The aim behind this commission was the preservation of the secular values and principles.

[2] Joan Wallach Scott, The Politics of the Veil, United States: Princeton University Press, 2007, p. 91.

Asian Technocracies Show Success in the Global Pandemic Fight

As of this writing, the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) global pandemic watchdog projects that sixty-nine countries still need to take more concrete action to mitigate the spread of the virus. Over the early courses of the pandemic fight, Vietnam has been named by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a primary role model in disease mitigation as they implemented efficient and immediate public health policies that prevented that rise of the number of cases in their country (Dreisbach, 2020). 

Among the Asian nations that successfully dealt with disease mitigation are Taiwan and Thailand. Both countries are notable for their extensive experience in successfully handling pulmonary-related epidemics, which include the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak, the 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) epidemic, and COVID-19. 

Prior to stepping down as Vice President of Taiwan on May 20 of this year, human genetics expert Chen Chien-jen received global attention as his epidemiology specialization became vital in the public health policymaking process to fight the spread of the virus in the country. The Johns Hopkins-trained scientist-politician was considered by the global media as the country’s ‘secret weapon’ in fighting COVID-19 as had the both the medical, scientific, and political experience in providing guidance for the ‘Taiwan model’ of virus outbreak control (The New York Times, 2020). Upon stepping down from his position, he returned to the academe by joining Academia Sinica, one of Asia’s premier research institutions, to continue doing research about COVID-19 mitigation (Cheng, 2020). Moreover, it can be noted in an interview with the British broadsheet The Telegraph, he revealed that Academica Sinica is involved with the United States National Institutes of Health and European Union health institutions that are collaborating in the research work on the COVID-19 vaccine (Smith, 2020).

Moving to Southeast Asia, Thailand proved that disease mitigation and action can be prioritized despite their tense political situation. The country has the best medical infrastructure and investment in the region, and this proved well in the current global pandemic as their fatality rates are well below 2 percent (Abuza, 2020). As with Taiwan, medical institutions in Thailand are already well-established in the field of epidemiology and tropical medicine. The country lists as one of the top-ranking countries in the Global Health Security Index (Searight, 2020). Thailand also ranks second after Australia in the Global COVID-19 Index, the list of countries that has the best recovery rates globally (Thai PBS World, 2020). Beyond having well-trained experts that could fight the global pandemic, the country boasts more than a million healthcare volunteers that are assigned in villages throughout Thailand to closely monitor the health situation in grassroots communities (Ratcliffe, 2020).

As such, we can see the significance of appointing epidemiology experts in the public health policymaking process and implementation to successfully mitigate the spread of COVID-19. These technocratic practices have provided great insight and lessons as to how other countries may stand their ground in this global pandemic.


Abuza, Z. (2020). Explaining Successful (and Unsuccessful) COVID-19 Responses in Southeast Asia. The Diplomat. Retrieved from

Cheng, C-T. (2020). Chen Chien-jen becomes Taiwan's first vice president to give up pension. Taiwan News. Retrieved from

Dreisbach, J.L. (2020). Vietnamese Public Health Practices in the Advent of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for Developing Countries. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 101053952092726. doi:10.1177/1010539520927266

Ratcliffe, R. (2020). Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam... How some countries kept Covid at bay. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Searight, A. (2020). Strengths and Vulnerabilities in Southeast Asia’s response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Center for Strategic and International Studies. Retrieved from

Smith, N. (2020). Taiwan's Vice-President Chen Chien-jen on his country's fight with Covid-19. The Telegraph. Retrieved from

Thai PBS World. (2020). Thailand is ranked 2nd in global COVID-19 recovery index. Retrieved from

The New York Times. (2020). Taiwan’s Weapon Against Coronavirus: An Epidemiologist as Vice President. Retrieved from

Impact of COVID-19 on Global Poverty and Hunger

As we all know, the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), has emerged in China as early as 2019. It took a few months for this epidemic to turn into a global pandemic which already infected millions of people. The unprecedented spread of this virus around globe has prompted many governments to take unprecedented actions such as nationwide curfews. Flights are grounded. International travel is almost forbidden. Tourism and restaurant business were down. Large scale events were all postponed and cancelled. We have not yet seen the full impact of the economic shock, but it is expected to be as deep as the one experienced after the sub-prime crises. 

The resulting economic recession due to the virus situation are having devastating effects on many households. The lockdowns have particularly affected the poor and the unhealthy. The question of whether this will be a temporary shock or a long-term trend is still unanswered. In this article I look at the impact on global poverty and hunger outlook from sustainable development perspective. Specifically, I discuss how the current situation is going to affect the UN sustainable development goals: SDG #1 (no poverty) and SDG #2 (zero hunger).

SDG 1: No Poverty

SDG1 aims to eradicate poverty in all forms by 2030. There is a special emphasis on eradicating poverty among vulnerable segments of the society. Unfortunately, the spread of the deadly Coronavirus has only increased the woes and sufferings of the poor and the vulnerable segments of the society. Millions of people lost their jobs. Those who work in daily jobs were affected the worst. The sudden loss of income and poverty was particularly evident in migrant communities such as laborers. Not only their families are at risk of extreme poverty, but also they found themselves in a desperate situation. Adding to this problem, many migrant workers are stuck abroad without any income as many flights are grounded.

However, the world has also realized the importance of social security during crises. The countries that have solid social security systems with unemployment benefits fared way better than those with do not have social protection. Perhaps, their success could set good examples for future labor policies. Also, the fiscal and monetary stimulus packages initiated by leading economies are likely to boost economies back in track. The impact of COVID-19 has brought the issue of poverty in the limelight and many individuals. Similarly, the world has also realized the need for unity in providing access to basic services, such as improved drinking water and sanitation.

SDG2: Zero Hunger

SDG 2 aims to eliminate all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, the governments need to promote sustainable agricultural practices; offer their citizens healthy and affordable food. The initial social response during the pandemic was to stock as much as possible. However, due to travel restrictions, transportation of agricultural produce was negatively affected. Many farmer markets were closed, forcing the farmers to dump their produce. Equally important, the food-processing factories were shut down due to Covid-19 cases among workers.

The pandemic has also forced people to cook and eat healthy food at home. The boosted demand for healthy food is likely going to have a long-term effect on consumer preferences. Thus, we might observe sustained demand for organic and healthy food. Hopefully, the demand for junk food might be reduced in long term. One thing for sure is that food security will be back in national security agendas and may take some funds from defense into agriculture. The investment in agriculture might also serve to reduce poverty among rural households.

[1] An extended version of this article covering the impact of Covid-19 on UN-SDGs are available as a working article here:




The Advent of the Fifth Industrial Revolution


In early civilization, the transition took place in Homo Sapiens' lifestyle from Nomadic to Neolithic, which means from ‘hunting and gathering’ to ‘agriculture and settlement’. They started embracing the domestication of plants and animals, which is considered as the first agricultural revolution. This change in lifestyle laid the foundation of religious, social, and political ideologies and structures. Depersonalized systems of knowledge such as writing, sharing, arts and architecture, division of labour, trade, etc. started to get established.

The first industrial revolution witnessed mechanization, which is mainly attributed to the invention of the steam engine, and lead to the shift in the focus from agriculture to manufacturing. It is believed that this phase of the industrial revolution started in the year 1784 when they used water and steam power to develop mechanized factories for production of chemicals, iron, coal, yarn, and clothes.

The second industrial revolution, which is also known as the Technological Revolution, is mainly credited to electrical energy and telephone. This phase started in the year 1870, by rapid industrialization and standardization to develop, railroad and telephone networks, water and gas supply, large-scale production of iron and steel, use of petroleum, internal combustion engines, automobiles, radio, and television. These developments lead to an unprecedented movement of people, ideas, and integration of economies.

The third industrial revolution started from the year 1969 and is associated with the emergence of electronics, automation, computers and information technology. This phase introduced semiconductors, personal and mainframe computers, and the internet as a digital revolution. This pervasive digital technology drastically disrupted industries by automating their production and supply chain globally.

The fourth and current industrial revolution, which started from the year 2010, centered around digitalization, robotics, and machine learning. It is not only transforming industry but also people’s life and work. In this phase, manufacturing technologies and processes are including cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, cloud computing, cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, smart sensors, 3D printing, augmented reality, advanced human-machine interface, etc.

The two interesting facts worth highlighting from these four industrial revolutions are, successive industrial revolutions have taken lesser time to happen, and its crusade is shown below



These industrial revolutions also brought the concept of industrial capitalism, factory system and more complex division of labour. In the early 19th century, industrialised Britain started relaxing its protectionist approach to capture the global market through free-trade. And then gradually, capitalism was carried across the world in the name of Globalization. Now, what we are experiencing is brazen capitalism at a global level, dominated by industrialized nations. There is no real respect shown by the states and statesmen for human values, peace, health, environment and natural resources over the creation of wealth.

Nature was alarming us in the form of global warming and extreme weather conditions due to environmental degradation, but we kept on ignoring it for quite some time. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic broke the boundaries of states and diminished the differences between the rich and the poor. It reminds the Sapiens that what really matters are 'human values' and 'Co-existence with Nature' over capitalism across the globe. Now after a decade of the fourth industrial revolution, author foresees the advent of fifth, which will start latest by the year 2022, and will certainly force us to take a pause on growing voracity of capitalism and start focusing on 17 Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations, which 195 countries have already agreed to achieve by 2030.   





‘Take this time to complete as many courses as you can’. ‘Uplift yourself’. ‘Upskill yourself’. ‘Don’t let your body get out of shape’. ‘Exercise!’ ‘Don’t think because you are working from home you can slack off’. ‘Meetings! Meetings! Meetings!’.

I’m sure that anyone who just read that first paragraph can relate at this point in time. The world as we knew it has come to a complete standstill. As humans, we always want to ensure that we are ‘being all we can be’. In a world-wide pandemic this has never been more prevalent. It seems as if our bosses, colleagues, friends, family and, indeed society, have collectively come together to place on us the expectation of exceptional productivity. We are being encouraged to work harder so as not to let the pandemic destroy our work ethic. We are being encouraged to train or exercise harder, or even to start to exercise, so as not to let the pandemic affect our physical health. Harder. Faster. Consistent.

Stop! Where are the questions about and motivation to take care of our mental health? Mental health is, after all, the one thing that enables our productivity and enables our ability to get out of bed to do exercise. Yet, it still appears to be a taboo topic. Why are we so afraid to say ‘I’m sad’? Why are we so afraid to say ‘this situation has really made me question my choices’? Why are we so afraid to say ‘no, I can’t take on anymore work as I’m overloaded already’? We are afraid because even in this day and age we are taught to prioritize everything over our mental health. Physical health, productivity, likeability, ego; all these things are what we as a society are taught to value. What we need to realize is that we also need to give priority to ‘the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy”, otherwise known as well-being. Specifically, we need to give priority to our mental well-being.

The point of this article is not to discount all the wonderful things that we can do and achieve during these times of social distancing, masks, gloves and working from home. The point is to point out how important it is to take time for yourself. The point is to ask you to give yourself permission to get out of bed later than usual for once, or twice. The point is to ask you to be good to yourself and not criticize yourself for needing time to regroup and think about where you are in life. The pandemic has brought out a reaction in all of us. Of course there are as many different reactions as there are people on the planet. This is ok. This is reality.

If you need time; take it. If you need help for your mental health; ask for it. If you need to just ‘be’ for the day; claim it. You as a whole are valued. Not just your brain capacity, not just your physical being, but YOU as a whole. Don’t let this pandemic or anyone make you forget that.

Social Value Investment


Investment is the key to economic development, which is a continuous process, for it is a respond to the ever-rising human wants. Investment, in the case of underdeveloped countries, of which the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was one just a few years ago, are called upon to break the shackle of the ‘vicious circle of poverty’ (VCP) and put them on the road to economic development and prosperity.

The rise of the economy through investment is, perhaps, better demonstrated in the United Arab Emirates, which has risen from a low level of economic development to a world-class economic development. The UAE is considered to be a high home for national and international investments, and private as well as public investments. For example, the recessionary ecosystem which appears to be ever haunting the business world owes to the depressed demand and investment conditions to stimulate which is an easy money/credit policy that is universally in vogue.

According to the IMF, the year 2019-2020 is likely to end in with 90 percent of the world in declined growth rates. The current great depression which began with Covid-19 in December 2019 hints the need for business firms to think of their investments in terms of social needs and values, without giving up their profit goals or objectives. There is already a thought heading to this direction— the Social Value Investment, a recent book making headlines in this field. The Social Value Investing by Howard W. Buffett, the grandson of Warren Buffett of the renowned Berkshire Hathaway, and William B. Eimicke, from Colombia University -- business icons and pride of the United States of America who continue to hold their heads high despite being buffeted by friends and foes alike. The book is a well-researched one. Utopian Entrepreneurs and business people, so to speak, live and work for profit, and then believe that there is nothing wrong or immoral with profits in business term because without profits, which are rewards or “wages” of entrepreneurship and enterprise, there won’t be any entrepreneurial or business activity and no production and delivery of goods and services.

There won’t be that "making of bread and making of wine" so to speak. These concepts are familiar since Adam Smith expounded the principles of business of prices and profits, moving the economic system in an atmosphere of letting the business alone or laissez-faire, which prioritizes the freedom of enterprise or production for profits rather than for social purposes. Smith was the father of the Industrial Revolution and Trade Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries when industrialists and traders were the ‘monarchs,’ but which cannot be the case today. So, social value investing cannot be held to be a Utopian concept that cannot take off.

Berkshire Hathaway is considered to be an example of social purpose or value investment, which is not making too much of Berkshire Hathaway. Warren Buffett is known for simple living, high wealth creation, and philanthropy in billions of dollars. In any case, the case for social value or purpose investments is quite strong in itself and seems an investment inevitability in our uncertain and disturbed world. Social Value Investment appears to be the first condition for realizing sustainable development goals (SDGs), after MDGs. Companies consider it their best.

Corporate Social Responsibility is a different game, which many corporations do not take seriously. Hence, the decision of French President Macron to tax non-tax paying stellar MNCs. Governments, too, are not above the blame game. The golden rule of investment is not just to think of the ‘self’', but also of ‘society', to which one owes a debt of Return and not of default or write-off. SDGs would be a distant dream than their fixed time horizon which is 2015-2030.

There are rays of hope spread across the horizon in the form of the millennial start-ups, especially in India where millions of young women and men with education and well-paying jobs at home and abroad are moving into the town and villages with solutions to the problems in their country in every field, especially in its poor-paying agriculture. They worked with a 24/7/365 work schedule of farmers. There are various ventures from organic farming to the production of environment-friendly agricultural goods. In the UAE, the move is towards a Green Economy. In the field of housing, the premier iconic house of Tata’s, has a Nano housing for the poor in India. They were also makers of the common man’s Nano Car. There seems a need for Nano-tractors through Social Value Investment, with which the passage of time is sure to develop momentum.

Compassionate Marketing – A Futuristic Strategic Marketing Tool to Win the Hearts and Minds of Consumers

Competition is ever-present in today's business, and all the companies spend billions to address the mounting competition of consumers. It is imperative to understand that each company focuses to identify, target, and reach the set of consumers which it believes would buy its product/service.

Education in the COVID-19 Crisis

The last few weeks have proven how mankind is adaptive to difficult and awkward situations. The current crisis of the Coronavirus known as COVID-19 has dictated the behavior of humans and restricted us to stay at home. Now the question is, “will we stay put?” The answer is “of course not,” but how will we be able to do our jobs and complete the tasks assigned to us. For us, particularly the educators, it was not hard to find alternatives, as one of the most obvious and easy substitutes for the conventional classroom is online live teaching. Education, both sides of the coin — whether teaching or learning, has no limits and does not believe in obstacles or boundaries. With the help of information technology and its fast-paced evolution, education can be easily facilitated anywhere across your home town, city, or even globally. The dramatic evolution in telecommunications and connectivity has powered and equipped the teachers and students with information technology skills that help in the process of education. It has made a wider range of courses available online and students can learn wherever they are. Today, for instance, I had a class where some of my students attended from their workplace. Online education is now part of our normal lives as we are surrounded by a wide range of technologies and live video streaming that makes online classes more engaging as the traditional classes, proving that conventional education is changing drastically. Technology goes hand in hand with education nowadays as new techniques and skills can be acquired by both teachers and students, ensuring the quality of education that students get which they can use to attain academic success. Now, teachers can conduct live online classes and also produce digital content of almost the same quality and content created during the conventional classes. With the state-of-the-art technology available today, the classroom has reached the optimum settings equal to or sometimes better than the traditional settings. With the Learning Management Systems, smart contents that include textbooks, figures, audio files, video files, and live video lectures, education has been made easy in both ways. Beyond that, technology made the traditional syllabuses to create customized learning materials for certain subjects as mentioned, and as a result, teaching and learning materials are being digitized with new interfaces that are made easy to help the students of all academic grades and ages. Of course, not to forget shedding light on the valuable role of Artificial Intelligence in the education process. The dynamic nature of Artificial Intelligence makes new opportunities for teachers-students interaction that was not available a few years ago. This is all because of the variety of top-notch technologies and dynamic contents as compared to the outdated materials and documents in fixed static environments of the past. Moreover, we must agree that Artificial Intelligence has a great potential to excel and expedite new synergistic teaching pedagogies that helps in the learning process.



In the 21st century, or more specifically, in the digital age, the enormity of challenges confronting oral literature is immense. This might be a corollary of the unprecedented and pervasive presence of the virtual communities nowadays that without a doubt weakened a key element in oral literature, which is the physical community. Thus, the digital revolution has significantly contributed to the spread and dissemination of new forms of cultures—such as low cultures, for example, video games, popular culture, etc.—that negated and marginalized oral literature and the art of storytelling and its artistic and aesthetic forms. Surely, every one of us or most of us have been exposed to different kind of folklores that have greatly contributed to the process of our socialization. However, what we should bear in mind is that those stories were meant to be transmitted and preserved as strong historical artifacts for their significance in enduring and employing moral and cultural values. Generally, kids tend to admire stories.


This comes from the fact that stories can create a very good image in the minds of youngsters. Hence, storytelling in this regard can be seen as an important tool to teach kids and tell them about their values and ethics. Undoubtedly, quarantine can be seen as a golden opportunity to rethink the concept of physical community and more importantly to teach and tell our kids about the value and centrality of oral literature vis-à-vis their cultures and places of origin. Oral literature as a literary genre that is composed and transmitted orally from generation to another is a considerable means for sharing the indigenous oral cultures which may vanish in front of the beast of urbanization and globalization.


The question that may raise itself here is why should we think about the art of storytelling only during quarantine? Key elements in the creation of an arable soil for storytelling are space, time, and the storyteller. Seemingly, the quarantine has created an atmosphere or a situation where individuals particularly parents have to spend most of their time at home due to the circumstances. Thus, even though quarantine is temporary, one cannot gloss over the fact that it forces all of us to think painstakingly about the value of physical communities as much as we could. Finally, let's seize the opportunity during this current quarantine and inculcate the culture of storytelling in the minds of our youngsters and contribute to rescuing this wonderful art from vanishing. Stay home, educate and entertain your kids using the art of storytelling.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial Intelligence embraces different technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, sentinel analysis, among others, and becomes an integral part of our lives.